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Những câu hỏi liên quan
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1 tháng 6 2018 lúc 13:03

Correct form of the verbs

10. When we( drive) were driving down the hill, a strange object( appear) appeared in the sky.

11. What ( you/do) were you doing this time yesterday? I was asleep.

12. When are came, he ( read) was reading books.

13. I ( see) saw sue in town yesterday but she ( not see) didn't see me. She ( look) was looking the other way.

14. I ( meet) met tom and ann at the airport a few week ago. They ( go) went to berlin and i ( go) went to madrid. We ( have) had a chat while we( wait) were waiting for our flight.

15. I ( cycle) was cycling home yesterday when suddenly a man ( step) stepped out into the road in front of me. I ( go) was going quite fast but lucky i ( manage) managed to stop in time and ( not/his) (sai đề ???) him.

16. Jane ( wait) was waiting for me when i ( arrive) arrived

17. ( you/ go) Did you go out last night? No, i was too tired.

18. John ( take) took a photograph of me while i ( not/ look) was not looking

19. I haven't seen alan for ages. When i last ( see) saw him, he( try) was trying to find a job in lon don

20. I ( walk) was walking along the street when suddenly i ( hear) heard footsteps behind me. Somebody( follow) was following me. I was frighted and i ( start) started to run

1 tháng 6 2018 lúc 13:02

Correct form of the verbs

10. When we( drive) was driving down the hill, a strange object( appear) appeared in the sky.

11. What ( you/do) were you doing this time yesterday? I was asleep.

12. When are came, he ( read) was reading books.

13. I ( see) saw sue in town yesterday but she ( not see) didn't see me. She ( look) was looking the other way.

14. I ( meet) met tom and ann at the airport a few week ago. They ( go) went to berlin and i ( go) went to madrid. We ( have) had a chat while we( wait) were waiting for our flight.

15. I ( cycle) was cycling home yesterday when suddenly a man ( step) stepped out into the road in front of me. I ( go) was going quite fast but lucky i ( manage) managed to stop in time and ( not/his) (sai đề ???) him.

16. Jane ( wait) was waiting for me when i ( arrive) arrived

17. ( you/ go) Did you go out last night? No, i was too tired.

18. John ( take) took a photograph of me while i ( not/ look) was not looking

19. I haven't seen alan for ages. When i last ( see) saw him, he( try) was trying to find a job in lon don

20. I ( walk) was walking along the street when suddenly i ( hear) heard footsteps behind me. Somebody( follow) was following me. I was frighted and i ( start) started to run

Ngô Quỳnh
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Hoàng Hạnh Nguyễn
31 tháng 7 2019 lúc 14:41

1 / is (snow) was snowing when I (leave) left home this morning
2 / A Lot of people (wait) were waiting for the 7:30 bus last night
3 / He ( talk) was talking on the phone when i (arrive) arrived.
4 / I nearly had and accident this morning. A car (come) came towards me , bus I (move) moved quickly our of the way
5 / it was a sunny afternoon and people (sit) were sitting on the grass in the park. then it suddenly ( start ) started to rain
6 / which hotel ( you/stay ) did you stay in when you ( lose) lost your passpost?
7 / Fortunately , i (not drive ) wasn't driving too fast when the child ( walk ) walked into the road in front of me
8 / what ( you/do ) were you doing at 3 o`clock yesterday afternoon ?

katou kid
31 tháng 7 2019 lúc 14:44

1 / is (snow) was snowing when I (liave) left home this morning

2 / A Lot of people (wsit) were waiting for the 7:30 bus last nighr
3 / He ( talk) was talking on the phone when i (arrive)arrived
4 / I nearly had and accident this morning. A car (come) was coming towards me , bus I (move) moved quickly our of the way
5 / it was a sunny afternoon and people (sit) was sitting on the grass in the park. then it suddenly ( start ) started to rain
6 / which hotel ( you/stay ) were you staying in when you ( lose) lost your passpost?
7 / Fortunately , i (not drive ) wasn't driving too fast when the child ( walk ) walked into the road in front of me
8 / what ( you/do ) were you doing at 3 o`clock yesterday afternoon ?

anh lan
Xem chi tiết
Nguyễn Minh Huyền
16 tháng 9 2018 lúc 20:40

21 was cleaning, went, killed

22 didn't allow, was blowing

23 was crossing/crossed, stepped, fell

24 was still lying, saw

25 saw, stopped

26 did you damage, ran, were driving, were going

27 was getting/got, started, fell

28 called, was already getting up

29 was mending/mended, got

30 heard,went, opened, didn't recognize, wasn't wearing

31 were sitting, was doing, was knitting, were reading, smiled, said

32 were dancing, broke, stole

33 knew, were looking, hid, went

34 was always buying

35 told, was spending/spent, listened

36 began, banged

Ngố ngây ngô
16 tháng 9 2018 lúc 20:39

21 He (clean)was cleaning his gun when it accidentally (go) went off and (kill)killed him.

22 He (not allow)didn't allow us to go out in the boat yesterday as a strong wind (blow)was blowing.

23 As I (cross)was crossing the road I (step)stepped on a banana skin and (fall)fell heavily.

24 I still (lie)was lying on the road when I (see)saw a lorry approaching.

25 Luckily the driver (see)saw me and (stop)stopped the lorry in time.

26 How did you (damage)damaged your car so badly? ~

-I (run)ran into a lamp-postyesterday. ~

-I suppose you (drive)drove too quickly or were not looking where you (go)were going.

27 As he (get)was getting into the bus it (start)started suddenly and he (fall)fell backwards on to the road.

29 When he (mend)was mending the fuse he (get)got a very bad shock.

30 When I (hear)heard his knock I (go)went to the door and (open)opened it, but I (not recognize)didn't recognize him at first because I (not wear)wasn't wearing my glasses.

31 When I (come)came in, they (sit)was sitting round the fire. Mr Pitt (do) did a crossword puzzle, Mrs Pitt (knit)knitted, the others (read)read. Mrs Pitt (smile)smiled at me and (say)said, 'Come and sit down.'

32 While the guests (dance)werre dancing thieves (break) broke into the house and (steal)stole a lot of fur coats.

Kim Tae Huyng
Xem chi tiết
Duy Bùi Ngọc Hà
7 tháng 7 2017 lúc 10:14

1. There are some mistakes in the fllowing sentences. Find and correct them.

1. Bill phoned me yesterday. He want to ask me something. (want => wanted)

2. She buy a pair of Vietnam is greater than those of Thailand. (buy => buys)

3. I went to six or seven countries in the world. (went => have been)

5. A lot of people waited for the 8.00 last night. (for => until)

6. Fortunately, I did not drive too fast when the child walked into the road in front of me yesterday afternoon. (did not drive => wasn't driving)

7. I was nearly having an accident this morning. A car was coming towards me, but I moved quickly out of the way. (was nearly having => nearly had)

8. Last month a bank robber escaped while the police took him to prison. (took => was taking)

9. Many people used to making their own bread. (making => make)

10. Teddy ate a lot of apples. Later he was having stomachache. (was having => had)

Hoàng Mai
30 tháng 9 2022 lúc 13:30

Xe chốt và pháo Là những thứ mà em tao xăm mình Xe tốt quần áo Là những thứ mà tao bao năm rình Phường khóm công an Là nơi tao đang đăng hình Hẻm 48 Ngay từ xưa đã không còn yên bình Sáng ngày hôm qua Cũng như là sáng của ngày hôm nay Việt tao làm mọi ngày thì con  đã thấy Back to my hood Tao làm việc của tao Khi tất cả trở thành vấn đề Tao để đào làm việc của tao Tao không gây hấn Nhưng hễ ai đụng là đập Và hàng nguội nằm trong túi Làm cho quần thụng và thấp Anh em khi gặp tao Cầm bia cụng bay nắp Còn tụi mày khi gặp tao Vào lò 2 tao chấp Con đốt điếu cần Để cúng cho di lặc Cám ơn người đã ban Quần áo con đang mặc Chén cơm con đang ăn Cái j con đang cất Cuộc sống của con hôm nay Con cám ơn người đã để mắt tới con Cuộc sống này Có bao nhiêu điều đẹp Nhìn đâu đâu cũng đẹp Từ cây bông cho đến đôi dép Cây đẹp nhà đẹp Ngoài đường các em gái Đang chạy xe trên cầu Hùng vương E thẹn nhìn con Con đang được bay Bay như người say Quên đi hết cuộc đời này Nếu như con chết đêm nay Con phải hút cạn điếu này Nghe một bài nhạc thật hay Tận hưởng tới giọt cuối cùng Mặc kệ rượu cay Một điếu cho anh em Người cùng con giàu sinh ra tử Một điếu cho cha mẹ Tội bất hiếu này có tha thứ Một điếu dành cho trời Một điếu dành cho đất Một điếu dành cho những người lạy trước bàn thờ khi con mất Tụi mày chỉ biết hút Không chịu đi khám phá Đứng dậy và cầm sách bút Mày đi với tao và đánh giá Tao đưa mày về châu thổ Xem thuyền và đánh cá Còn mấy thằng nhóc mà không thích Vui lòng mà tránh ra Mời mày bước tới đất miền tây Tao cho mày nghe tiếng đàn cò Muôn màu của sông nước Mày sẽ thấy cái đàn cò Mày đi thì đừng có lo Những thứ ở đây đều đáng có Đói cũng ko có chết Tài nguyên thiên nhiên đã ban cho Tụi tao bát ngát Đầm sen ở Tháp Mười Miệt vườn có Cái Bè Hoa

2 tháng 10 2022 lúc 21:49

Xe chốt và pháo là những thứ mà em tao xăm mình Xe tốt quần áo là những mà tao bao năm rình Phường khóm công an là nơi tao đang đăng hình Hẻm 48, ngay từ xưa đã không là yên bình Sáng ngày hôm qua cũng giống như sáng của ngày hôm nay Việc tao làm cũng như mọi ngày Thằng Karik đã thấy Back to my hood Tao làm việc của tao Khi tất cả trở thành vấn đề tao để dao làm việc của tao Tao không gây hấn nhưng hễ ai đụng là đập Và hàng nguội nằm trong túi làm cho quần thụng và thấp Anh em khi gặp tao cầm bia cụng bay nắp Còn tụi mày khi gặp tao vào 48 tao chấp Con đốt điếu cần, để cúng cho di lặc Cám ơn người đã ban quần áo con đang mặc Chén cơm con đang ăn, cọng cần con đang cắt Cuộc sống của con hôm nay, con cám ơn người đã để mắt tới con Tới cuộc sống này có bao nhiêu điều đẹp Nhìn đâu đâu cũng đẹp từ cây bông cho đến đôi dép Cây đẹp, nhà đẹp, ngoài đường các em gái đang chạy xe trên đường nguyễn trải Em thẹn nhìn con Con đang được bay, bay như người say Quên đi hết cuộc đời này, nếu con chết đêm nay Cũng phải hút cạn điếu này, nghe một bài nhạc thật hay Tận hưởng đến giọt cuối cùng mặc kệ rượu cay Một điếu, cho anh em, người cùng con vào sinh ra tử Một điếu, cho cha mẹ, tội bất hiếu này khó tha thứ Một điếu, dành cho trời, một điếu, dành cho đất Một điếu, dành cho những người lạy trước bàn thờ khi con mất. tụi mày chỉ biết hút......không chịu đi.... khám phá.... đứng dậy cầm sách bút... mày đi.... với tao mà... đánh giá// tao đưa mày về châu thổ,,,, xem thuyền và đánh cá... còn mấy thằng nhóc mà không có thích... vui lòng mày. tránh ra mời...bước tới đất miền tây... tao cho mày nghe tiếng đàn cò muôn màu của sông nước....và mày sẽ thấy các đàn cò/// mày đi thì đừng có lo.... những... thứ ở đây là đáng có... đói cũng đéo có chết tài... nguyên.... thiên nhiên đã ban cho.. tụi tao... bát ngát đồng sen ở tháp mười//// miệt vườn có cái bè.... hoa quả soài cát bưỡi... còn đa dang hải sản..lúc nào cũng phải tươi tao nói mày nghe...Rừng tràm Trà Sư... oxy là phải hửi còn chén cơm tụi mày đang ăn,, là nhờ cánh đồng của ngoại tao... dân miền tây chất phát... hòa đồng... thích.... ngoại giao mày qua long xuyên chợ nỗi.... Alo cho bạn tao... nó sẽ đưa mày đi.... thật xa... và hỏi muốn chơi cái loại nào... về sóc trăng quê tao mà chơi đi.... tụi tao chèo tụi tao lái... khoái tụi tao hái.. tụi tao quấn....cho tụi mày hight thấy thì đừng có hú.... lên... là sao đường còn dài... okey... tao cho mày cữi con dơi... sải cánh.... 1m2... uống đi .... tía tao nói mày uống đi....mày cầm ly rượu mày uống đi... chơi sả sáng tới sáng zề sớm... cho ngta kết mày uống đi rựu xuân thạnh mày uống đi...từ bên trà vinh đó uống đi.... anh em ta sỉn... anh em ta tới nái luôn... mày uống đi.... xiết xiết đi quơi VÀ Tao từng sống ở Sài Gòn như ở đợ Da tụi tao đen bóng nơi tao sinh là ở chợ MÀ THÔI, MÀ THÔI ĐI VỀ QUÊ TAO NẾU MÀY MUỐN THẤY ĐIỀU ĐÁNG SỢ VÀ TAO CÓ THẰNG BẠN ĐANG ĐỈNH.. Ở ĐẤT CHÂU ĐỐC LÀ GANGTER NÓ CỨ….NHẮC VỚI TAO BIÊN GIỚI.. CÓ CÁI KHU… LÀ CASINO THẰNG ANH ĐANG CANH BÊN DƯỚI……….NGƯỜI ĐI VÀO ĐI RA ĐI VÔ NHƯNG TAO NẮM HẾT TỶ SỐ… THÍCH NHÂM NHI TRÀ ATISO….. KHI ĐÊM XUỐNG PHỐ LÊN ĐÈN..… NÓ NÓI LÀ… ĐẸP NHƯ TOKYO NGHE RADIO PHÁT SÓNG ĐẦU LÀNG… ĐANG TUYÊN DƯƠNG ….. ANH TƯ ĐÍA…. THU CHI CỦA THẰNG ĐẦU ĐÀN…. KHI NÓ…. CÓ TIỀN… ANH TƯ XĨA NHƯNG MÀ TỤI TAO TUYÊN BỐ .. LÀ DÂN MIỀN TÂY .. CHƠI ĐÚNG NGHĨA…… ĐẦU CÓ KỀ KHẨU SÚNG CHỈA…. MÀY…. KÊU TAO KHAI THÌ CÒN KHUYA… TỤI MÀY CÒN NHỚ CÂU CHUYỆN GIẾT NGƯỜI…. MÀ KO CẦN ĐỤNG SÚNG HAY DAO…. NHANG.. ĐÈN… TIẾNG LÓNG… KÈM THEO BÙA CHÚ… LÀ THẦY TAO ỔNG GIAO TAO ĐI THÔNG NÃO , MẤY THẰNG KHÔNG BIẾT SỐNG SAO ĐỨNG DẬY ĐI VÀ NÊN ĐỘNG NÃO ĐỂ NGÀY NÀO ĐÓ ĐƯỢC GIỐNG TAO

khuất thanh xuân
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Nguyễn Công Tỉnh
1 tháng 3 2018 lúc 18:39

Put the verbs into the correct form, past progressive or past simple.

1. When Martin ........arrived......... (arrive) home, Ann ....was talking....... (talk) to someone on the phone.

2. It ............was........... (be) cold when we .........were leaving...... (leave) the house that day, and a light snow .....was falling....... (fall)

3. I .......called...... (call) Roger at nine last night, but he ....wasn't......... (not be) at home. He ........was studying................ (study) at the library.

4. I .........was seeing..... (see) Sue in town yesterday but he ........wasn't seeing........ (not see) me. She ...was looking..... (look) the other way.

5. When I .......opened..... (open) the cupboard door, a pi le of books .....were falling........ (fall) out.

6. A: How .......did you break......... (you break) your arm?

B: I .......was slipping.. (slip) on the ice while I ...was crossing.... (cross) the street in front of the dorm.

7. A: What .......were you doing...... (you do) this time yesterday?

B: We ......drove...... (drive) to London, but on the way we ....heard..... (hear) about a bomb scare in Oxford Street. So we .....were driving..... (drive) back home straightaway.

8. I ........met... (meet) Tom and Ann at the airport a few weeks ago. They .........went........ (go) to Berlin and I ....went.. (go) to Madrid.We .......were having...... (have) a chat while we .....were waiting...(wait)for our flights

Xuân Dinh
1 tháng 3 2018 lúc 19:34

Put the verbs into the correct form, past progressive or past simple.

1. When Martin .......arrived...... (arrive) home, Ann .........was talking.............. (talk) to someone on the phone.

2. It ......was... (be) cold when we ....were leaving ...... (leave) the house that day, and a light snow ........was falling ........ (fall)

3. I .......called.. (call) Roger at nine last night, but he ..........wasn't ............ (not be) at home. He ............was studying ............. (study) at the library.

4. I ......saw...... (see) Sue in town yesterday but he ....didn't see...... (not see) me. She .....was looking...... (look) the other way.

5. When I .........opened.... (open) the cupboard door, a pi le of books .......were falling .... (fall) out.

6. A: How ........did you break ...... (you break) your arm?

B: I ......was slipping .... (slip) on the ice while I .........was crossing ............... (cross) the street in front of the dorm.

7. A: What ........were you doing ............. (you do) this time yesterday?

B: We .....were driving .... (drive) to London, but on the way we ........heard ..... (hear) about a bomb scare in Oxford Street. So we .......drove .... (drive) back home straightaway.

8. I .........met......... (meet) Tom and Ann at the airport a few weeks ago. They .........were going ...... (go) to Berlin and I .....was going ... (go) to Madrid. We ......had..... (have) a chat while we ..were waiting ....... (wait) for our flights

Nguyễn Kim Ngân
Xem chi tiết
Nguyễn Công Tỉnh
24 tháng 9 2018 lúc 18:32

I enjoy walking. It’s good exercise and it takes me (51) __out__ of the town and into the country. I think that’s (52) _why___ I have a dog. She needs to go out and so I have a (53)____chance/opportunity__ to go for a walk. I go every Sunday and it doesn’t (54) _change__ to me if it’s so cold, windy and raining or a beautiful sunny day. I just love to get away from people and be (55) __out__ for a few hours. I always go home at the same time every Sunday (56) ____to___ walk over the hills to a little village in the country. The walk isn’t very (57) __long__, only about an hour, but it’s quite hard work because I have to walk up the hill and (58)__reach__ the other side. When I get to the village, I go to the pub for a beer and (59) __some__ food. After lunch, I walk back long a different path and arrive home (60)__on___ time for tea.

Nguyễn Minh Huyền
24 tháng 9 2018 lúc 18:33

I enjoy walking. It’s good exercise and it takes me (51) __out__ of the town and into the country. I think that’s (52) _why___ I have a dog. She needs to go out and so I have a (53)____chance/opportunity__ to go for a walk. I go every Sunday and it doesn’t (54) _change__ to me if it’s so cold, windy and raining or a beautiful sunny day. I just love to get away from people and be (55) __out__ for a few hours. I always go home at the same time every Sunday (56) ____to___ walk over the hills to a little village in the country. The walk isn’t very (57) __long__, only about an hour, but it’s quite hard work because I have to walk up the hill and (58)__reach__ the other side. When I get to the village, I go to the pub for a beer and (59) __some__ food. After lunch, I walk back long a different path and arrive home (60)__on___ time for tea.

Thế Vinh Nguyễn
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Vũ Như Quỳnh
6 tháng 6 2019 lúc 17:44

Complete the passage

I enjoy walking. It is a good exercise and it takes me ....out.... (1) of the town and into the country . I think that is ..why..(2) I have a dog . She needs to go out and so I have a ..chance...(3) to go for a walk . I go every Sunday and it doesn't ..change...(4) if it so cold , windy and rainy or a beautiful sunny day . I just love to get away from people and be (5) .out.... For a few hours. I always go home at the same time every Sunday...to.(6) walk over the hills to a little village in the country . The walk isn't very ...long...(7) , only about an hour , but it is quite hard work because I have to walk up the hill and (8) .reach... The other side . When I get to the village , I go to the pub for a beer and ..(9 ) .some... Food. After lunch, I walk back long a different path and arrive home. ..in...(10) time for tea


6 tháng 6 2019 lúc 17:41

Complete the passage

I enjoy walking. It is a good exercise and it takes me .OUT...... (1) of the town and into the country . I think that is .WHY...(2) I have a dog . She needs to go out and so I have a ..CHANCE...(3) to go for a walk . I go every Sunday and it doesn't ..CHANGE...(4) if it so cold , windy and rainy or a beautiful sunny day . I just love to get away from people and be (5) ...OUT... For a few hours. I always go home at the same time every Sunday..TO..(6) walk over the hills to a little village in the country . The walk isn't very ..LONG....(7) , only about an hour , but it is quite hard work because I have to walk up the hill and (8) ..REACH.. The other side . When I get to the village , I go to the pub for a beer and ....(9 ) SOME.... Food. After lunch, I walk back long a different path and arrive home. ...ON..(10) time for tea

Nguyệt Dạ
6 tháng 6 2019 lúc 17:43

#Gg không tính phí:Diễn đàn học tiếng Anh miễn phí

#Còn đây là bài làm nếu bạn đã quá lười để tìm UwU

I enjoy walking. It’s good exercise and it takes me (51) __out__ of the town and into the country. I think that’s (52) _why___ I have a dog. She needs to go out and so I have a (53)____chance/opportunity__ to go for a walk. I go every Sunday and it doesn’t (54) _change__ to me if it’s so cold, windy and raining or a beautiful sunny day. I just love to get away from people and be (55) __out__ for a few hours. I always go home at the same time every Sunday (56) ____to___ walk over the hills to a little village in the country. The walk isn’t very (57) __long__, only about an hour, but it’s quite hard work because I have to walk up the hill and (58)__reach__ the other side. When I get to the village, I go to the pub for a beer and (59) __some__ food. After lunch, I walk back long a different path and arrive home (60)__on___ time for tea.

Nguyễn Phương Anh
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Ngố ngây ngô
21 tháng 10 2018 lúc 8:03

4.the verbs into correct forms: past simple – past continuous 12. Jane ( wait ) _______was waiting_______ for me when I ( arrive ) _____arrived_________

13. What ( you /do ) ___were you doing__________ this time yesterday? I was asleep.

14. ____did you go__________ ( you / go ) out last night? “ No, I was too tired.”

15. “ Was Carol at the party last night? “ “ Yes, she ( wear ) __wore__a really nice dress.

16. How fast ( you / drive ) _were you driving___ when the accident ( happen ) _____happned_________

17. John ( take ) _took__ a photograph of me while I ( not / look ) ______wasn't looking________

18. We were in very difficult position. We ( not / know ) ___didn't know___what to do.

19. I haven’t seen Allen for ages. When I last ( see) __saw_him, he ( try ) ______was trying________ a job in London.

20. I ( walk) __was walking___ along the street when suddenly I ( hear ) _heard___ footsteps behind me. Somebody ( follow) _followed__me. I was frightened and I ( started ) _started_ to run.

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11 tháng 8 2019 lúc 22:10

Finding mistakes:Mark the mistakes and correct them.

1.Bill phoned me yesterday.He wants -> wanted to ask me to lend hime some money

2.The population of Vietnam is greater than those -> that of Thailand.

3.She buy -> bought a pair of trousers and a shirt two days ago

4.I went -> have gone to six or seven countries in the world in my life.

5.A lot of people waited -> were waiting for the last bus when I arrived last night.

6. Fortunately, i did not drive too fast when the child walked -> was walking into the road

7. I was nearly having -> nearly had an accident this morning. A car was coming towards me, but i moved quickly out of the way.

8.Last month a bank robber escaped while the police took -> was taking him to prison.

9. Many people used to making -> make their own bread.Now they go to the baker's.

10.Teddy ate a lot of chocolater.Later,he was getting -> got overweight.

11.I was -> bỏ really enjoyed the football match last night.

12.Mr.Rice didn't worked -> work on the farm yesterday.