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Dang Khoa ~xh
9 tháng 3 2021 lúc 11:39

I agree that life skills should be taught to young people at school along with traditional subjects like math and science.

First of all, we need to know what life skills are? Life skills are actions derived from things that people have been learned to respond effectively to situations or interact appropriately with those around them. So it is a very essential thing for life. For example, if we are injured, the life skill is to help us know how to bandage the wound or when there is a fire or an earthquake, it helps us to know how to escape. If we don't learn life skills, then we will have rude behavior in public places, from not knowing how to give room to the elderly to jostling each other when shopping, etc. Survival skills are the attitudes that manifest every day in life, it will be very difficult if we do not apply it on a regular basis to become good habits. But on the contrary, if we care and express ourselves in every situation, from greetings, dear ... to learning how to organize learning, playing and doing a good thing every day then everything will become simple, natural.

First of all, you should appreciate yourself, know how to equip yourself with skills to protect yourself. Then know how to respect the rules of society and take care of others. Just every day you do a good thing and do a good deed, even though simple and small, you will gradually equip yourself with skills in a safe and happy life!

9 tháng 3 2021 lúc 19:12

We all know that life skills are very important, and my parents usually say that they are even more important than traditional subjects, such as maths, science, ... And in real life, there are many opinions about what things are more necessary. Therefore, I highly agree with this statement. And here are some reasons.

Firstly, life skills are really vital for all children, even after they graduate. Here are some of my definitions of life skills. From my point of view, any skill that is useful for one's life, such as tidying the room, cleaning the house, using a computer, etc..., can be a life skill. So, life skills are very important for each person's life. And if children study about life skills, after graduating school, they can be self-confident and they will successfully deal with every changes and challenges.

Secondly, with life skills, children can determine their life. As I have noted, small but necessary skills can be life skills, so if children don't know any skills or they can only do simple things, their living capital can be limited, so they must always have someone to help them. I think this is not really reasonable, because it means that children always depend on someone, and their lives will be very mechanical - they can't do what they want themselves.

In short, although traditional subjects provide children a large amount of knowledge, life skills must be taught together with those subjects. So, totally agree with the statement!

Lê Huy Tường
9 tháng 3 2021 lúc 12:00

i agree with you.life skills should be taught to young people at school along with traditional subjects like math and science.

first,what is life skills?it's the action of goodness and courtesy you do toward someone.it's very importnat for our life.let me give you some example,If we are in trouble, if you don't know any life skills, how can you present to someone properly and politely ??.then,what do you think when we don't learn life skills?of course,we we will do bad things, even illegal actions.i think,last,learn life skills can give me Knowledge and It brings us a lot of joy in life if we apply those lessons appropriately.

(ko bt có lạc đề ko chứ dề khó quá)


Ngô Thành Chung
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Lê Thị Hồng Vân
27 tháng 1 2019 lúc 15:18

A visible change of any living organism is getting older. Child, youth, adult and elder are some of the stages in our life. Child and elderly stages are dependent stages compared to other two stages. For both of these situations, a human being needs other’s support.

While we were children, our parents were there for our supportive role. When the parents became older, definitely their children need to be the supportive role for their parents. This is the role we carry among human beings vice versa. If the parents live with their children only parents will feel safer, attached to family and sharing of love. Unfortunately, many of them attending to works, they do not have time to look after their children neither their parents. In this case, elders could be sending to some a common place where other elders are staying. But payment cannot be made by the government.

Since it is the responsibility of their family, definitely family needs to pay for caring of their parents. They may not have enough time to take care of their parents. Since the government has employed special people for that, at least those elders’ parents need to be paid by their family.

For an example, many of the parents were private sector employees and they did not have a monthly pension scheme. But they have only Employee provident fund and employee trust funds. It has been used by the children of the parents in plantation sector of Sri Lanka. Finally, children will neither look after their parents nor elderly parents do not have own money in hand. That is, all advantages utilised from elders. When they become a stage of the dependent, families are trying to escape from their responsibilities. This is a kind of selfish. Paid by the government should be stopped and families should be paid for them.

Especially the children are responsible for looking after the parents; they should definitely pay for the parents and not the government.

( Written by - Niro)

Đặng Thị Hông Nhung
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no name
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15 tháng 7 2017 lúc 8:24

It is certainly true that people in rural areas move to cities in order to achieve high standards of living, but indeed life in cities is more challenging and difficult when compared to villages. There are several reasons for this kind of problem and various measures could be taken by government to improve the situation.

Life in the cities has its drawbacks, for instance, the cost of living in cities is higher than in rural areas, especially housing is much more expensive. As a result, homelessness is becoming more common in cities. There are also more serious problem like traffic congestion and some people do not manage work that can lead to people to commit crime. Moreover, there is a lack of sense of community in big cities, people do not even know their neighbors. Life in cities can be stressful and individuals do not have much time for themselves and their families, as a result the gap between family members is on the increase.

To overcome the increasing troublesome life in cities, the government should start some active measures. Firstly, one key to cities work better is good planning. Planners need to transform cities to make them beneficial for all citizens. Cities need green transport and green spaces; they need to be energy efficient and pedestrian friendly, with housing and jobs to attract people to come to live there. Secondly, the authority should make stricter laws to reduce traffic such as allowing ownership of only car per family and increasing the price of the car and petrol. And people would be encouraged to use public transport rather than driving. Finally, the initiatives could solve the housing problem by building high-rise apartment or by expanding cities.

In conclusion, it seems to me that there are various reasons for the problem in cities life that we are facing now and steps need to taken to tackle this problem.

Nguyễn Phương Linh
17 tháng 8 2017 lúc 20:58

Cities are often seen as places of opportunity, but there are also some major drawbacks of living in a large metropolis. In my opinion, governments could do much more to improve city life for the average inhabitant.

The main problem for anyone who hopes to migrate to a large city is that the cost of living is likely to be much higher than it is in a small town or village. Inhabitants of cities have to pay higher prices for housing, transport, and even food. Another issue is that urban areas tend to suffer from social problems such as high crime and poverty rates in comparison with rural areas. Furthermore, the air quality in cities is often poor, due to pollution from traffic, and the streets and public transport systems are usually overcrowded. As a result, city life can be unhealthy and stressful.

However, there are various steps that governments could take to tackle these problems. Firstly, they could invest money in the building of affordable or social housing to reduce the cost of living. Secondly, politicians have the power to ban vehicles from city centres and promote the use of cleaner public transport, which would help to reduce both air pollution and traffic congestion. In London, for example, the introduction of a congestion charge for drivers has helped to curb the traffic problem. A third option would be to develop provincial towns and rural areas, by moving industry and jobs to those regions, in order to reduce the pressure on major cities.

In conclusion, governments could certainly implement a range of measures to enhance the quality of life for all city residents.

nguyen mai phuong
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Phạm Thị Thùy Trang
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Kiều Nhi
10 tháng 3 2017 lúc 20:13

In this modern world, the rapid increase in the number of population and vehicles is a serious challenge for the governments across the world. To accommodate the maximum number of people and vehicles in a city they have to enhance the size of it. In this essay writer would like to discuss why careful planning is crucial when building a city.

To embark upon, first and foremost problem behind a broader city is that it causes deforestation. To make it clear, as they need more timber to build beautiful buildings and to make bigger cities they need more space so they grab the space of wild animals, so scientific planning is necessary. More importantly, this devastation of trees can cause air pollution so they should not imbalance natural habitat to build a huge city. Apart from this, they should have a proper waste management system most of the cities are facing this catastrophic problem such as recycling units and disposal units in the city.

Furthermore, the government needs to plan well when building a city. As we know there are many sophisticated cities that struggle with the inefficient drainage system, such as Bombay, Tokyo and the like. Moreover, narrow roads can cause traffic congestion and it is impossible for them to reconstruct a city after building it. In addition to this, modern cities should be well connected with other major cities through seaways as well as road and airways. The cities have many visitors not only as visitors but also for trading and for dwelling so modern cities should be big enough to accommodate more people. Moreover, these should have ultra modern facilities such as schools, colleges and hospitals.

To conclude, in this era most of the countries development are mainly concentrated in their cities so it is quite necessary to have a developed city but, these developments should be scientific.

Nguyễn Phương Linh
1 tháng 9 2017 lúc 19:06

Over the last years, many cities have grown in an unsystematic way. As a result, infrastructure of these cities are facing some problems. The best way to tackle this issue is to make careful plans for developing of these cities. In this essay I will look at the reasons why careful planning is so important and how they can positively impact on life in cities.

Firstly, it is common to see in many countries, especially in developed countries, a row of vehicles on the road that get stuck in traffic jam. The main reason for this is that infrastructure of roads in these countries are very dated and are not able to afford so much cars or other means of transport. If government improve the infrastructure of transport systems with a careful plan, there is no doubt that most of traffic problems will be reduced.

Secondly, we can observe a dramatic increase in the number of factories in many big cities which negatively affect to many aspects of the life there. What I meant by this is that factories in many cities were built in separate places and as a result factory pollution is spread all over the city. Although factories built in different places of the city can allow people to commute to work that are in short distance to their home, I think it is more advisable to relocate them to one place so as to accumulate all pollution in this place. Of course, it does not mean that any measures must not be taken to completely reduce pollution in this place in order to provide safer work conditions for workers.

To sum up, careful planning plays an important role in the development of cities. While it can reduce significantly traffic congestion, it can also improve air quality there.

Phát Trương
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Người Già
10 tháng 11 2023 lúc 23:32

In my opinion, the concern that teenagers spend too much time on social media is valid. While social media can be a useful tool for communication and staying connected with friends, it can also be addictive and take up too much time that could be spent on other activities.

One solution to this problem is for parents to set limits on their children's screen time and encourage them to engage in other activities such as sports, hobbies, and spending time with family and friends. Additionally, schools could educate students about responsible social media use and the negative effects of spending too much time on it.

Another solution is for social media companies to implement features that encourage users to take breaks and limit their time on the platform. For example, Instagram recently introduced a feature that shows users how much time they spend on the app each day and allows them to set a time limit.

Overall, while social media can be a valuable tool for communication and connection, it is important for teenagers to balance their time spent on it with other activities and for parents and schools to play an active role in encouraging responsible use.

Tạm dịch:

Theo tôi, lo ngại rằng thanh thiếu niên dành quá nhiều thời gian cho mạng xã hội là có cơ sở. Mặc dù mạng xã hội có thể là một công cụ hữu ích để giao tiếp và duy trì kết nối với bạn bè, nhưng nó cũng có thể gây nghiện và chiếm quá nhiều thời gian có thể dành cho các hoạt động khác.

Một giải pháp cho vấn đề này là cha mẹ đặt ra giới hạn về thời gian sử dụng thiết bị của con cái họ và khuyến khích chúng tham gia vào các hoạt động khác như thể thao, sở thích và dành thời gian cho gia đình và bạn bè. Ngoài ra, các trường học có thể giáo dục học sinh về việc sử dụng phương tiện truyền thông xã hội có trách nhiệm và những tác động tiêu cực của việc dành quá nhiều thời gian cho nó.

Một giải pháp khác dành cho các công ty truyền thông xã hội là triển khai các tính năng khuyến khích người dùng nghỉ giải lao và giới hạn thời gian của họ trên nền tảng. Ví dụ: Instagram gần đây đã giới thiệu một tính năng cho người dùng biết họ dành bao nhiêu thời gian cho ứng dụng mỗi ngày và cho phép họ đặt giới hạn thời gian.

Nhìn chung, mặc dù mạng xã hội có thể là một công cụ có giá trị để giao tiếp và kết nối, nhưng điều quan trọng đối với thanh thiếu niên là cân bằng thời gian dành cho mạng xã hội với các hoạt động khác, đồng thời để phụ huynh và nhà trường đóng vai trò tích cực trong việc khuyến khích sử dụng có trách nhiệm.

Thảo Nguyên
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Lê Trang
20 tháng 10 2020 lúc 17:47

#Tham khảo đây nhé!

Khinh Yên
20 tháng 10 2020 lúc 19:47

Thanks to advanced technology, cell phones have become more and more popular in our life. From my point of view, cell phones have improved modern life. First and foremost, cell phones are a good means of communication. Thanks to them, people can keep in touch with their family, their relatives and their friends regardless of the distances. For example, only by a cell phone can you daily talk to or chat with your friends who live very far away from you. In the second place, cell phones are also good for every angle in life. Thanks to its small size, people can take them everywhere at anytime. For example, in business, people can make a deal with their countership by a video chat on a cell phone rather than have a meeting face to face. This is very convient especially for their partner living abroad. Moreover, cell phones are a necessary for people’s entertainment. To illustrate, after a busy day at work or at school, they can listen to music or play games or watch a movie, as a result, they may feel more relaxed and more energetic to many things such as doing housework, homework and so on later. Last but not least, it is estimated that almost all of the people who use cell phones are teenegers. Therefore, no one can deny that cell phones have minute by minue become an indispensable in teenegers’ routine. In reality, cell phones help teenagers to study better and better. For example, before an exam, instead of being up to all night to reivise so many lessons they had studied, teenagers can benefit greatly from cell phones. They can try on some tests on Internet, search for information they want or look into some parts in the lessons which they don’t take in too much. Seeing that the speed of Internet is very fast, students can acquire a lot of knowledge in a very convient way. While I appreciate the advantages of the cell phones, I think that they also have some drawbacks including having bad effects on people’s mind, causing some diseases and so on. All in all, it is immediately obvious that cell phones make out life more and more modern, hence people should take them into consideration to make our life better and better

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