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Lê Thị Phương Thảo
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Louis Jane
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8 tháng 5 2021 lúc 9:58

Let's take a look at optimistic aspects. In 2050 Ha Noi will become a more liveable city for lots of reasons. The city authorities have built a very careful plan to promote advanced technology to make greener motorbikes to deal with air pollution. In addition, the city dwellers are encouraged to make use of public transport system to reduce tracffic jam. The government will also grow more trees and encourage people to use solar panels.

On the contrary, pessimistic people think that the city life will be a dangerous place to live in because the government cannot control the use of private cars and motorbikes. Besides, they don’t believe that citizens will use public transports because this system in our city are aging and not upgraded regularly. It also take time to find a bus and go to the destination in spite of very short distance. People's life will also continue to be threatened because of pollution such as air pollution by burning fossil fuels, emission from cars and motorbikes, noise pollution from constructing buildings and sounding of transportations. The effects of global warming have great impacts on the city dwellers, higher temperature in the summer and colder climate in te winter.
Đỗ Quỳnh Anh
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Nguyễn Tuệ Khanh
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Gia Huy
21 tháng 6 2023 lúc 21:31

Eating out in restaurants has become a common practice for many people due to busy lifestyles and convenience. However, there are several negative effects associated with eating out regularly. Firstly, restaurant meals are often high in calories, unhealthy fats, and sodium, which can lead to weight gain, high blood pressure, and other health problems. Secondly, eating out frequently can be expensive, especially if you choose to dine at high-end restaurants or order alcoholic beverages. This can put a strain on your budget and limit your ability to save money or invest in other areas of your life. Thirdly, dining out can be a social activity that encourages overeating and drinking, which can lead to poor decision-making and impaired judgment. Finally, eating out can also contribute to environmental issues, such as food waste and the overuse of disposable packaging. Overall, while eating out can be a fun and convenient way to enjoy a meal, it is important to be mindful of the negative effects and make healthy choices whenever possible.

Vân Hà Nguyễn
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Mai Trung Hải Phong
11 tháng 9 2023 lúc 16:56

Money could be the thing that almost everyone wants to possess as much as possible because it could help them to solve many problems in life. There is a proverb that goes “Money does not grow on trees”. It is used to warn someone to be careful how much money they spend because there is only a limited amount. In my opinion, this saying is meaningful because of the two following reasons.

First, it requires a lot of effort to earn some money; therefore, money should be spent just on necessary things. For example, to raise a kid, parents have to purchase various stuff and if they do not spend their limited salary, it may not be enough.

Second, the proverb teaches people about financial responsibilities. Besides learning how to earn money, people also need to learn how to spend it wisely. Life always moves on and changes, so people could not know what will happen tomorrow. If they save up, they will be able to manage to live on the rainy days.

The phrase money doesn’t grow on trees is a proverb that stresses the importance and value of hard work and encourages people to make wise spending decisions.

(Tiền có thể là thứ mà hầu như ai cũng muốn sở hữu càng nhiều càng tốt vì nó có thể giúp họ giải quyết nhiều vấn đề trong cuộc sống. Có một câu tục ngữ rằng "Tiền không mọc lên cây". Nó được sử dụng để cảnh báo ai đó hãy cẩn thận với số tiền họ tiêu vì chỉ có một số lượng hạn chế. Theo tôi, câu nói này có ý nghĩa bởi hai lý do sau đây.

Đầu tiên, nó đòi hỏi rất nhiều nỗ lực để kiếm được một số tiền; do đó, tiền chỉ nên được tiêu vào những thứ cần thiết. Ví dụ, để nuôi dạy một đứa trẻ, cha mẹ phải mua sắm nhiều thứ khác nhau và nếu họ không chi tiêu trong số tiền lương hạn hẹp của mình, thì có thể không đủ.

Thứ hai, câu tục ngữ dạy mọi người về trách nhiệm tài chính. Bên cạnh việc học cách kiếm tiền, mọi người cũng cần học cách tiêu tiền một cách khôn ngoan. Cuộc sống luôn vận động và thay đổi nên con người không thể biết trước được ngày mai sẽ ra sao. Nếu tiết kiệm, họ sẽ xoay xở để sống trong những ngày mưa lũ.

Tục ngữ tiền không mọc lên cây là một câu tục ngữ nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng và giá trị của việc làm chăm chỉ, đồng thời khuyến khích mọi người đưa ra quyết định chi tiêu khôn ngoan.)

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Lê Vũ Anh Thư
12 tháng 10 2017 lúc 21:15

Well, as you know, Vietnamese has a proverb that our health is very important. It's more important than money and it's like gold. Personally, I also agree that health is more important than money because of the following reasons:

Firstly, if we aren't healthy, we can't do anthing. If we don't have health, the children can't play or study and the adult can't go to work. We'll feel tired all day and it's very bored if we just sit and can't do anything.

Secondly, if we are sick and weak (unhealthy), we have to go to see the doctor and maybe we have to stay in the hospital all day if we have serious diseas.

In conclusion, our health is very important. We have to keep us to stay healthy by doing morning exercise regularly, eat healthy food, ... I would argue that our health is the best and it's more important than money.

Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang
17 tháng 10 2017 lúc 20:20

Ko ngờ em nhi lại như thế này, ôi mệ ơi, em nể Nhi rồi đấy

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