Giups mình với
find S-O-V and write active :
The best cream cakes are made by Sayers.
giúp mình với :
Find S-O-V and write active :
The best cream cakes are made by Sayers
Find S-O-V and write active :
The best cream cakes are made by Sayers
The best cream cake: S
make: V
Sayers: O
-> Sayers make the best cream cakes.
Sayers makes the best cream cakes
S : Sayers
V : make
O : the best cream cakes
giups mình với :
write the sentences into the active voice and Find S-O-v :
Many illegal copies are being sold on the street corners
People sell many illegal copies on the street corners. Còn tìm sov thì mấy bạn kia tìm rồi
Giups mình với :
Find S-O-V and from active to passive :
They had finished preparations by the time the guests arrived
Giups minhd với
Find S-O-V and write Verbs with two objects { Impersonal subject and personal subject }
i won't tell them your secret
Find S-O-V and write Verbs with two objects { Impersonal subject and personal subject }
i won't tell them your secret
I: S
won't tell: V
them: O (Personal subject)
your secret: O (Impersonal subject)
S: I
V: won't tell
O: them your secret
( them : impersonal subject; your secret: personal subject)
Giups minhd với
Find S-O-V and write Verbs with two objects { Impersonal subject and personal subject }
I have already sent all my friends my new e-mail address.
Đã có bạn giúp bạn trả lời câu hỏi này! Vui lòng không post lại câu hỏi đó nữa! Nếu còn tiếp tục, câu hỏi sẽ được coi là spam và bị xoá!
Vậy nên đừng đăng bài nội dung giống nhau nhiều lần nhe! ^^
Giups minhd với
Find S-O-V and write Verbs with two objects { Impersonal subject and personal subject }
I have already sent all my friends my new e-mail address.
I //have already sent// all my friends //my new e-mail address.
Giups minhd với
Find S-O-V and write Verbs with two objects { Impersonal subject and personal subject }
I have already sent all my friends my new e-mail address.
Làm rồi mà;-;
I //have already sent// all my friends //my new e-mail address.
giúp mình với :
Find S-O-V and write active :
Who was the television invented by ?
S: Who
O: the television
V: invented
active: Who invented the television?
anh nhớ câu này với câu trước em hỏi rồi mà, sao bây giờ hỏi lại?
giúp mình với :
Find S-O-V and write active :
The awards will be presented by Tom Hanks
S: The awards
V: will be presented
O: Tom Hanks
Tom Hanks will present the awards.