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Trần Đình Thiên
29 tháng 7 2023 lúc 8:02

To stay healthy, I prioritize a balanced lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a nutritious diet, and regular check-ups with my doctor. Firstly, I engage in a variety of exercises to keep my body active and fit. I enjoy a combination of cardio exercises such as running and cycling, as well as strength training exercises like weightlifting and yoga. This helps me maintain a healthy weight, improve my cardiovascular health, and build strength and flexibility.

In terms of my diet, I strive to eat a well-rounded and nutritious meal plan. I focus on consuming plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. I also make sure to drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. By incorporating these healthy food choices into my daily routine, I provide my body with the necessary nutrients to function optimally.

Regular visits to the doctor are an essential part of my health maintenance routine. I schedule annual check-ups to monitor my overall health and address any concerns or potential issues. By doing so, I can catch any potential health problems early on and take necessary steps to prevent them from worsening.

Fast food is something I try to limit in my diet. While it may be convenient, I am aware of its negative impact on my health. Therefore, I only indulge in fast food occasionally, as a treat rather than a regular meal option. This allows me to maintain a balanced diet and avoid the potential health risks associated with excessive fast food consumption.

Stress is an inevitable part of life, and I make a conscious effort to manage it effectively. I engage in stress-relieving activities such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and spending time in nature. These practices help me relax, clear my mind, and maintain a healthy mental state.

Fortunately, I do not have any known allergies. However, I am cautious about trying new foods or products and always read labels to ensure I am not consuming anything that may trigger an allergic reaction.

When it comes to beverages, I prefer fruit juice over coke. Fruit juice provides essential vitamins and minerals, while coke is high in sugar and artificial additives. Fruit juice also offers a refreshing and natural taste that I find more enjoyable. Additionally, I appreciate the health benefits that come with consuming real fruit juice, such as antioxidants and hydration.

Overall, my commitment to regular exercise, a balanced diet, regular doctor visits, stress management, and mindful choices regarding food and beverages contribute to my efforts to stay healthy. By maintaining these habits, I strive to lead a fulfilling and healthy lifestyle.

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Minh Ngọc
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1 tháng 3 2021 lúc 19:39

Teeth are a part of my face. Teeth help us chew food to help the food fall down to the stomach. teeth will stay with us the rest of the wait. So we need to know how to protect our teeth. Teeth are the part of contact with food so the first thing is to keep your teeth clean is that 2 times a day brushing your teeth morning and night, you can brush 3 times or 4 times a day to keep your teeth white and clean. Next, once a month you should go to the dentist to check your teeth. Next is the way to prevent tooth decay: You should not eat before going to bed to avoid causing tooth decay. If you have cavities, you should visit the dentist and have a doctor help you. Follow these ways and speak will help you protect your teeth most effectively

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Đinh Kha
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Đan Khánh
27 tháng 10 2021 lúc 9:21

Tham khảo:

A healthy lifestyle plays an important role in our daily lives. Actually, a healthy lifestyle includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stable relationships.


Firstly, you should eat three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Remember not to skip breakfast because it can help you get through the day. You should also drink a lot of water because it helps your body filter blood well and keep your skin healthy. You should also eat fruits and vegetables. Those food groups contain necessary vitamins. They are good for your digestion.


Secondly, spend at least thirty minutes a day on physical activities. Regular exercise not only improves your health but also prevents some diseases. Besides, it can make you look younger and slimmer. It also helps you reduce stress. Try to exercise every day and never skip exercising for two days in a row.


Thirdly, you should maintain good relationships with people around you: your friends, parents, or neighbors. Thanks to the relationships you hold, you won’t feel lonely or stressed.


In conclusion, keeping fit and staying healthy is an everyday task, starting from the moment we get up to the time we go to bed. Eating sensibly, exercising, and having good relationships will offer you a high-quality life.

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hoàng thanh trúc
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16 tháng 4 2017 lúc 21:17

Every company should invest in our environment. We live in a time when the environment is in danger, so it is important to protect it. We need a healthy environment in order to survive, so we must protect it. We need to protect the environment now to help prevent health problems, to maintain the ecosystem, and to preserve the Earth for our children.

Pollution from factories and cars can cause damage to the environment. It makes the air dirty. Breathing this dirty air causes health problems, particularly for children and the elderly. Pollution not only increases spending on health care, but also decreases working ability. We need to control the amounts of pollution we produce in order to prevent health problems.

We also need to pay attention to the ecosystem. Plant life, animal life, and people all depend on each other. An unhealthy environment disturbs this ecosystem. For example, changes in the environments might cause a certain kind of plant to die. If that plant is food for a certain kind of animal, the animal will die too. If people use that animal as food source, there could be big problem. To avoid the big problems, factories should pollute as little as possible and use natural resources rationally.

If we do not protect our environment it will continue to get worse and our children will suffer the consequences. The air and water will be dirtier, natural resources will become scarcer, and more plants and animals will die. Our children won’t have as much natural beauty to admire. Even worse, their well-being will be threatened.

Without clean air to breathe, a healthy ecosystem, and a future for our children, the human race will not survive. That is why protecting our environment is important. If we have a healthy environment not only the company is going to make a profit but also workers, customers and community.

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Hatsune Miku
21 tháng 12 2017 lúc 19:55

Health is important with all people in the world. People say that "Health is all". Health is wealth and we must agree that good health gives us to control our own lives. If you sick, you won't be able to do any work at all. Good health helps us have a complete happiness. Health is as important as life.
There are many to keep us healthy. First, we should do exercise everyday. We can walk on the street, do aerobics and so on. Second, we should go to the hospital to get a general check-up so that we can have information about our health. Third, we should have a health insurance too. Moreover, we should eat a balanced diet and adequate nutrition. In addition, we should wear warm clothes in cold weather to avoid affecting our health.
Depending on the purpose of life that people find the most important thing in their life. In my opinion, health is really the most important thing in our life and we need to have suitable ways to keep us healthy.

chúc bạn học tốt

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Hoàng Mai Phương
8 tháng 1 2018 lúc 14:33

We all know the popular saying “Health is Wealth”. By health we do not mean the absence of physical troubles only. But it is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. The loss of health is a loss of all happiness. Mahatma Gandhi also says, “It is health which is real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver”.

Health is more important than wealth. A rich person can afford various luxuries of life such as a big car, large house, costly accessories, air-conditioners, etc. But, he can enjoy these luxuries only if his health is good.

Importance of light, air and water: Good health depends on several things. Fresh air and sunlight are very important for our health. Fresh air helps us to improve our immune system and overall health. So a morning walk is very useful for health.

Sunlight helps our body to produce vitamin-D. A dirty and damp atmosphere causes lots of diseases. Fresh and pure drinking water is also necessary for good health. Impure drinking- water is the cause of several diseases. So, we must take care of these things.

Food: Food is another necessary thing for the body. Nutritious foods helps us to maintain good health. Consumption of healthy foods helps us to minimize any health related problems. We all should know, how, when and what to eat.

We should always include a portion of green vegetables, fruits or salads in our meal. Green vegetables are sources of vital nutrients. Our digestive system plays a key role in our overall health. Fiber rich foods such as whole grain wheat, bran rice, etc. help us improve our digestive system.

A balanced and nutritious diet helps the proper growth of the body. But we must remember that we eat to live and not that we live to eat. In India, over-eating causes a large number of deaths. If we eat less, we may live more.

Physical exercise and sports: We know the proverb, “A sound mind in a sound body”. In order to keep the body healthy, we need to keep the mind sound. Physical exercises keep us fit. There are different kinds of physical exercises. We may walk a kilometer or two every day. We may take some yogic exercises. At the same, games and sports are very useful for health.

Cleanliness: Cleanliness is essential for good health. Without cleanliness, it is very difficult to maintain proper health. We should clear our house and the surrounding areas every day. Every day, we should bath twice, in the morning and in the evening. After eating food, we should clean our hands with soap. Various types of diseases erupts from unclean surroundings. We should always throw the garbage in the dustbin. A disease-free body is a healthy body, and cleanliness is the key for health.

Some rules of hygiene: We must know some simple rules of hygiene. Our house must be airy and sunny. Apart from all this, we must form good habits. We should keep ourselves free from cares and anxieties. Early rising is equally necessary for good health. So we must try to keep fit. Health is the real wealth.

Conclusion: Health is a great treasure. It is the highest blessing. It is the source of all happiness. Money can’t buy happiness. Happiness is priceless and not dependent upon the wealth of a person. Good health, however, contribute to the emotional well-being and happiness of a person. Even with limited income, a person with sound health can lead a happy and enjoyable life.

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Nguyễn Hải
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Sinh Viên NEU
24 tháng 10 2023 lúc 19:06

Gửi bạn nhé

To maintain a healthy life, it is crucial to prioritize regular exercise, consume a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and stay hydrated. Additionally, getting enough sleep, managing stress effectively, and avoiding harmful habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are essential. Regular check-ups with healthcare professionals and staying socially connected also contribute to overall well-being

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Nguyễn Đức Hiển
27 tháng 10 2023 lúc 16:48

Right now, we are almost live unhealthy. And there are many solution to avoid that unhealthy life. To have a healthy life, we should: Do exercise everyday; eat more fruits and vegetables; join some community activities; avoid crowded place and dusty factory; develop some essential skills and lastly, don't be to much stress and pressure. Remember, you should live healthy for better health and future!

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27 tháng 2 lúc 3:27

Do you prefer to email your friends or send text messages on your smartphone

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Nguyễn Thảo Như
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Minh Phương
27 tháng 1 lúc 14:52

*Tham khảo:

There are several ways to keep fit and stay healthy. One way is to incorporate morning exercise into your routine, such as going for a run or doing yoga. Additionally, it's important to eat more vegetables and fruits to ensure you are getting the necessary vitamins and nutrients. Avoiding junk food is also crucial in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, as it can lead to weight gain and other health issues. By incorporating these habits into your daily life, you can improve your overall well-being and keep fit.

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Nguyễn Văn Hoàng
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16 tháng 10 2021 lúc 14:32

tham khảo:

Write a paragraph to tell about what we should/shouldn't do to keep fit and stay healthy - Nguyễn Xuân Ngạn

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