Bạn chưa đăng nhập. Vui lòng đăng nhập để hỏi bài

Những câu hỏi liên quan
Nguyen Thuy An
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Đinh Thị Diệu Linh
30 tháng 3 2016 lúc 19:58

ko giúp được

Nguyễn Phương Thảo
30 tháng 3 2016 lúc 19:50

bạn nghĩ cái này có liên quan đến toán ko =))))

30 tháng 3 2016 lúc 19:57

my home villageis now differen from the village in my father s story.in his story my villageis verry poor 

everyone live a hard life that time ......................................................

 bạn lên mạng kiếm đi chứ dài lắm mình viết ko nổi

Trần Hữu Anh Thư
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Lê Ngọc Vân Anh
23 tháng 1 2019 lúc 21:00

In the life of every human being, we must always have friends who help us overcome difficulties and side by side when having fun and sad things. I am not an exception, there is also a close friend who always shares and helps me when I have difficulties. Kha - that's my best friend's name.

Kha this year is her age, also ten years old. Kha has white skin chicken eggs peeled and slim figure. When you come to class, you will be neatly dressed in a white uniform with black pants, and long hair will be neatly tied behind your neck. Kha has a plump face and talking eyes. Your eyes are big and sparkling with a smile always curved a crescent moon, it is knowing how to laugh, sharing every time you are sad and cheering whenever you have fun. The voice of Kha is as clear as the sound of a golden bird every morning, so don't assume that the voice will be sour. Because that voice is very inspiring and extremely attractive. Kha often tells us the ghost stories she knows, with an attractive thrilling voice, which always makes us scream every time we reach the climax. In exchange for a small laugh, it was the frightened face of our children.

Honestly, I did not Kha at first because people who were good at school and good at singing also sang well. Not only that, my parents are very arrogant in comparison with Kha, so I feel very frustrated and embarrassed because no child s to be compared to their friends by their parents, especially while the child He doesn't that girl anymore. And maybe I will still hate Kha so if it doesn't happen that time.

That day was a cold winter morning, every wind whistled in the window and made me tremble. Somehow, the afternoon before I was still healthy, I ran from the field to the end of the game playing a chase with my brother who got sick the next day. I was tired and opened my eyes wide, staring at the dark gray sky outside the doorway, thinking of a way to go to class without disturbing anyone. In the winter, I turned into a lazy sleeper, so I was always the one who woke up late. My parents often have breakfast with my brother and go to school and go to work as a child so I will have breakfast later and go to school myself. If not today, my brother's school will be volunteering, so I have to leave early, otherwise I will not let you go to school this. I was about to step down from the bed when I was headache, when I heard the sound of Hope coming from outside:
- Lan, you don't go now that you're late to learn!

I want to tell her loudly that I am sick but my words can't get out of my throat. Waiting for me to see no one responding, I saw that my house's light was on, and she entered the house curiously, not forgetting the sentence: "I beg your permission." Entering her room, she panicked and ran in, touching her face and touching her forehead:
- You have a fever, why don't you call me in, where are your parents, where is your brother?
- Dad ... mom ... I ... go to work. Also ... and my brother went to volunteer ... cough ..
- Have you eaten breakfast yet? Then there is a medicine in your house, so I'll just go and get it.

Looking at the form of its fever and anxiety, I was surprised, so long ago I thought that Kha did not me, but when I was sick, I was so worried. Naturally I feel I'm a bad friend, don't realize how good Kha is but just follow my own thoughts and hate you. I was embarrassed to receive help from you and was happy to have a good friend Kha. After cooking porridge for you to eat, you also help me take medicine and call for permission for both of us to take a break because taking care of you has made you late for school.

From that day on, Kha also went to the house to give lessons to me, so that I could catch up with my friends when I went back to school without the help of tutors or teachers. Although I used to play and neglect my homework but after the memory, I paid more attention and improved my score, so my teachers and my parents were very happy. It was all thanks to the devotion of Kha, the end of the first semester, and we were ranked in the top 10 of the class and praised by the teachers as a couple of friends!
I really love my best friend and hope that our friendship will also tighten over time so that I can save my childhood memories when I'm with friends and family.

k mình nha!!

Nguyễn Thu Trang
23 tháng 1 2019 lúc 21:41

My best friend is Lan Anh.She is shoter than me. She has a long hair and beautiful.She is very beautiful,too.Her eyes is round and black .Her favourite subject is Art and her favourite sport is tennis. Every day, she is skipping with me and Ly.We are nine years old. Her birthday is on the third of November.Lan Anh is my best friend.

Trịnh Minh Thư
20 tháng 7 2021 lúc 16:07

nghĩa là gì vậy bạn

Khách vãng lai đã xóa
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bạn tham khảo nhé 

There are four people in my family – my parents, my little sister and I. I love them all, but my favorite one is my mother. Her name is Mai, and she is 42 years old at the moment. She works as a manager at a furniture store, therefore she is quite busy. She leaves home at 7 and a half in the morning after making breakfast for the whole family, and she usually comes home late in the evening. She is a beautiful woman with an ideal height, long curly hair and a pair of big round eyes. However, because she spends too much time and effort on her work, she starts to have some signs of old aging such as small wrinkles and freckles on her skin. Since she has to work with many employees, she usually has a serious look on her face, and her voice is a little bit loud. However, she is actually a very nice and outgoing person. She always tries to help the staffs with their work, and she is very devoted to her job. At home, she talks to us in a more gentle voice, and there are very few times when she scolds us. She rarely has time to relax and take care of herself, but some of her favorite things to do when she has any spare time are reading novels, watching roman movies, and chatting with us. I know she works under a lot of pressures, so I always talks to her about funny and interesting things at my school, and she seems to enjoy my stories very much. My mother is such a great woman when she can be both a good supervisor and a good mother. I love her a lot, and she is my goal to strive for my future.

Khách vãng lai đã xóa


I live in an extended family with a lot of people, and my mother has a big responsibility to take care of us. She is 39 years old, and she has medium height with short black hair. She is a little bit chubby, and her bright skin also makes her look younger than her real age. My father is too busy with his work, so my mother has to spend a lot of effort to make sure everything in the house is fine. Every morning, she wakes up at 6 and a half to prepare breakfast for the rest of us; and when we all leave for work or school; she starts to do the house chores as well as cooks lunch. Despite cooking while doing many other things, her food is always delicious and various, and we all come home to eat with her before leaving again. She loves to take a short nap in the afternoon, and this is some little time for her to relax and regain energy. She is a joyful and gentle person. When we gather at dinner, she is the one that brings the warm and happy atmosphere for all of us. My mother is the best mother that one can ever find, and I cannot imagine my life without her.

Khách vãng lai đã xóa
Khổng Thị Thanh Thanh
30 tháng 7 2021 lúc 20:47

this is my mother 

she is cooking . She loves Halloween , my mother decorates the house very scary , mother prepared us clothes on that day . On holidays we are happy to have mother at home . my mother can cook , she cooks very well , i her cooking . she is tall , beautiful and funny.My mother comes home from work and buys me gifts . i love mother

k cho tớ 

tớ tự viết đó

viết đúng y như ở ngoài luông 

ngồi suy nghĩ nhức óc lắm

Khách vãng lai đã xóa
Nguyễn Diệp Chi
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đề UPU năm nay phải ko?

Khách vãng lai đã xóa


Thư gửi những người lớn!

Hiện nay, trước tình trạng dịch bệnh do Virus corona tăng nhanh và diễn biến phức tạp. Chúng ta cần có những hiểu biết rõ ràng đề phòng chống dịch bệnh và ngăn chặn kịp thời sự gia tăng ngày một nhiều của đại dịch.

Chúng ta phải nắm kỹ được nguồn gốc cũng như các dấu hiệu của bệnh và cách phòng chống để đối phó với đại dịch này.

Virus corona (nCoV) là một loại virus đường hô hấp mới gây bệnh viêm đường hô hấp cấp ở người và cho thấy có sự lây lan từ người sang người.

Virus corona giống như MERS và SAR, tất cả đều có nguồn gốc từ vật chủ từ loài dơi. Virus corona là một họ virus lớn, phổ biến ở nhiều loài động vật khác nhau bao gồm lạc đà, mèo và dơi.

Virus này ban đầu xuất hiện từ nguồn động vật nhưng có khả năng lây lan từ người sang người. Điều quan trọng cần lưu ý là sự lây lan từ người sang người có thể xảy ra liên tục. Ở người, virus lây từ người này sang người kia thông qua tiếp xúc với dịch cơ thể của người bệnh. Tùy thuộc vào mức độ lây lan của chủng virus, việc ho, hắt hơi hay bắt tay có thể khiến người xung quanh bị phơi nhiễm.

Virus cũng có thể bị lây từ việc ai đó chạm tay vào một vật mà người bệnh chạm vào, sau đó đưa lên miệng, mũi, mắt họ. Những người chăm sóc bệnh nhân cũng có thể bị phơi nhiễm virus khi xử lý các chất thải của người bệnh.

Như vậy "Có 2 con đường lây lan của loại nCoV (corona) này: Con đường thứ nhất là tiếp xúc trực tiếp với giọt bắn. Con đường thứ hai là đụng chạm, sờ tay vào các chất trong vùng hầu họng của người bệnh, sau đó đưa lên mặt, vùng mũi miệng"

Vậy triệu chứng khi mắc bệnh do virus này như thế nào?. Hãy chú ý sốt, ho và khó thở. Các triệu chứng này có thể xuất hiện từ 2 đến 14 ngày sau khi tiếp xúc nguồn bệnh. Tới khi khởi phát, nCoV có thể diễn biến đến viêm phổi nặng, suy hô hấp tiến triển và tử vong, đặc biệt ở những người có bệnh mạn tính, suy giảm miễn dịch.

Do đó để phòng chống dịch bệnh, chúng ta nên chú ý một số điều như sau:

Hạn chế tiếp xúc trực tiếp với người bị bệnh viêm đường hô hấp cấp tính; khi cần thiết phải tiếp xúc với người bệnh phải đeo khẩu trang y tế đúng cách và giữ khoảng cách khi tiếp xúc.

Giữ ấm cơ thể, vệ sinh cá nhân, rửa tay thường xuyên bằng xà phòng, súc họng bằng nước sát khuẩn miệng để phòng bệnh viêm phổi.Cần che miệng và mũi khi ho hoặc hắt hơi, tốt nhất bằng khăn vải hoặc khăn tay để làm giảm phát tán các dịch tiết đường hô hấp.Hạn chế tiếp xúc gần với các trang trại nuôi động vật hoặc động vật hoang dã.

Cháu hi vọng chúng ta có những hiểu biết về dịch bệnh này để không chỉ giúp bản thân mà còn cùng cả cộng đồng chung tay chống lại đại dịch do Virus corona gây ra cho nhân loại.

Một lần nữa cháu rất hi vọng mỗi chúng ta – những người lớn hãy chung tay tự bảo vệ sức khỏe vì một một thế giới không có dịch bệnh.

Ký tên

nguyễn ngọc đăng

Khách vãng lai đã xóa
Lê An Nguyên
2 tháng 3 2020 lúc 21:18

Viết chủ đề môi trường là dễ nhất nhé

Khách vãng lai đã xóa
nguyễn Thị Hà Giang
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Spring has long been called the season of the festivals. Especially in some Asia countries including Vietnam, at this time there are many big and small festivals taken place all over the country. First of all, Tet is the most important event of our country. It just for a week but is well-received and well prepared. Everyone is looking forward to Tet, they go shopping for the New Year from December twenty one, prepare some items such as bonsai, candy, clothes, ..... This is a chance for them to remember their ancestors, spend time together, give each other best wishes, ... Besides Tet, there are many other festivals in the spring. Many people tend go to pagodas, temples, find the ancient land to pray for the family healthy and peaceful. Some families book themselves a short vacation, go to the famous sightseeing tours, recharge energy for a new year. Maybe spring makes people excited and happy because it has so many festivals. Thus, when talk about spring, people often think of joy, excitement.

Mùa xuân vốn là mùa của lễ hội. Đặc biệt ở một số nước châu Á bao gồm cả Việt Nam, vào thời gian này có rất nhiều lễ hội lớn nhỏ diễn ra trên cả nước. Đầu tiên phải kể đến Tết, đây là dịp lễ quan trọng nhất của nước ta. Nó kéo dài tầm một tuần nhưng được mọi người rất đón chờ và chuẩn bị kĩ càng. Nhà nhà người người đều mong chờ tết, họ rục rịch kéo nhau đi sắm tết từ ngày hai mốt tháng chạp, chuẩn bị các đồ như cây cảnh, bánh kẹo, quần áo,.... Đây còn là dịp để họ nhớ về cội nguồn, dành thời gian bên nhau, chúc tụng nhau những điều tốt đẹp nhất,... Bên cạnh Tết còn rất nhiều lễ hội khác mùa xuân. Rất nhiều người rủ nhau đi chùa, đền, tìm về đất tổ để cầu mong cho gia đình luôn bình an mạnh khỏe. Một số gia đình lại đặt cho mình một chuyến du lịch ngắn ngày, đi đến những tour du lịch nổi tiếng để thăm quan ngắm cảnh, nạp năng lượng cho một năm mới. Mùa xuân đến làm lòng người náo nức phấn khởi cũng bởi chăng do nó có rất nhiều lễ hội. Vì thế mà nhắc đến mùa xuân, người ta thường nghĩ đến niềm vui, sự phấn khởi.

nguyễn Thị Hà Giang
22 tháng 2 2019 lúc 12:36

mình muốn nói về cả thời tiết và đặc điểm nữa cơ!

Biển Ác Ma
22 tháng 2 2019 lúc 16:18

Spring has long been called the season of the festivals. Especially in some Asia countries including Vietnam, at this time there are many big and small festivals taken place all over the country. First of all, Tet is the most important event of our country. It just for a week but is well-received and well prepared. Everyone is looking forward to Tet, they go shopping for the New Year from December twenty one, prepare some items such as bonsai, candy, clothes, ..... This is a chance for them to remember their ancestors, spend time together, give each other best wishes, ... Besides Tet, there are many other festivals in the spring. Many people tend go to pagodas, temples, find the ancient land to pray for the family healthy and peaceful. Some families book themselves a short vacation, go to the famous sightseeing tours, recharge energy for a new year. Maybe spring makes people excited and happy because it has so many festivals. Thus, when talk about spring, people often think of joy, excitement.

Triêu Lan Chinh
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Akari Yukino
24 tháng 2 2018 lúc 6:36

All of the special holidays in my country, I Tet the most. Tet is an occasion to everyone get together in warm atmosphere. Before Tet holiday, Everyone prepares many things and decorates their house. I plant a lot of flowers in front of my house and buy many things such as clothes, foods ...

Besides, most of the streets also are decorated beautifully with colorful lights and flowers. During Tet, I spends more time on visiting my relatives, friends. Especially, I give to each other the best wishes for the new year. Tet is an opportunity for children receive lucky money. There is a funny thing that people try to avoid argument or saying any bad things at Tet. I love Tet holiday!


Tất cả các ngày lễ đặc biệt ở đất nước tôi, tôi thích nhất Tết. Tết là dịp để tất cả mọi người cùng nhau trong bầu không khí ấm áp. Trước kỳ nghỉ Tết, mọi người chuẩn bị nhiều thứ và trang trí nhà cửa. Tôi trồng nhiều hoa ở trước nhà tôi và mua nhiều thứ như quần áo, thực phẩm ...

Bên cạnh đó, hầu hết các đường phố cũng được trang trí đẹp mắt với ánh sáng đầy màu sắc và hoa. Trong dịp Tết, tôi dành nhiều thời gian hơn cho thăm thân nhân, bạn bè. Đặc biệt, tôi trao cho nhau những lời chúc tốt đẹp nhất cho năm mới. Tết là cơ hội để trẻ em được may mắn. Có một điều buồn cười là mọi người cố gắng tránh tranh cãi hoặc nói bất cứ điều xấu nào vào dịp Tết. Tôi yêu Tết!

23 tháng 2 2018 lúc 17:23

Tet is a national and family festival. It is an occasion for every Vietnamese to have a good time while thinking about the last year and the next year. At Tet, spring fairs are organized, streets and public buildings are brightly decorated and almost all shops are crowded with people shopping for Tet. At home, every is tidied, special food is cooked,offerings of food, fresh water, flowers and betel are made on the family altar with burning joss- sks scenting the air. First-footing is made when the lucky visitor comes and children are given lucky money wrapped in a red tiny envelope. Tet is also a time for peace and love. During Tet, children often behave well and friends, relatives and neighbors give each other best wishes for the new year.

Chúc hok tốt

23 tháng 2 2018 lúc 17:24

Hello, my name is Phuong. I am 13 years old. I live with my family in Vinh city, Nghe An province, Vietnam. In my country, spring is the best season of the year because it has Tet holiday. In Tet holiday, the streets are very beautiful with green trees , flowers, and funny noisy. In every house, there are a big tree with many love flowers and plants. Any things else? Yes, there are a lot of delicous drinks, cakes and candies. In Tet holiday, children have money from adults. It's so greet. We enjoy a happy Tet holiday every years. Do you know out happy holiday in spring? It's Tet holiday. What about you? Can you tell me about your country 's best holiday? Thank you so much.

Lê Hoàng Linh
Xem chi tiết
18 tháng 4 2018 lúc 21:16

London, UK.London is the second-largest English-speaking city in the world, and according to some sources, even the largest. The city is home to about 8.2 million people, not counting the metropolitan area. Due to the specific accent in southern England, London is considered one of the best places in the world to learn English.

nguyen ha trang
19 tháng 4 2018 lúc 19:18

Cho bt ban la con ai 

Lala school
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Entity 303
25 tháng 11 2018 lúc 8:40

Lỗi DB

✿.。.:* ☆:**:.Lê Thùy Lin...
29 tháng 11 2020 lúc 20:39

 Cũng là hạt lúa nhưng vì có những sự lựa chọn khác nhau mà kết cục trái ngược nhau. Tôi mong rằng sự lựa chọn của hạt lúa thứ hai sẽ là sự lựa chọn của mỗi chúng ta khi đứng trước “cánh đồng” bao la của cuộc đời này.

Khách vãng lai đã xóa
Đinh Nguyễn Thanh Trúc
19 tháng 12 2021 lúc 9:29

 Cũng là hạt lúa nhưng vì có những sự lựa chọn khác nhau mà kết cục trái ngược nhau. Tôi mong rằng sự lựa chọn của hạt lúa thứ hai sẽ là sự lựa chọn của mỗi chúng ta khi đứng trước “cánh đồng” bao la của cuộc đời này

Lê Quỳnh Nhi
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Nguyễn Thị Hà Vy
11 tháng 5 2018 lúc 10:57

Đề 1 :Hello everybody. Let me introduce myself. My name is .... I was born and raised in Minh Duc, Tu Ky, Hai Duong. I’m 27. I am a responsible and enthusias person. I am a primary teacher. I have now been a teacher for 5 years and am currently teaching at Van To primary school.  I get/ (am) married and have a son. I love my family very much. In my freetime, I reading book, cooking and swimming. Swimming is not only my hobby, but also my favorite sport.  That’s something about me.

Đề 2:From childhood, each person has a dream to pursue. To me, I want to be a teacher when I grow up. First, teacher has wide knowledge about many subjects so that she can make her best effort to teach student. As knowledge is power leading to success, no one can succeed without it. Second, being a teacher, one can learn from themselves, society and social relationship. A good teacher is the one who know how to balance virtues between teacher and student. Third, knowledge is limitless, being a teacher brings us higher job opportunities than other careers. Especially, human are leading a rapidly developing lifestyle, there is a large need of teachers for young generation. However, the benefits also come with drawback. Although it’s a good job, the teacher has to suffer from several stresses such as: score, teaching method, students and theirs parents. Therefore, patience, diligence and good qualification are thought to be 3 main key factors to become a good teacher. In near future, I hope to be an English teacher so that I can bring a popular foreign language to students at isolated areas. Since everyone are born fair, all the students have a right to go to school and learn from theirs friends, teachers. Despite the challenge of the job, I always choose to pursue my dream.

Đề 4 :

Vietnam is a tropical country. The climate is often hot and humid. In North Vietnam there  are  four  seasons:  spring,  summer,  autumn  and  winter.  It  is  hot in summer and it is very cold in winter. In South Vietnam there are only two seasons: the rainy season and the dry season. It rains a lot from May to November. In the dry season it is very hot. Sometimes there are storms in the North and floods in the South.

I love spring. Because the weather at that time is very nice. it’s breezy and mild. The landscapes are very beautiful. I love going out in spring to see sky. Sometimes, I take photographs and they’re so nice.

Nguyễn Thùy Linh
11 tháng 5 2018 lúc 21:56

Hello everyone! I'm very happy to  introduce myself. My name is Linh.I'm leven years old.I'm is a student at Lim Primary Sychool.Now I live in Bac Ninh City with my family.My hobby is listening to music,playing badminton and reading some English books.In the future, I want to be a doctor because I want to help sick people in over the world so I'm going to learning in Woorldlink Centre. There are many interesting things and a lot of funny activities.Espencially,in there has many foreign teachers and I can speak English with them.Thanks you to reading and I want to say" YOU SHOULD GO TO WOLRDLINK CENTRE.WELCOME YOU TO WORLDLINK CENTRE"


Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Chi
30 tháng 4 2021 lúc 17:00

Hello everyone, my name is Chi. Today, I will introduce to everyone about the four seasons of the year in my country - the country of Vietnam. The first is Spring. Spring is the best season of the year in my country! This season is the season of both cold and warm air and sudden drizzle ... Just heard of it, I think you guys already wanted to visit this place! Right ? Definitely! Now we can go to the next season! It's Summer, guys. Summer brings a hot, hot weather. But this season, there is a lot of rain! Wow, how wonderful it would be if you had a bath at the beach while having ice cream in the air! We're going to go to season three! Let's go! Next is autumn - the season with the most pleasant atmosphere of the year. This season, on the street, the leaves fall a lot, making the landscape here more charming and beautiful. Now, let's break it off for Fall, guys! Let's go to the last season together. Remember not to take your eyes off it! It is winter. Winter is the coldest season of the year, and this season has an indescribably cold atmosphere! The happiest thing is to be sitting next to the fire, oh, what a joy it was at that time! Those are the four unique and outstanding seasons of my country. Goodbye ! If you have a chance, please visit my country, hope we meet soon!

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