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Part 3: In the following text, four paragraphs have been removed. Above the extract you will find the four removed paragraphs PLUS one paragraph which doesnt fit. Choose from the paragraphs (A-E) the one which fits each gap in the text (1-4). Remember, there is one extra paragraph you do not need to use. Write the correct letter in the empty boxes in the text. (04 marks)A. I was at this tournament in Oregon last autumn and it had been left back in the motel by my father. I tell you, not a single...
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Thu Hồng
9 tháng 10 2021 lúc 1:12

Mattie Jackson is 12 years old. He rides his bike around the neighborhood, plays soccer with his friends and gets good grades from Fairmount Ridge Junior High School.

1. E. This explains the wise head he seems to have on his shoulders. Fishing runs wide and deep in the Jackson family, who live near the mountain resort of Mammoth in the north of the state of California. "So much of what I know about fishing has been given to me by my father, my brothers, my uncles and aunts. It's a team effort I like to say."…….

When I first met Mattie, he was exchanging baseball cards with some of his pals. This is a quiet, unassuming youngster and not at all what I expected from somebody who is said to have the fishing world at his feet. He was called the "Tiger Woods of fishing" by the editor of California Fishing last month just after he won the prestigious under-16 title.

Mattie was pushed into angling by his father, John, when he was nine. He accompanied his father on numerous fishing trips so many successful tips and tricks had already been picked up by the time he tried it himself. And it seemed to come oh-so-naturally to him.

"I caught my first fish after about four minutes. My father was furious," he laughs. His father says he has a great technique, enormous patience and, most importantly, a willingness to listen and learn.

B. But it was mainly his mother who saw his potential and decided to buy Mattie his first rod for his ninth birthday. The rest, as they say, is history.

His first angling trophy was won at the age of ten. He was Californian under-12 champion the following year. He is also American under-13 champion but it is the under-16 tournament success, against much older anglers, that gives him the most satisfaction.

3. D. "I went to Florida for the national Under-13's. I won that with a barracuda and it was caught in about 3 feet of water. Everyone else was casting out to 20 foot. I just seem to have a knack for finding fish."

It's what his father calls 'Mattie's radar' and it is being used on a daily basis in rivers and lakes across the USA as he travels from one tournament to the next with his father by his side. But he has other tools of the trade and is, typically for a fisherman, pretty superstitious when it comes to his tackle.

"This lure was bought for me in England," he explains, handing me something that looks like a wasp on a hook. "I've won three tournaments using that and if I lost it, snagged it or something, I would dive in after it. And this hat." He is wearing a light blue cloth hat that he goes on to explain brings him luck.

4. A. "I was at this tournament in Oregon last autumn and it had been left back in the motel by my father. I tell you, not a single fish came near the hook that day. I wouldn't go anywhere without it now."

What does the future hold for Mattie? "I intend to finish school and I want to go to college. I know it's important to get a good education. I'll always have fishing to go back to whenever I want."

And with that, we reach the lake shore and he settles down for what promises to be a fruitful evening. Instinctively, his hand reaches up and pats his faithful blue hat before returning to his rod. Just checking.

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Thu Hồng
9 tháng 10 2021 lúc 1:15

Mattie Jackson is 12 years old. He rides his bike around the neighborhood, plays soccer with his friends and gets good grades from Fairmount Ridge Junior High School.

1. E. This explains the wise head he seems to have on his shoulders. Fishing runs wide and deep in the Jackson family, who live near the mountain resort of Mammoth in the north of the state of California. "So much of what I know about fishing has been given to me by my father, my brothers, my uncles and aunts. It's a team effort I like to say."…….

When I first met Mattie, he was exchanging baseball cards with some of his pals. This is a quiet, unassuming youngster and not at all what I expected from somebody who is said to have the fishing world at his feet. He was called the "Tiger Woods of fishing" by the editor of California Fishing last month just after he won the prestigious under-16 title.

Mattie was pushed into angling by his father, John, when he was nine. He accompanied his father on numerous fishing trips so many successful tips and tricks had already been picked up by the time he tried it himself. And it seemed to come oh-so-naturally to him.

"I caught my first fish after about four minutes. My father was furious," he laughs. His father says he has a great technique, enormous patience and, most importantly, a willingness to listen and learn.

B. But it was mainly his mother who saw his potential and decided to buy Mattie his first rod for his ninth birthday. The rest, as they say, is history.

His first angling trophy was won at the age of ten. He was Californian under-12 champion the following year. He is also American under-13 champion but it is the under-16 tournament success, against much older anglers, that gives him the most satisfaction.

3. D. "I went to Florida for the national Under-13's. I won that with a barracuda and it was caught in about 3 feet of water. Everyone else was casting out to 20 foot. I just seem to have a knack for finding fish."

It's what his father calls 'Mattie's radar' and it is being used on a daily basis in rivers and lakes across the USA as he travels from one tournament to the next with his father by his side. But he has other tools of the trade and is, typically for a fisherman, pretty superstitious when it comes to his tackle.

"This lure was bought for me in England," he explains, handing me something that looks like a wasp on a hook. "I've won three tournaments using that and if I lost it, snagged it or something, I would dive in after it. And this hat." He is wearing a light blue cloth hat that he goes on to explain brings him luck.

4. A. "I was at this tournament in Oregon last autumn and it had been left back in the motel by my father. I tell you, not a single fish came near the hook that day. I wouldn't go anywhere without it now."

What does the future hold for Mattie? "I intend to finish school and I want to go to college. I know it's important to get a good education. I'll always have fishing to go back to whenever I want."

And with that, we reach the lake shore and he settles down for what promises to be a fruitful evening. Instinctively, his hand reaches up and pats his faithful blue hat before returning to his rod. Just checking.

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Thu Hồng
5 tháng 9 2021 lúc 1:11

Part 3: A. You are going to read an article about learning from mistakes. Four sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-D the one which fits each gap (1-4). ( 4 points)


Have you ever noticed how children are always making mistakes? They do it all the time, and it doesn’t seem to bother them. You don’t learn to walk without falling over. You don’t learn to speak without mispronouncing lots of words. You don’t learn to juggle without dropping balls. But if you create an environment where mistakes are not accepted, then people become frightened of them.(1)....They fail to see them as part of the learning process...... In these kinds of environment, people learn to hide their mistakes, and not to celebrate them as a good thing. If you’re not making mistakes then you’re not learning anything valuable. 

Do you remember the first time you touched a computer? You didn’t want people to watch you as you started to touch the keys. You worried that if you touched the wrong button, you would delete all the important files. Children aren’t like that. They experiment with all the buttons, just to see what will happen. (2)...Then they restart the computer and experiment again. ...... And they are learning from every move they make. 

        The fear of success comes later, and we can see this often in successful professionals and leaders. (3)......People who achieve great success then have more to lose when things go wrong..... So they start to worry, and decide not to take risks. Don’t let this happen to you. (4)......Learn to talk about your mistakes, at work and at home...... See what opportunities can arise from you the mistakes you make, and soon you’ll feel happier about yourself.

B. Find words or expressions in the text which mean: (6 points)

1. fall on the ground                                                                        ......................fall over (ngã).............................

2. say something with the wrong pronunciation                         ................................mispronouncing (đánh vần sai)...................

3. throw and catch three or more balls together              ................................juggle (tung hứng)...................

4. the buttons on a computer                                              ...........................keys (phím)........................

5. do things that could cause problems                            .......................take risks (mạo hiểm)............................

6. possibilities for things you can do                                ...................opportunities (cơ hội, khả năng)................................

Thu Hồng
5 tháng 9 2021 lúc 1:13

Bạn có bao giờ để ý rằng trẻ luôn mắc lỗi như thế nào không? Chúng làm điều đó mọi lúc, và điều đó dường như không làm phiền chúng. Bạn không học cách đi mà không bị ngã. Bạn không thể học nói nếu phát âm sai nhiều từ. Bạn không thể học cách tung hứng mà không làm rơi quả bóng. Nhưng nếu bạn tạo ra một môi trường mà những sai lầm không được chấp nhận, thì mọi người sẽ trở nên sợ hãi về chúng. (1) .... Họ không coi chúng là một phần của quá trình học tập ...... học cách che giấu những sai lầm của họ, và không tán dương chúng như một điều tốt. Nếu bạn không mắc sai lầm thì bạn không học được gì có giá trị.

Bạn có nhớ lần đầu tiên bạn chạm vào máy tính không? Bạn không muốn mọi người nhìn thấy mình khi bạn bắt đầu chạm vào các phím. Bạn lo lắng rằng nếu bạn chạm nhầm vào nút, bạn sẽ xóa tất cả các tập tin quan trọng. Trẻ em không như vậy. Họ thử nghiệm với tất cả các nút, chỉ để xem điều gì sẽ xảy ra. (2) ... Sau đó, họ khởi động lại máy tính và thử nghiệm lại. ...... Và họ đang học hỏi từ mọi hành động của họ.

Nỗi sợ thành công đến muộn hơn, và chúng ta có thể thấy điều này thường xuyên ở các chuyên gia và nhà lãnh đạo thành công. (3) ...... Những người đạt được thành công lớn sau đó sẽ mất nhiều hơn khi mọi thứ diễn ra không như ý muốn ..... Vì vậy, họ bắt đầu lo lắng và quyết định không chấp nhận rủi ro. Đừng để điều này xảy ra với bạn. (4) ...... Học cách nói về những sai lầm của bạn, ở nơi làm việc và ở nhà ...... Xem những cơ hội nào có thể nảy sinh từ những sai lầm bạn mắc phải và bạn sẽ sớm cảm thấy hạnh phúc hơn về bản thân.