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Hoàng Ngọc Tuyết Nhung
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Phước Lộc
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Visual pollution is an aesthe issue and refers to the impacts of pollution that impair one's ability to enjoy a vista or view.

Visual pollution disturbs the visual areas of people by creating harmful changes in the natural environment. Billboards[1],[2] open storage of trash, antennas, electric wires, buildings, and automobiles are often considered visual pollution. An overcrowding of an area causes visual pollution. Visual pollution is defined as the whole of irregular formations, which are mostly found in nature.[3][4]

Effects of exposure to visual pollution include: distraction, eye fatigue, decreases in opinion diversity, and loss of identity.[

cần giải
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Vũ Khánh Ly
4 tháng 10 2019 lúc 21:30

15 câu hỏi liên quan đến sức khỏe bằng tiếng anh trả lời  bằng tiếng anh

1. How are you? Very well, thank you. And you?

2. How are you today? Very well, thank you. And you?

3. How do you do? I’m fine, thanks. How are you?

4. How do you doing? Fine. Thank you

5. How have you been doing? I’m good, thanks. How about you?

6.How have you been? I’m good, thanks. How about you?

7. Everything OK? You look so tired ? Not too bad

8.. How are things? I’m doing great, thank you

9.How’s things? I’m doing great, thank you

10. How’s it going? Okay

11. How are you getting on? I’m feeling good now. Thanks for asking

12. What have you been  up to? I'm still very strong

13. I hope everthing’s okay? I'm okay

14. Are you not feeling well? I'm ok

15. What’s wrong with you? Nothing happened to me

nhũng điều cần thiết cho sức khỏe bằng tiếng anh

1. Health is not only about physical matters, physical status but pure biological meaning, including mental health, life skills to adapt to social community and nature.

2. Take care of your health right from the womb to the age of birth, your child, prepare for the leap from adolescence to adolescence, through middle-aged work most effectively to the age of tri destiny to have a happy and healthy elderly life. Each of these stages has its own biological characteriss that need to be kept in full care, absolutely not underestimated at any age.

3. Conscious self-training to create a basic health foundation, a stable and dynamic mental state, suitable for age and nature, without relying on physical comfort and conditions. activities, nutrition, use of functional foods medicine.

4. Prevention is better than cure. When you are healthy, you must anipate and prevent the risk of proactive disease avoidance is the most effective economic problem.

5. Everyone must have health insurance, in addition to the subjects under the policy, need to buy voluntary insurance to be assured when paying hospital fees. People with middle income and above should consider buying additional life insurance.

6. Take advantage of online information and advice to have a basic understanding, consider appropriate options for illness and other conditions, avoid overcrowding at central level hospitals, bring about hospitalization conditions Best for sick and close relatives to take care of.

7. Irrespective of medical examination and treatment establishments and administrative services according to the classification of administrative properties, only according to the sole criterion is where the best quality of medical examination and treatment and support services come.

8. Respect every physician regardless of specialty, function of each stage of medical examination and treatment. The old mistake is to only value dissectors, while anesthetists, resuscitators, post-operative care watchers, or physicians who only provide counseling and sanitation for epidemic prevention are often overlooked. This is a disadvantage for patients because a right advice to avoid unnecessary surgery will benefit many patients and their relatives.

9. Appreciate and spend appropriately on family meals. Eating at a restaurant or bar is just a means of communication or a context of time conditions, especially in the difficult time on food hygiene and safety.

10. When sick, accident is the time to be alert to clear all the problems in the story of work money ... to regain peace, love to help each other overcome the tribulation.

mình nha mình mãi mới trả lời xong đó ≥^.^≤

Nguyễn Minh Đoàn
4 tháng 3 2022 lúc 20:03

Bạn ơi

Khách vãng lai đã xóa
Trịnh Hà _Tiểu bằng giải
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Nguyễn Chí Thanh
5 tháng 3 2018 lúc 19:31

khó quá đi 

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nguyễn thị tuyết sương
24 tháng 10 2018 lúc 19:51

Nowadays, environmental pollution is a hot issue, causing huge waves in public. There are a lot of scientific studies on this issue. Do you know that the cause of pollution originates from the tasks seeming small in our daily lives such as littering, deforestation, or the direct discharge of smoke from vehicles, factory into the environment without treatment. However, if these actions are repeated many times, gradually, the amount of pollution is increasing and has the opposite impact on our lives. The manifestation of environmental pollution is an increase in the carbon footprint in the air, soil and water, which is a gas that does not sustain life. Environmental pollution is also a direct cause of global warming, leading to a series of phenomena, such as the greenhouse effect, ice caps melting, natural disasters such as droughts, floods, volcanic eruption and so on. The sea level is rising, more and more natural disasters occur, which threaten all species, make some of which be rare or extinct, break the ecological balance on the Earth. Human beings are not exception. We are breathing polluted air, eating unsafe food. In recent years, we have seen a drama increase in the number of people suffering from respiratory and digestive diseases. In conclusion, environmental pollution is a matter taking a lot of concern. It is time for us to take action to overcome this current issue, to protect our own lives.

Ngày nay, ô nhiễm môi trường là một chủ đề nóng hổi, gây lên làn sóng trong dư luận. Đã có rất nhiều công trình nghiên cứu khoa học về vấn đề này. Bạn biết không, nguyên nhân của ô nhiễm bắt nguồn từ những công việc tưởng chừng như rất nhỏ trong cuộc sống hàng ngày của chúng ta như xả rác bừa bãi, phá rừng làm rẫy, hay tù khói của xe cộ, các xí nghiệp thải trực tiếp qua môi trường mà không được xử lí. Tuy nhiên nếu những hành động này được lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần, dần dần, lượng ô nhiễm ngày càng nhiều và tác động ngược lại đến với cuộc sống của chúng ta. Biểu hiện của ô nhiễm môi trường chính là sự tăng lên vè nồng độ carbon trong không khí, đất và nước, đây là chất khí không duy trì sự sống. Ô nhiễm môi trường còn là nguyên nhân trực tiếp dẫn đến sự nóng lên toàn cầu, dẫn đến hàng loạt hiện tượng như hiệu ứng nhà kính, băng tan hai cực, các thảm họa tự nhiên như hạn hán, lũ lụt, phun trào núi lửa,... Mực nước biển ngày càng dâng cao, ngày càng nhiều các thảm họa tự nhiên xuất hiện đã đe dọa đến tất cả các loài sinh vật, khiến một số loài trở nên khan hiếm hay thậm chí là tiệt chủng, gây ra sự mất cân bằng sinh thái trên trái đất. Con người cũng không ngoại lệ. Chúng ta đang hít phải không khí ô nhiễm, ăn những thực phẩm chưa đảm bảo chất lượng. Những năm gần đây, chúng ta chứng kiến con số tăng lên đáng kể những người mắc phải các căn bệnh liên quan đến hệ hô hấp, tiêu hóa. Nói tóm lại, ô nhiễm môi trường đang là vấn đề đáng lo ngại. Đã đến lúc chúng ta phải bắt tay hành động khắc phục hiện trạng này, bảo vệ cuộc sống của chính chúng ta.

Phạm Ngọc Ánh
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Nguyễn Phương Mai
2 tháng 5 2022 lúc 19:27

Tham Khảo về ô nhiễm nước

Water pollution is among one of the most concerning problem facing the world today. There are some causes of water pollution. The first reason is the daily activities of everyone when somebody disposes the waste in wrong places. Besides, the the operation of the plant also pollutes the water, because industrial waste water has not been treated. Moreover, increasing population is creating many issues but it also plays negative role in polluting the water. It leads to increase in solid waste generation, which is discharged in to rivers. These actions are ideal conditions for bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases. They are spreading through polluted water and affecting human health. To solve the problems, there should be proper waste disposal system and waste should be treated before entering in to river. Educational and awareness programs should be organized to control the pollution.

Phương Mai
2 tháng 5 2022 lúc 19:29

Tham khảo ô nhiễm không khí

Nowadays, big cities are facing with air pollution, one of the most serious global issues. One of the causes is vehicular traffic. The combustion of the automobile fuel whether it is diesel or petrol, that powers a vehicle, leads to the release of poisonous gases released through the exhaust of the vehicle. Smoke generated by factories is also let out into the air leading to pollution. Moreover, the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, as also the burning of wood for cooking, and of farm wastes lead to harmful smoke polluting the air. Air pollution always has bad effects on our life. People around the world are suffering from respiratory and cardiac problems, and diseases such as cancer affecting other organs of the body too. To improve the air quality, people should plant more trees and use pubic transports instead of private vehicles.

Nguyễn Ngọc Linh
2 tháng 5 2022 lúc 19:32

Tham khảo ô nhiễm đất

Soil plays an important role in our life because it is the component where the sources of life like water and sunlight air come together. The pollution of this precious element has now turned into a global problem and not the only country’s concern. Soil pollution can be defined as the increase of persistent toxic elements in the soil like the presence of chemicals, salts, disease-causing agents, radioactive wastes, or anything that changes the soil’s quality and causes an adverse effect in the growth of the plant and on human health. Soil pollution can be reduced by proper regulated waste dumping and by avoiding littering, reduced use and throwing of toxic material, recycling of waste materials, decreasing the use of toxic fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, and instead opting for organic products, stop deforestation by growing more plants (reforestation). It is our role as students to understand the importance of preserving the purity in soil and saving it from contamination by educating others on the matter through the spreading of awareness.

nguyễn hoàng lê thi
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Hoàng Chos
25 tháng 1 2018 lúc 14:29

Transportation planning is a fundamental element of a comprehensive strategy for minimizing road surface emissions. Include the following:
- Land use and transportation planning,
- Manage travel needs,
- Management of transportation systems and support regulations,
- Appropriate policies on resource mobilization, taxation, pricing, subsidies, legal and institutional factors, promotion and awareness raising.
The principal principles in transport planning are:
- The transport planning must be integrated with the comprehensive development planning to ensure sustainable development.
- All plans and projects must be prepared on the basis of opinions at various levels, including users of the transportation system and stakeholders. These plans and projects will benefit the poor or harm them. Projects that want to be feasible must come from politicians to the public.
Model of urban transport development
- Limiting the growth of motorcycles, personal cars (in Vietnam's current condition).
- Limiting the development of pedicabs, lambros
- Complete the bus network, this type of public vehicles should be prioritized development number one in the urban Vietnam.
- Rough rickshaw (bicycles) out of the motor vehicle
- The pedestrian walkway must be maintained.
- There is a program to restrict traffic flow.
- Camera mount
- Complete the traffic rules and regulations
- traffic safety education.
- Solutions for the development policy of public passenger transport in urban centers.

Lan Hân
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nguyễn hoàng lê thi
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Hoàng Chos
25 tháng 1 2018 lúc 14:28

The solution to plant trees to reduce noise is very effective and economical. In addition to reducing noise, trees also have many effects in environmental protection such as climate change, dust extraction and toxic gas ... Green trees grow in bands with better noise protection than growing into a continuous band. The results show that noise reduction through the green strip is most effective in the first 10 to 15 meters of the strip. Therefore, the width of each strip of trees should not be less than 5 m.