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Lê Thị Ngọc Ánh
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Huỳnh Bá Nhật Minh
2 tháng 5 2018 lúc 9:42

The place I am living in is a beautiful little city near the sea. The infrastructure here is quite advanced and modern. In the past, the number of vehicle was so high, so traffic congestion often occurred, especially during the rush hours. However, recently, most people have been travelled by public transport using alternative energy instead of private vehicles, so the city has significantly reduced traffic congestion and pollution. The city also has many big and small amusement parks, movie theaters, restaurant ... to satisfy the needs of consumers. My favorite place in this city is the huge harbor. Every day, there are thousands of ships and boats going back and forth, of fishermen, traders or tourists. The atmosphere of the market is very vibrant and bustling. This is also the factor that makes the city become prosperous and rich. Moreover, the people in the city are very friendly, open minded and very aware of environmental protection. So even though there are many factories and vehicles, the city is still clean, beautiful, the air is fresh and cool. I love this city very much, hope that in the near future, the city will grow and become more and more modern.

Nơi mình đang sống là một thành phố nhỏ xinh sát biển. Cơ sở hạ tầng ở đây khá tiên tiến và hiện đại. Trước đây, lượng xe cộ đi lại rất nhiều nên thường xảy ra tình trạng tắc nghẽn giao thông, đặc biệt là vào giờ cao điểm. Tuy nhiên, gần đây hầu hết mọi người di chuyển bằng phương tiện công cộng sử dụng năng lượng thay thế thay cho xe riêng nên thành phố giảm được đáng kể tình trạng tắc nghẽn giao thông và lượng ô nhiễm thải ra môi trường. Trong thành phố cũng có rất nhiều khu vui chơi giải trí lớn nhỏ, các rạp xem phim, quán ăn,... để thỏa mãn nhu cầu của người tiêu dùng. Điểm mình đặc biệt yêu thích ở thành phố này là hải cảng rất to. Mỗi ngày, có hàng nghìn các tàu qua lại, từ thuyền của ngư dân, thương lái cho đến thuyền trở khách du lịch. Không khí buôn bán diễn ra sôi nổi và nhộn nhịp. Đây cũng là nhân tố khiến cho thành phố mình trở nên thịnh vượng và giàu có. Điểm đặc biệt nữa là người dân trong thành phố đều rất thân thiện, cởi mở và rất có ý thức bảo vệ môi trường. Bởi vậy mà dù cho có rất nhiều các khu công nghiệp hay xe cộ thì thành phố vẫn sạch, đẹp, không khí trong lành, mát mẻ. Mình rất yêu thành phố này, hy vọng rằng trong tương lai gần, thành phố sẽ ngày càng phát triển và hiện đại hơn nữa. 

Tsukino Usagi
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休 宁 凯
9 tháng 4 2018 lúc 15:03

Life in the city has long been a hankering for many people because of the benefits it brings. First, it provides us with many employment opportunities to increase income, feed ourselves and our families. There are a lot of kind of jobs from teachers, maketing, designers, ... which need a great human resource. Therefore, people feel easy to find a suitable job. In addition, the quality of life in cities is much better than in rural areas. The infrastructure is modern and there are full of services for the people. More and more entertainment centers, commercial centers, hospitals and schools are built. It means that people's health is better and their needs for entertainment are better. However, besides these positive aspects, the city still has some drawbacks. First of all, because of many factories, transportation and large population, the air here is very polluted, the road is full of smoke and dust, as a result it makes a bad effect on people's health. In addition, due to immigration, so many people rushed to the city so the cost of services and equipment is quite expensive. This is also the cause of a number of social evils such as theft, addiction, gambling, ... Today there are many large cities grow up, more and more people migrate in the city, but besides the positive aspects, the city still has limitations that no one wishes. Everyone should take consideration before deciding where to live.

Life in the city is full of activity. Early in the morning hundreds of people rush out of their homes in the manner ants do when their nest is broken. Soon the streets are full of traffic. Shops and offices opens, studend flock to their school and the day’s work begins. The city now throb with activity, and it is full of noise. Hundreds of sight-seers, tourists and others visit many places of interest in the city while businessmen from various parts of the world arrive to transact business.

The towards evening, the offices and day schools begin to close. Many of the shops too close. There is now a rush for buses and other means of transport. Everyone seems to be in a hurry to reach home. As a result of this rush, many accidents occur. One who has not been to the city before finds it hars to move about at this time. Soon, however, there is almost no activity in several parts of the city. These parts are usually the business centres.

With the coming of night, another kind of activity begins. The streets are now full of colourful lights. The air is cooler and life becomes more leisurely. People now seek entertainment. Many visit the cinemas, parks and clubs, while others remain indoors to watch television or listen to the radio. Some visit friends and relatives and some spend their time reading books and magazines. Those who are interested in polis discuss the latest polial developments. At the same time, hundreds of crimes are committed. Thieves and robbers who wait dor the coming of night become active, and misfortune descends upon many. For the greed of a few, many are killed, and some live in constant fear. To bring criminals to juse, the officers of the law are always on the move.

Workers and others who seek advancement in their careers attend educational institutions which are open till late in the night. Hundreds of them sit for various examinations every year. The facilities and opportunities that the people in the city have to futher their studies and increase their knowledge of human affairs are indeed many. As a result, the people of the city are usually better informed than those of the village, where even a newpaper is sometimes difficult to get.

The city could, therefore, be described as a plave of ceaseless activiy. Here, the drama of life is enacted every day.

Phạm Tuấn Tài
9 tháng 4 2018 lúc 15:35

The place I am living in is a beautiful little city near the sea. The infrastructure here is quite advanced and modern. In the past, the number of vehicle was so high, so traffic congestion often occurred, especially during the rush hours. However, recently, most people have been travelled by public transport using alternative energy instead of private vehicles, so the city has significantly reduced traffic congestion and pollution. The city also has many big and small amusement parks, movie theaters, restaurant ... to satisfy the needs of consumers. My favorite place in this city is the huge harbor. Every day, there are thousands of ships and boats going back and forth, of fishermen, traders or tourists. The atmosphere of the market is very vibrant and bustling. This is also the factor that makes the city become prosperous and rich. Moreover, the people in the city are very friendly, open minded and very aware of environmental protection. So even though there are many factories and vehicles, the city is still clean, beautiful, the air is fresh and cool. I love this city very much, hope that in the near future, the city will grow and become more and more modern.

Amine cute
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Mai Tùng Dương
11 tháng 9 2016 lúc 15:27




Quách Thiên
Xem chi tiết
 Phạm Trà Giang
9 tháng 12 2018 lúc 18:33

The place I am living in is a beautiful little city near the sea. The infrastructure here is quite advanced and modern. In the past, the number of vehicle was so high, so traffic congestion often occurred, especially during the rush hours. However, recently, most people have been travelled by public transport using alternative energy instead of private vehicles, so the city has significantly reduced traffic congestion and pollution. The city also has many big and small amusement parks, movie theaters, restaurant ... to satisfy the needs of consumers. My favorite place in this city is the huge harbor. Every day, there are thousands of ships and boats going back and forth, of fishermen, traders or tourists. The atmosphere of the market is very vibrant and bustling. This is also the factor that makes the city become prosperous and rich. Moreover, the people in the city are very friendly, open minded and very aware of environmental protection. So even though there are many factories and vehicles, the city is still clean, beautiful, the air is fresh and cool. I love this city very much, hope that in the near future, the city will grow and become more and more modern.

Quách Thiên
9 tháng 12 2018 lúc 18:36

Ko lấy mạng

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Tử Đằng
24 tháng 12 2016 lúc 6:14

Life in the countryside is quite different from that in the city. First, it is the atmosphere that differentiates the two living environments. In the countryside, the air and water are much fresher and safer, thus living there is totally comfortable and beneficial for our health. In contrast, people who live in big cities suffer from health problems and diseases related to poor air quality and sources of polluted water. Second, prices and costs of living are cheaper in the countryside than in big cities. Vegetables, fruits and meats are home-grown and home-produced. However, in cities, people have to go shopping for them. Third, the interpersional relationships are more harmonious and friendlier. Those who live in the same village, especially neighbours, for example, know each other very well. There is a close-knit cooperation between people in working and many other daily activities. On the contrary, negatively speaking, city people only live and know their own business. They hardly care about who their neighbours are and what they do. Sending a helping hand, as a result, is never seen among city people. In conclusion, although the city life holds many advantages that make life more convenient, I always prefer living in the countryside where the environment is nice, the costs of living is affordable, and the intimate relationships among people are really meaningful. Personally, If I had a choice between a villa in the city and a small house with garden surrounding, the latter would seem better to me.

Nguyễn Ngọc Hà Anh
24 tháng 12 2016 lúc 21:27

Life in the village is simple and warm! People here legs covered their faces mud but loyal and beautiful, lasting impression. The children here do this joke sick child mice skinny, black, curly hair, bare ride runs between lunch fields. Every morning, I saw her in the village to the river carrying water, laundry, wash the rice, the farmer ... The field, rice paddy. The students go to school. The vegetables and flowers she brought to market. At noon, the farmer resting, sitting beneath a banyan tree and enlist dinner nap a few minutes. This time the students had gone home. Afternoon, I found out the first lane 1 basket she brought only a few bundles left over after selling vegetables at the market, the buffalo farmer after 1 business day. Buffalo designs ample tread it looks majestic. Children flying a kite to the kite fold, brought home and agreed to meet the next day! Every evening, the breeze through blow away the smell of rice fat fat. Oh, I love this peaceful life too, it's a far cry from one life is full of sound in the city, do not take well 1 sec quiet!

Phước Hữu
Xem chi tiết
25 tháng 12 2022 lúc 11:24

Hue is located in central Vietnam on the banks of Perfume River. In 1802, Hue was chosen to be Vietnam’s capital by Emperor Gia Long. It remained the nation’s capital until 1945 when Emperor Bao Dai chose Hanoi as nation’s capital. Hue consists of two parts, the Imperial city and market to the North and newer buildings to the South. Along the Perfume River, you can find it interesting to visit about 100 architectural works which reflect the life of Emperors and mandarins under Nguyen Dynasty. If you visit Hue in formal occasions, you may have a chance to enjoy Royal Music, which was proclaimed by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity in December 1993.

25 tháng 12 2022 lúc 11:24

phần dịch nè:

Huế nằm ở miền Trung Việt Nam bên bờ sông Hương. Năm 1802, Huế được Hoàng đế Gia Long chọn làm kinh đô của Việt Nam. Nó vẫn là thủ đô của quốc gia cho đến năm 1945 khi Hoàng đế Bảo Đại chọn Hà Nội làm thủ đô của quốc gia. Huế bao gồm hai phần, Cố đô và chợ ở phía Bắc và các tòa nhà mới hơn ở phía Nam. Dọc theo dòng sông Hương, bạn có thể cảm thấy thú vị khi tham quan khoảng 100 công trình kiến ​​trúc phản ánh cuộc đời của các Hoàng đế và quan lại dưới triều Nguyễn. Nếu bạn đến thăm Huế vào những dịp trang trọng, bạn có thể có cơ hội thưởng thức Nhã nhạc Cung đình, được UNESCO công nhận là Kiệt tác Di sản truyền khẩu và phi vật thể của nhân loại vào tháng 12/1993.

ღHàn Thiên Băng ღ
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Nguyễn Thuỵ Phương Lan
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Extremely (adv): Cực kì, vô cùng.
Bustling (adj): Nhộn nhịp.
Skyscraper (n): Nhà cao tầng, nhà chọc trời.
River bank (n): Bờ sông.
I was born and raised in Ho Chi Minh City, or it is also known as Saigon. Saigon is the largest city in Vietnam with an extremely huge amount of residents, so almost every street and corner in the center of the city is always bustling. Saigon is famous for its skyscrapers and crowded malls. People love to do shopping, so every weekend the shopping malls are always full of shoppers. The life-style here is very fast and hurried, but people try to spend their free time in the evenings hanging around the streets. Saigon at night is very beautiful, people love to gather in the coffee shops or sit in river banks that go along the streets. My friends and I usually hang out in the evening, and we would to find as many different places to eat as possible. Along with the beauty, Saigon is also famous for delicious fool, and it is felt that the street food is usually better than one in big restaurants. There are so many things left to say about this lovely city, and we can only see the rest of it by exploring it ourselves.

Tôi sinh ra và lớn lên ở thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, hoặc còn được biết đến là Sài Gòn. Sài Gòn là là thành phố lớn nhất Việt Nam với lương cư dân vô cùng đông đúc, vậy nên hầu như mọi con đường và ngã tư ở trung tâm thành phố lúc nào cũng nhộn nhịp. Sài Gòn nổi tiếng với những tòa nhà cao tầng và những khu thương mại sầm uất. Người dân ở đây rất thích đi mua sắm, vậy nên vào mỗi dịp cuối tuần các trung tâm mua sắm thường đầy người. Nhịp sống ở đây rất nhanh và vội vàng, nhưng mọi người vẫn luôn dành thời gian rảnh vào buổi tối để đi dạo quanh các con phố. Sài Gòn về đêm rất đẹp, mọi người thường thích tụ họp ở những quán cà phê hoặc ngồi hóng mát trên những bờ sông dọc theo các tuyến đường. Tôi và các bạn cũng hay xuống phố vào buổi tối, và chúng tôi thích tìm càng nhiều nơi để ăn càng tốt. Thành phố này ngoài cảnh đẹp ra còn nổi tiếng với rất nhiều món ngon, và tôi lại cảm thấy món ăn đường phố thường ngon hơn trong những nhà hàng lớn. Có rất nhiều thứ để nói về thành phố đáng yêu này, và chỉ khi tự khám phá thì chúng ta mới thấy được hết vẻ đẹp của nó.

Nguyễn Thuỵ Phương Lan
15 tháng 2 2019 lúc 21:29

Nó hơi dài nhưng dù sao thì mình cũng cảm ơn bạn đã dăng lên trợ giúp mình nha

Nguyễn Thuỵ Phương Lan
Xem chi tiết
18 tháng 2 2019 lúc 21:00

Da Lat city is located in the center of the southern highlands, 300 km far from the north of Ho Chi Minh City. In this beautiful city, the weather changes constantly, the noon is quite warm and cool while in the evening it is greatly cold. In general, the climate is relatively mild and suitable for avaiable flora and fauna to grow. This is also the reason that in Da Lat there are many kinds of beautiful and precious flower. When we come here , it is that we go to the forest with all kinds of flowers such as hydrangea flowers, mi mo da flowers, Mexican sunflowers, ... In addition, in Da Lat there are many interesting places such as Me Linh coffee garden, Than Tho lake, Camly waterfall, Da Lat station, ... The more we discover, the more beauty and excitement in Dalat we find. I hope that there will be more opportunities to come there in the near future.

Nguyễn Anh Thư
18 tháng 2 2019 lúc 21:01

I was born and raised in Ho Chi Minh City, or it is also known as Saigon. Saigon is the largest city in Vietnam with an extremely huge amount of residents, so almost every street and corner in the center of the city is always bustling. Saigon is famous for its skyscrapers and crowded malls. People love to do shopping, so every weekend the shopping malls are always full of shoppers. The life-style here is very fast and hurried, but people try to spend their free time in the evenings hanging around the streets. Saigon at night is very beautiful, people love to gather in the coffee shops or sit in river banks that go along the streets. My friends and I usually hang out in the evening, and we would to find as many different places to eat as possible. Along with the beauty, Saigon is also famous for delicious fool, and it is felt that the street food is usually better than one in big restaurants. There are so many things left to say about this lovely city, and we can only see the rest of it by exploring it ourselves.

Nguyễn Thuỵ Phương Lan
18 tháng 2 2019 lúc 21:03
