Phạm Ngọc Bảo Trâm
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Cee Hee
49 phút trước

IX. Write conditional sentences type 2, using the cues given.

1. What/ happen/ if/ water pollution/ stop?

`->` What would happen if water pollution stopped?

2. We/ be/ happy/ if/ air pollution/ the world/ be/ a/ better place?

`->` Would we be happy if air pollution in the world were a better place?

3. If/ there/ be/ no more pollution/ the world/ be/ a better place?

`->` Would the world would be a better place if there were no more pollution?

4. If/I/ be/ you/I/ take/ these bottles/ the bottle bank.

`->` If I were you, I would take these bottles to the bottle bank.

5. If/ people/ not really care/ the environment/ they/ not try/ save it.

`->`If people didn't really care the environmet, they wounld not try to save it.

6. The river/ not be/ so polluted/ if/ factories/ not dump/ waste/ it.

`->` The river wouldn't be so polluted if factories didn't dump waste into it.

7. We/ be/ less worried/ if/ oil spills/ not have/ such destructive effects.

`->` We would be less worrried if oild spills didn't have such destructive effects.


`-` Công thức: If + S + `V_{QKĐ}`, S + would/could + `V_1`

`*` trong đó: `V_{QKĐ}` gồm:

`+` didn't + `V_1` 

`+` `V_{2//ed}`

`+` were. 

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Phạm Ngọc Bảo Trâm
Xem chi tiết
Cee Hee
1 giờ trước (13:13)

VIII. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use conditional sentences type 2.

1. weren't

2. would decrease

3. didn't dump

4. would be

5. bought

6. didn't bury - wouldn't pollute 

7. wouldn't be - cared

8. would happen - were

9. paid - would be 

10. polluted - would soon become


`-` Công thức: If + S + `V_{QKĐ}`, S + would/could + `V_1`

`*` trong đó: `V_{QKĐ}` gồm:

`+` didn't + `V_1` 

`+` `V_{2//ed}`

`+` were. 

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Phạm Ngọc Bảo Trâm
Xem chi tiết
Cee Hee
1 giờ trước (13:26)

VII. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use conditional sentences type 1.

1. gets

2. will not be

3. keep

4. will help

5. don't stop, will become

6. recycle - will not produce

7. will have - dump

8. continues - will rise

9. keeps - will not be

10. will threaten - don't cut down

`-` Công thức: If + S + `V_{HTĐ}`, S + will/can + `V_1`

`*` trong đó: `V_{HTĐ}` gồm:

`+` don't/doesn't + `V_1` 

`+` `V_{1//s//es}`

`+` am/is/are.

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Phạm Ngọc Bảo Trâm
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Ẩn danh
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1.The way of communication in question is video conferencing.

2.Advantages include its ability to facilitate face-to-face interaction regardless of physical distance, fostering collaboration, saving time and resources by eliminating the need for travel, and accommodating flexible work arrangements.

3.However, disadvantages may arise from technical issues such as poor internet connection, potential for distractions, difficulty in reading non-verbal cues, and security concerns regarding data privacy.

4.Yes, video conferencing is likely to continue being used in the future, especially as remote work and global collaboration become more common.

5.Its popularity will likely increase as technology advances and becomes more accessible, although preferences for in-person meetings may still persist in certain contexts.

Mình cung cấp cho bạn mấy ý,bạn có thể dùng để viết bài nha

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Sinh Viên NEU
14 giờ trước (0:39)

1 My mother said to me:"I am sad now"

2 One of my friends said:"I like learning English with my teacher"

3 The doctor said to me:"You can leave the school today"

4 The film director said:"I am willing to work now"

5 The teacher said to his students:"I will be busy next month"

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Sinh Viên NEU
14 giờ trước (0:42)

6 Tom said to me: "Would you like to go to my birthday party?"

7 She said:"The doctor has written a prescriptio for me"

8 He said:"I have a toothache"

9 She said:"I went to the museum everyday"

10 They said:"We are going to the supermarket"

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Sinh Viên NEU
14 giờ trước (0:44)

1 Paul said that he had to go home then

2 The policeman said that there had been an accident and the road was blocked

3 The children said that they were waiting for the school bus

4 Mary said that her father had died a year before

5 Mr Brown asked if I had to go then


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Sinh Viên NEU
14 giờ trước (0:45)

6 His mother asked him whose bicycle he had borrowed the day before

7 The teacher said that it wasn't so foggy that day as it had been the day before

8 My father told me to be modest if i were a good pupil

9 She told us to shut the door but not to lock it

10 Tom said that New York was bigger than London

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Sinh Viên NEU
12 giờ trước (2:03)

4 C

5 D

6 D

7 C

8 C

9 A

10 B

11 B

12 A

13 D

14 A

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Sinh Viên NEU
12 giờ trước (2:04)

15 A

16 A

17 B

18 A

19 B

20 C

21 C

22 B

23 B

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Sinh Viên NEU
12 giờ trước (2:11)

1 A

2 B

3 B

4 B

5 D

6 D

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