I love my parents' house where I was born
The day when we first met is unforgettable
He was born on the day when his father was away
The beach where people used to go on holiday was destroyed by a violent storm.
I like standing at the window where I can see the park
The city where we spent our vacation was beautiful
The police want to know the hotel where Mr Foster stayed two weeks ago
The town where I grew up is small
Answer :
1. I love my parents' house where I was born
2. The day when we first met is unforgettable
3. He was born on the day when his father was away
4. The beach where people used to go on holiday was destroyed by a violent storm
5. I like standing at the window where I can see the park
6. The city where we spent our vacation was beautiful
7. The police want to know the hotel where MR. Foster stayed two weeks ago
8. The town where I grew up is small