II. Rewrite the word to show the stressed syllable in capitals.
Example: picture -> PICture
1. follow _______________ 2. festive _______________
3. allow _______________ 4.ethnic _______________
5. asleep _______________ 6.enjoy_______________
7. finish _______________ 8. music _______________
9. report _______________ 10. Christmas _______________
11. firework _______________ 12. between _______________
13. decide _______________ 14. harvest _______________
15. agree _______________ 16. mistake _______________
1. follow _____->FOllow__________ 2. festive _->FEStive______________
3. allow ______->aLLOW_________ 4.ethnic ____->ETHnic___________
5. asleep ____->aSLEEP___________ 6.enjoy____->enJOY___________
7. finish ___->FInish____________ 8. music ____->MUsic___________
9. report ______->rePORT_________ 10. Christmas ___->CHRISTmas____________
11. firework ______->FIREwork_________ 12. between ________->beTWEEN_______
13. decide ________->DEcide_______ 14. harvest ____->HARvest__________
15. agree ____->aGREE__________ 16. mistake _____->miSTAKE__________
1. follow _____follow__________ 2. festive ______festive_________
3. allow ______allow_________ 4.ethnic _____ethnic__________
5. asleep _____asleep__________ 6.enjoy______enjoy_________
7. finish _________finish______ 8. music ______music_________
9. report ______report_________ 10. Christmas _____Christmas__________
11. firework _______firework________ 12. between ______between_________
13. decide _______decide________ 14. harvest ______harvest_________
15. agree ______agree_________ 16. mistake _____mistake__________