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Lãnh Hàn Thiên Minz

- He worked hard to……good crops from poor soil. (product)
- How…….of you to break that cup! (care)
- His long….made us bored and sleepy. (speak)
- He never takes his father’s…..(advise)
- They sat….by the stream. (quiet)
- To my ……, the monkey peeled a banana and offered it to me. (amaze)
- …..air and water are not good for our health. (pollute)
-. Air….makes us unhealthy. (pollute)
- The……of the people in our community with the government is very necessary. (cooperate)
- The paper milk….two tons of paper a day. Its…is one of the highest in our province. (produce)
- My new car is more….than the one I had before. (economy)
- Nothing could….him. (satisfaction)
- She got great…..of helping others. (satisfy)
- There have been many…..developments in the field of science. (wonder)
- Many people say that …..is the happiest time.(child)
- We didn’t agree with his…..(decide)
-. Most orphans are bred in….(orphan)
- Thousands of people were made….by the war. (home)
- Mrs Brown lived lonely in her…..(poor)
- He was…because he could not pay his debts. (sadness)
- Dickens’ novel were first….in 1838. (publication)
- I really don’t think he has the…..to do this job. (able)
-. They work …..(good)
- ….covers the sky at night. (dark)
- Hard work always brings…..(succeed)
- He was very……He was a…..(patriotism)
- …..methods of farming have helped to increase rice production a great deal.(science)
- Mr Hung went……last Sunday. (shop)
- These abbreviations are….used in writing letters. (common)
- I would recommend that you should be interested in reading…..books and magazines. (education)
- John is old enough to be…..of his parents. (depend)
- It takes years of….to acquire the skill of a ballet dancer. (practice)
- These questions are…..John can…..answer them. (ease)
- A spaceman must learn to become accustomed to…..in a spaceship.(weight)
- Make sure that your time is spent….(use)
- I’m…..in your project because it is….(interest)
- The teacher often….the students to ask questions. (courage)
- I can’t jump any….(height)
-. The new law will……many women to return to work. (able)
- Many people think that Faraday is the greatest….in his story. (invent)
- It was one of his most important….(achieve)
- …..is often more useful than definition for giving the meanings of words. (illustrate)
- The boy was given a prize for regular….(attend)
- His discoveries had a great….on workers. (influential)
- Where were the competitions……(organization)
-. The representatives joining the festival were from different….(national)
- They have a good….with their neighbors. (relative)
- He left for a….of reason. (vary)
- You can trust him. He is always…and everything he says is…..(truth)
- Many old buildings in the city were moved to make way for…..(develop)
- She has been very…..since her husband died. (poverty)
- We should learn all the new words by heart in order to…..our vocabulary.( rich)
- The little boy felt very…because his parents didn’t let him go with them. (disappoint)
- She can’t go to school because of her…….(sick)
- The…..of that little girl makes the room more pleasant. (present)
- …..is a problem throughout the world. (hungry)
- Clever students….knowledge easily.(absorption)
- With so many choices, it’s hard to….what to buy. (decision)
- The village is very quiet and….(peace)
- All my efforts ended in….(fail)
- I was….about the dates. (confusion)
- You should have a…about scientific subjects if you want to be a scientist. (curious)
- Children need to have a good…..(education)
-…puzzles are funny. (mathematics)
- You don’t need to have a …..memory to be a scientist. (miracle)
- Our school team won three…..games. (succession)
- A scientist doesn’t need a miraculous….(memorize)
- It will take a long time to find out a thorough…..to the problem of pollution. (solve)
- traveling by train is very….(attract)
- …..have researched…..subjects (science)
- Countless …..have been made in the textile industry. (produce)
- His father is an……(architecture)
- The…..of the world population is being studied. (grow)
-. Japan is an….country. (industry)

Đỗ Thanh Hải
12 tháng 5 2021 lúc 16:01

- He worked hard to…produce…good crops from poor soil. (product)
- How…careless….of you to break that cup! (care)
- His long…speech.made us bored and sleepy. (speak)
- He never takes his father’s advice…..(advise)
- They sat…quietly.by the stream. (quiet)
- To my …amazement…, the monkey peeled a banana and offered it to me. (amaze)
- …Polluted..air and water are not good for our health. (pollute)
-. Air…pollution.makes us unhealthy. (pollute)
- The…cooperation…of the people in our community with the government is very necessary. (cooperate)
- The paper milk…produces.two tons of paper a day. Its…product is one of the highest in our province. (produce)
- My new car is more…economical.than the one I had before. (economy)
- Nothing could…satisfy.him. (satisfaction)
- She got great…satisfication..of helping others. (satisfy)
- There have been many…wonderful..developments in the field of science. (wonder)
- Many people say that …childhood..is the happiest time.(child)
- We didn’t agree with his…decision..(decide)
-. Most orphans are bred in…orphanage.(orphan)
- Thousands of people were madehomeless ….by the war. (home)
- Mrs Brown lived lonely in her…poverty..(poor)
- He wassad…because he could not pay his debts. (sadness)
- Dickens’ novel were first…published.in 1838. (publication)
- I really don’t think he has the…ability..to do this job. (able)
-. They work …well..(good)
- …Darkness .covers the sky at night. (dark)
- Hard work always brings…success..(succeed)
- He was very…patriotic…He was a…patriot..(patriotism)
- …Scientific..methods of farming have helped to increase rice production a great deal.(science)
- Mr Hung went…shoppong…last Sunday. (shop)
- These abbreviations are…commonly.used in writing letters. (common)

Đỗ Thanh Hải
12 tháng 5 2021 lúc 15:55

muốn giúp mà nhìn dài k muốn làm luôn ớ :Vv

Lê Huy Tường
12 tháng 5 2021 lúc 15:57

bn chia nhỏ ra nha

mk cũng muốn giúp mà lười á

12 tháng 5 2021 lúc 16:13

- He worked hard to produce good crops from poor soil. (product)
- How careless of you to break that cup! (care)
- His long speech made us bored and sleepy. (speak)
- He never takes his father’s advice (advise)
- They sat quietly by the stream. (quiet)
- To my amazement, the monkey peeled a banana and offered it to me. (amaze)
- polluted air and water are not good for our health. (pollute)
-. Air pollution makes us unhealthy. (pollute)
- The cooperation of the people in our community with the government is very necessary. (cooperate)
- The paper milk produces two tons of paper a day. Its product is one of the highest in our province. (produce)
- My new car is more economical than the one I had before. (economy)
- Nothing could satisfy him. (satisfaction)
- She got great satisfaction of helping others. (satisfy)
- There have been many wonderful developments in the field of science. (wonder)
- Many people say that CHILDHOOD is the happiest time.(child)
- We didn’t agree with his DECISION (decide)
-. Most orphans are bred in ORPHANAGES (orphan)
- Thousands of people were made HOMELESS by the war. (home)
- Mrs Brown lived lonely in her POVERTY (poor)
- He was SAD because he could not pay his debts. (sadness)
- Dickens’ novel were first PUBLISHED in 1838. (publication)
- I really don’t think he has the ABILITY to do this job. (able)
-. They work WELL (good)
- DARKNESS covers the sky at night. (dark)
- Hard work always brings SUCCESS (succeed)
- He was very PATRIOTIC He was a PATRIOT (patriotism)
- SCIENTIFIC methods of farming have helped to increase rice production a great deal.(science)
- Mr Hung went SHOPPING last Sunday. (shop)
- These abbreviations are COMMONLY used in writing letters. (common)
- I would recommend that you should be interested in reading EDUCATIVE books and magazines. (education)
- John is old enough to be INDEPENDENT of his parents. (depend)

- It takes years of PRACTICE to acquire the skill of a ballet dancer. (practice)
- These questions are EASY John can EASILY answer them. (ease)
- A spaceman must learn to become accustomed to WEIGHTLESSNESS in a spaceship.(weight)
- Make sure that your time is spent USEFULLY (use)
- I’m INTERESTED in your project because it is INTERESTING (interest)
- The teacher often ENCOURAGES the students to ask questions. (courage)
- I can’t jump any HIGHER (height)
-. The new law will ENABLE many women to return to work. (able)
- Many people think that Faraday is the greatest INVENTOR in his story. (invent)
- It was one of his most important ACHIEVEMENTS (achieve)
- ILLUSTRATION is often more useful than definition for giving the meanings of words. (illustrate)
- The boy was given a prize for regular ATTENDANCE (attend)
- His discoveries had a great INFLUENCE on workers. (influential)
- Where were the competitions ORGANIZED (organization)
-. The representatives joining the festival were from different NATIONS (national)
- They have a good RELATIONSHIP with their neighbors. (relative)
- He left for a VARIETY of reason. (vary)
- You can trust him. He is always TRUTHFUL and everything he says is TRUTH (truth)
- Many old buildings in the city were moved to make way for DEVELOPMENT (develop)
- She has been very POOR since her husband died. (poverty)
- We should learn all the new words by heart in order to ENRICH our vocabulary.( rich)
- The little boy felt very DISAPPOINTED because his parents didn’t let him go with them. (disappoint)
- She can’t go to school because of her SICKNESS (sick)
- The PRESENTATION of that little girl makes the room more pleasant. (present)
- HUNGER is a problem throughout the world. (hungry)
- Clever students ABSORB knowledge easily.(absorption)
- With so many choices, it’s hard to DECIDE what to buy. (decision)
- The village is very quiet and PEACEFUL (peace)
- All my efforts ended in FAILURE (fail)
- I was CONFUSED about the dates. (confusion)
- You should have a CURIOSITY about scientific subjects if you want to be a scientist. (curious)
- Children need to have a good EDUCATION (education)
- MATHEMATICAL puzzles are funny. (mathematics)
- You don’t need to have a MIRACULOUS memory to be a scientist. (miracle)
- Our school team won three SUCCESSFUL games. (succession)
- A scientist doesn’t need a miraculous MEMORY (memorize)
- It will take a long time to find out a thorough SOLUTION to the problem of pollution. (solve)
- traveling by train is very ATTRACTIVE (attract)
- SCIENTISTS have researched SCIENTIFIC subjects (science)
- Countless PRODUCTS have been made in the textile industry. (produce)
- His father is an ARCHITECT (architecture)
- The GROWTH of the world population is being studied. (grow)
-. Japan is an INDUSTRIAL country. (industry)

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