Pho is one of the Vietnamese traditional food. The most delicious and typical brand of Pho in Vietnam is Ha Noi Pho with wonderful flavor. Pho is made from rice noodles, beef or chicken and other spices. Pho is a noodle soup; therefore, it’s better when being added with beansprout. Eating Pho with family not only reflects Vietnamese tradition but also creates cozy atmosphere. At weekends, my friends and I usually go to a cafeteria to enjoy Pho because Pho is served at many restaurants in Vietnam. There are two main kind of Pho: noodle soup with beef and sliced chicken, both of them are delicious and high nutrients. Pho is favorite food of almost Vietnamese and often served as breakfast. Moreover, Pho is popular in international market for its pleasant taste and reasonable price. Foreign tourists visit Vietnam and they really the taste of Pho here. I am very proud of it. In near future, I hope Pho will be more famous in other countries so that foreigners can enjoy this cuisine and understand about Vietnamese culture.
Bản dịch
Phở là một trong những món ăn truyền thống của VN. Phở ngon và có thương hiệu nổi tiếng nhất VN là phở Hà Nội với hương vị tuyệt vời. Phở được làm từ bánh phở, thịt bò hoặc thịt gà và những gia vị khác. Phở là một món nước, vì thế sẽ ngon hơn khi ăn cùng với giá. Ăn phở với gia đình không chỉ phản ánh truyền thống người Việt mà còn tạo nên không khí ấm cúng. Vào cuối tuần, tôi và bạn bè thường đi ra tiệm ăn phở vì phở được bán ở rất nhiều hàng quán tại VN. Có 2 loại phở chính đó là phở bò và phở gà, cả hai đều ngon và bổ dưỡng. Phở là món ăn yêu thích của hầu hết người Việt và thường được phụ vụ như bữa sáng. Hơn nữa, phở còn phổ bién ở thị trường quốc tế bởi vị ngon và giá thành phải chăng. Du khách nước ngoài đến VN và họ rất thích hương vị phở ở đây. Tôi rất tự hào về điều đó. Trong tương lai, tôi mong phở sẽ càng nổi tiếng ở các nước khác để họ có thể thưởng thức và hiểu hơn về văn hoá Việt.
Do you fast food? Lots of people complain about it but I think a lot of it's quite tasty – as long as you go to one of the international chains McDonalds or Kentucky.
I think in today's world, it's difficult to avoid eating in fast food restaurants. They are so convenient and seem to be everywhere. Of course they're not the same as real restaurants. I wonder if they are restaurants. There aren't any waiters.
Anyway, the most important thing to remember about fast food is that it isn't so healthy. People who eat it every day develop health problems. I don't understand why schools serve fast food during lunch time. Schools should encourage students to eat healthily.
If you have time, look at a website on slow food.
=> Bài dịch: Thức ăn nhanh
Bạn có dùng thức ăn nhanh? Có nhiều người phàn nàn về nó nhưng thức ăn nhanh đúng là những món ăn ngon! - nghĩa là khi bạn đến một trong những nhà hàng như McDonalds hay Kentucky.
Tôi nghĩ trong thế giới ngày nay rất khó để tránh việc ăn nhanh trong nhà hàng. Bởi chúng rất thuận tiện và đáp ứng được ở mọi mọi. Tất nhiên chúng không giống như thức ăn trong các nhà hàng thực thụ khác. Tôi ngạc nhiên vì chúng là những nhà hàng mà không có cả người phục vụ.
Ngoài ra, điều quan trọng nhất là thức ăn nhanh không có lợi cho sức khỏe. Những ai dùng nó hằng ngày sẽ gặp nhiều vấn đề về sức khỏe. Tôi không hiểu tại sao có một vài trường học lại dùng thức ăn nhanh cho thực đơn bữa trưa trong khi họ nên khuyến khích học sinh ăn uống đầy đủ để đảm bảo sức khỏe
Hi there, and thanks for visiting my site! The experience of writing a food blog should be memorable and special— the time you made your mother cry by telling her that you didn't think marriage was your thing. But don't worry; you've come to the right place. I am prepared to teach you everything there is to know about documenting the creation of a tofu quiche—with a side of newfound moral superiority. Here you will learn how to discuss the importance of healthfulness and tranquility in posts containing recipes that no one will ever actually be able to replicate.
First off, you should give yourself a pat on the back for quitting that boring paralegal job, forgetting about your student debt, and focussing on yourself. No need for introductions here—I know exactly who you are. You tried to read "Eat, Pray, Love," but never got past the "Eat" section. You ruefully chose not to buy that hemp sweater because it looked too itchy. You thought that food blogs were reserved for people who only speak in the second person. You were correct.
Before you get cooking, write down everything that comes into your head. You're going to want to share all of it with your readers, so that they understand that you are pensive, but also totally relatable. When you're done, figure out a way to begin your first blog post with a bang. I suggest something ponderous, such as "Why does the sun seem so bright today?" or "What is the real purpose of the little toe—is it just there to be cute?" "Swiss chard: a leafy green for people who can't find the kale?"
The next thing you'll want to do is take stock of your pantry to make sure all your ingredients are in order. Quinoa is excellent for every meal because its texture is a reminder that life can't always be smooth or digestible. Every grain that slips through your fingers symbolizes a friendship that you gave up because you spent all those years dating that guitarist who could only play two Sublime songs and then left you to get a degree in marketing. Don't waste another moment thinking about which song he is playing right now—they are both equally terrible. Instead, write a poem-recipe about him that's also an acros that forms the words "PONZU SAUCE." Hit "publish."
Remember, you never want to confuse your readers. I find it helpful to always provide a photo of each individual ingredient, in case your fans forget what food looks , as well as a candid photo of a baby (it doesn't have to be yours) in a bathtub full of chia seeds. Isn't he adorable?
When you're ready to start testing a recipe, pause and meditate for a moment on how you let things get so out of hand. I mean, you don't even Sublime that much. Pour yourself the better part of a bottle of wine and realize that you forgot to soak the chickpeas overnight. Write eight hundred impassioned words about whether "foodie" means anything when applied to you, other than that you are a grown woman who eats food. Polish off the wine as you reblog photos of a confetti cake that you made last year for the guitarist's thirtieth birthday. Order from Seamless.
Congratulations! You made it through your first day as a "professional" food blogger. Before you pass out, post a final image of someone holding a fistful of dirty radishes. Tomorrow we'll tackle how to find a font that makes you feel less alone while binge-watching "The Bachelorette" until your hangover goes away.
Mn cố gắng viết dài vào nhé
Thứ 7 thầy TA kiểm tra r
my name is .tên bạn............i pho very much. it is good for health. pho is one of the vietnam traditional food.pho can be eaten together with vegetable and chichken or pork. I usually go to a cafeteria to enjoy Pho. i a soup of pho because It is very delicious and bittersweet. It is popular abroad because it's delicious. It is the best food of Vietnam.It's great. i love pho
I love eating delicious food or desserts. Anything that tastes good. If I see food and I don’t how the food looks, I won’t eat it. Now im going to tell you about four thing: fast food, mom’s cooking, candies and ice cream.
My favorite fast food is McDonald’s because it’s cheap and delicious. They have big meals and very full range, especially the cheese. The cheese is tasty. They have delicious french fried potatoes.
But my favorite food is my mom’s made lasagna!
That is all food but don’t forget I love candies and chocolate. I’m not sure if I have favorite candy. I think Dumle is one of my favorites because its not acetous. I hate acetous candies. It does something to my teeth that hurts. When I’m brushing my teeth, it hurts even then. That why I try to avoid eating acetous candies. I don’t eat candy so much, but I buy candy when I really want. I don’t want to eat so much because my teeth will suffer. I try to eat less candy, it’s not easy but well-being is more important than eating candy.
I eat candy when I watch movies and series but not every time I watch movie or series. It’s when I feel that I want to eat candy or when I found good movie or series. I do candies that have the taste of fruit.
I ice cream too. I think my favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate. My favorite icecream is Ben and Jerry Cookie Dough. I specially eat icecream when it’s sunny or when I’m watching a movie.
Vietnam is famous with its traditional and delicious dishes. All of them easioly bring to anyone's mouth indeed, but as myself, I enjoy spring rolls best. Spring rolls are lightly fried rice -paper rolls, smaller and crispier than Chinese egg rolls but more flavorful. They are filled with highly seasons morsels of crab, shrimp, chopped vegetables, onion, mushroom, vermicelli and eggs. To prepare them, place the above mentioned filling on a thin rice pancake, roll up then fry. Finally, spring rolls, when fully prepared, are wrapped into some kinds of fresh vegetables, then doused in fish sauce. My mother usually cooks spring rolls for me, especially on important days in year, such as Tet holiday. When I eat them, I feel all of my mother's love that she reserves for me. To me, they're the most special dish in this world
Do you fast food? Lots of people complain about it but I think a lot of it's quite tasty – as long as you go to one of the international chains McDonalds or Kentucky.
I think in today's world, it's difficult to avoid eating in fast food restaurants. They are so convenient and seem to be everywhere. Of course they're not the same as real restaurants. I wonder if they are restaurants. There aren't any waiters.
Anyway, the most important thing to remember about fast food is that it isn't so healthy. People who eat it every day develop health problems. I don't understand why schools serve fast food during lunch time. Schools should encourage students to eat healthily.
If you have time, look at a website on slow food.
I have a breakfast in the morning, a lunch is in the noon and a dinner is in the evening. In the morning, I often eat bread or rice and drinking fruit drink, sometimes i eat porridge. In the noon, I often eat rice with foods and in the evening, I eat rice with foods, too.
I want to cut down my fat belly, so I eat one rice bowl per meal. I also eat snacks in the afternoon in everyday, I sometimes eat with my friends and we are very happy, I prefer to eat at home than eat out, because I eating pizza, spagetti, xap xap, bot chien.
I always drinkg milk at before go to bed in the evening. I also eat fruit, because they are delicious and nutritious. I can cook, but i am not good at this
one day my mom call me go outside to eat breakfast.My mom ride me go to the house name Tung Son banh mi.I thing it just a normal bread to put food in bread, but no they have the dish to put bread on. And the on dish it very hot. Inside it have egg, meat and some very great! The meat it sweet, fat and salty. Bread it very crunchy.I hope i can come there oun more time.
I am a follower of all kinds of food, but I grilled dishes. For example, the South African chicken piri-piri looks delicious and can make you want to eat a bit, although this is the first time you see it. It is a spicy dish of South Africa. When the first Portuguese arrived in Angola and Mozambique to make two Portuguese colonies, they carried Chilean pepper of South America. Since then, the blend of Portuguese and South African cuisine has created Piri piri grilled chicken. So far, Piri Piri is considered the "copyright" of Portugal. Piri Piri's specialties are sauces. The sauce made from hot chili . Along with garlic, lemon and herbs will continue to stimulate your taste buds. The chicken, after being soaked in special formulas for as long as possible, is baked in a furnace with a temperature greater than 200 degrees Celsius with a nine-minute period. Baking it again will be another layer of sauce. Did you see? It's fascinating!
Xin lỗi bạn nếu quá ngắn, nhưng mình chỉ nghĩ dc đến đêy thôi hehe :))
Around the world there are many cuisine but I still spaghetti the most. The main ingredients to make spaghetti are noodles, beef and tomatoes. Besides, we can add onion, carrot, bean or other kind of vegetable. At weekends, my mother and I usually go to the market, buy goods and cook spaghetti for my family instead of traditional dishes. It’s easy to cook this food. All we have to do are boiling noodles, chopping beef and making a good sauce of tomatoes. There is a tip for a perfect sauce is adding a slice of lemon into it. If there is a need of vegetable, It can be served with carrot and peas. Spaghetti supplies high nutrients and several vitamins, which good for your health especially for diet people. Moreover, spaghetti is famous for its delicious taste and convenience as fast food. It’s known as typical traditional food of Italy. Although spaghetti originate from Europe, it’s more widespread in Asia specifically Vietnam. Nowadays, It is popular food not only in Italy but also in other countries.
Bản dịch
Có rất nhiều món ăn ngon trên toàn thế giới nhưng tôi vẫn luôn thích mì Ý. Nguyên liệu chính để làm món này bao gồm: mì, thịt bò và cà chua. Ngoài ra, chúng có thể được nấu cùng hành tây, cà rốt, đậu hay những loại rau củ khác. Vào cuối tuần, mẹ và tôi thường đi chợ, mua nguyên liệu và nấu mì Ý cho cả gia đình thay vì những món truyền thống hàng ngày. Cũng rất dễ để nấu món này. Tất cả những gì phải làm là luộc mì, băm thịt và làm sốt cà chua. Có môt mánh nhỏ cho món xốt ngon hơn là thêm một lát chanh vào khi đang nấu. Nếu cần thêm rau xanh, mì có thể ăn cùng cà rốt và đậu Hà Lan. Mì Ý cung cấp nhiều chất dinh dưỡng và vitamin tốt cho sức khoẻ đặc biệt là những người ăn kiêng. Hơn nữa, mì Ý còn nổi tiếng vì ngon và tiện lợi như món đồ ăn nhanh. Mì Ý từ lâu là món ăn truyền thống của đất nước Ý. Mặc dù bắt nguồn từ Châu Âu, mì đang ngày càng phổ biến ở Châu Á điển hình là Việt Nam. Ngày nay, đây là món ăn nổi tiếng không những ở Ý mà còn ở nhiều nước trên thế giới.