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ex1using the words and phrases given

1 One/the negative aspect that /tourism/can cause/be/the in crease/ Social problems

2 The more tourists,/ more chance/ the bad behaviors/will occut.

3 For example./Some Tourists /have their first time/ travel /to another country,/they have/no idea/ the new place/likes price,the trafix ,the crime rate,/the trick/to tourists/get money from them.

4 Someone can sell/a cake / These tourists/a crazy price.It/cost /300.000 VND for just / small cake the tourists/be cheated obiously

5.Moreover, / some bad guys/may take advantage / a crowded. place / pick the pocket of the tourists/then they can easily get/ away/because/the tourists have no idea/who would they/call/report the criminals.

6 In summary,/before/go to another country/tourists should learn something/the new place/like the hotline/the govenment to report oriminals/and/avoid social problems.

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