Australia was settled by Europeans in 1788, mainly to home => house criminals, but with few independent farmers and businessmen. The settlements were not wealthy, and there was little help available to them => those in need: the poor, the unemploy => unemployed, and the aged. To begin with, what little help availably => available came in the form of charity: donations of money, accommodation, or medical treatment to selected needy. A second approach that began to emerge in the last => late nineteenth century was that of "universalism". It stresses => stressed that all people in the society should be entitle => entitled to certain benefits up to a minimum level and across a restricted range of services. This approach was eventually used to arguing for the introduction of a pension for the aged poor.
Australia was settled by Europeans in 1788, mainly to home => house criminals, but with few => a few independent farmers and businessmen. The settlements were not wealthy, and there was little help available to them => those in need:the poor,the unemploy => unemployed,the aged.To begin with, what little help availably => available came in the form of charity: donations of money, accommodation, or medical treatment to selected needy. A second approach that began to emerge in the last => late nineteenth century was that of “universalism”. It stresses => streessed that all people in the society should be entitle => entitled to certain benefits up to a minimum level and across a restricted range of services. This approach was eventually used to arguin=>argue for the introduction of a pension for the aged poor.