binh pham

1. Nowadays / there /more and more people /do/ community services.
2. The types of community services / different / various.
3. The voluntary work that I want/ do /be/ sorting out rubbish/ my village.
4. Rubbish sorting / good / the earth / community.
5. In our village, we/ put four trash can/ the rubbish collecting place.
6. When people take / rubbish / the place, they put it / different cans.
7. For example: bottles/ bottle can, paper/ paper cans, …….
8. If we/ sort out/ garbage, we/ can recycle/ reuse/ some / it.
9. This/ help/ save/ energy /protect/ environment.
10. I/ hope/ many people/ many village/ sort out/ waste/ protect/ our environment.

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