1. Fill in the bank.
1Linda: Let me pay for the meal. Tom : Certainly not! Ill pay. (Tom, insist on)
2. Woman: Hey! Youve broken the window of my house!
Girl : Oh no, Ive just arrived here. I dont know anything about it. (The girl, deny)
3. Mary: What shall we do on Saturday? Ann :What about having a party? (Ann, suggest)
4. Mr. Smith : I feel like meeting our children soon. Mrs. Smith: I think so. (Mr and Mrs. Smith, look forward)
5. Policeman: You mustnt leave the shop! Customer : Whats that? Policeman: Stay here! You mustnt leave the shop! (Policeman, stop)
6. Johns wife: The house is very nice! Well certainly buy it! John: I think so. (John and his wife, think of)
1. Fill in the bank.
1Linda: Let me pay for the meal. Tom : Certainly not! Ill pay. (Tom, insist on) Tom insisted on paving for the meal.
2. Woman: Hey! Youve broken the window of my house!
Girl : Oh no, Ive just arrived here. I dont know anything about it. (The girl, deny) The girl denied breaking the window of The woman's house.
3. Mary: What shall we do on Saturday? Ann :What about having a party? (Ann, suggest) Ann suggested having a party next Saturday.
4. Mr. Smith : I feel like meeting our children soon. Mrs. Smith: I think so. (Mr and Mrs. Smith, look forward) Mr and Mrs. Smith looked forward to meeting their children soon.
5. Policeman: You mustnt leave the shop! Customer : Whats that? Policeman: Stay here! You mustnt leave the shop! (Policeman, stop) The policeman stopped the customer from leaving the shop.
6. Johns wife: The house is very nice! Well certainly buy it! John: I think so. (John and his wife, think of) John and his wife were thinking of buying the house.