
Bạn chưa đăng nhập. Vui lòng đăng nhập để hỏi bài
Nguyễn Thị Hiền Nga
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Hạ Băng Vy
17 tháng 9 2017 lúc 8:27

take of something: lấy thứ gì đó nha bn

Lê Dung
16 tháng 9 2017 lúc 15:11

sth là something nhé bạn

Lê Quỳnh Trang
16 tháng 9 2017 lúc 15:17

mất cái gì

Nguyễn Thị Hiền Nga
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Ngọc Minh
17 tháng 9 2017 lúc 20:31

Hobby is one of the most important things we should have in our lives. It is something that you enjoy doing, something that brings relief of the daily grind and allows you to relax. Of all hobbies in the world, I like music the most. For me, music is the best hobby ever. You should look around and you can see that music is everywhere.

I enjoy music and I listen it every single day. There are a lot of different styles of music for you to choose and enjoy. If I am in good mood, I prefer to listen some energy rock music that keep me happy and full of power. If I am tired, I chose some calm, relaxing songs. Music can speak, through music people can express feelings and emotions. When you hear something that looks like you, that you understand it easily, you start to love it. There are several different ways to enjoy music as your hobby. When you discover an artist or musician that you satisfies, it’s clear that you want to collect all of their works. Not only listening to music, a music collection is a great hobby to have, too.

Music is a hobby that has no boundaries. It makes the world smaller. Without music, life would be a mistake.

=> Bài dịch:

Sở thích là một trong những thứ quan trọng nhất chúng ta nên có trong cuộc sống. Đó là thứ là bạn thích thú tận hưởng, là thứ giúp giảm bớt những cực nhọc thường ngày và cho phép bạn thư giãn. Trong tất cả các sở thích trên thế giới, tôi thích nhất là âm nhạc. Đối với tôi, âm nhạc là sợ thích tuyệt vời nhất. Bạn có thể nhìn xung quanh và nhận thấy âm nhạc có ở khắp mọi nơi.

Tôi thích âm nhạc và tôi nghe nó hằng ngày. Có rất nhiều phong cách âm nhạc cho bạn chọn lựa và tận hưởng. Nếu tôi có tâm trạng tốt, tôi sẽ thích nghe thứ nhạc rock đầy năng lượng giúp tôi tiếp tục vui vẻ và đầy năng lượng. Nếu tôi mệt mỏi, tôi sẽ chọn những bài nhạc yên bình, thư giãn hơn. Âm nhạc có tiếng nói, thông qua âm nhạc con người có thể thể hiện tâm trạng và cảm xúc. Khi bạn nghe điều gì đó tương tự như bạn, bạn sẽ hiểu nó dễ dàng và bạn sẽ bắt đầu yêu thích nó. Có rất nhiều cách để xem âm nhạc như là một sở thích. Khi bạn hài lòng với một nghệ sĩ hay nhạc sĩ nào đó, bạn sẽ tất nhiên muốn thu thập tất cả những tác phẩm của họ. Không chỉ việc nghe nhạc mà một bộ sưu tập tác phẩm âm nhạc cũng là một sở thích tuyệt vời.

Âm nhạc là một sở thích không có giới hạn. Nó làm thế giới thu hẹp hơn. Nếu không có âm nhạc, cuộc sống thật sai lầm.

22 tháng 1 2018 lúc 21:38

what do you want to help?

ta thi ngoan
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Bùi Ngọc Anh
14 tháng 12 2017 lúc 19:08

1.Mai's brother drink less milk as Mai

2.The red dress is more expensive than the blue one

3. Watching TV is more interesting than reading.

4.He eats dinner very close to the bed time so he usually has stomachecha

22 tháng 1 2018 lúc 21:37

1.fewer than Mai.

2. more expensive than blue one.

3.more interesting than reading. he has stomach.

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nguyễn thùy dương
23 tháng 12 2017 lúc 10:21

1.Yes, he does

2.He eats a lot of good food at christmas

3.He likes new year because he can stay up until midnight and celebrate new year with his parents.

4.Bạn có thể trả lời theo hai cách:

Cách 1:Yes, I do

Cách 2:No, I don't

nguyễn thùy dương
23 tháng 12 2017 lúc 10:24

Bạn ghi đoạn văn còn sai nhiều từ với lại mình nghĩ câu số 3 hỏi sai rồi đấy. Trong đoạn văn là Tim thích năm mới nhưng bạn lại hỏi tại sao cậu ấy không thích năm mới.

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Yu Ri Na
19 tháng 12 2017 lúc 8:02

Sifting through his latest screenplay on the way to class, Geoff Yetter ignores the muffled sound of a computer-generated rendition of Johan Pachelbel’s Canon in D coming from inside his book bag.

“Porcupined onions,” he curses to himself. “I’ll call them back when I’m free.”

Yetter, a senior film and video studies major at the University of Oklahoma, said that although he has a cell phone, it is only because he considers them to be a “necessary evil.”

“At the risk of coming off as one of those ‘hippie’ types, I truly see a cell phone as a leash that ties you to a world that man shouldn't belong to,” he said. “No matter how much one tries, you can never escape anyone if you have a cell phone.”

Over 110 million Americans own a cell phone, according to a study done by the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA). With an average of 46,000 new subscribers every day, CTIA experts project that in 2005 there will be over 1.25 billion cell phone users worldwide.

Increasing numbers of college students are abandoning landlines in lieu of simply using their cell phones as their only contact number, said an Oct. 10, 2004 Wesleyan Argus article on the drop in dorm phone subscription rates at Wesleyan University. The article calls the drop so significant that landlines on campus “seem anachronistic.”

In a school like Northeastern University,a fast-paced, career-driven school in a major metropolitan area, having a cell phone is almost a necessity for students.

While there are many factors to consider when deciding to purchase a cell phone – convenience, price, minute plan, clarity of service, when it will be used, health risks– it comes down to a simple necessity of a convenience for most people, said the Argus article.

“I have my cell phone to keep in touch with friends and family from home,” said Kirsten Baxter, a junior mechanical engineering major at Northeastern University. “My family lives on the West Coast so it would be long distance on a regular phone so I (set up) a cell phone plan with nationwide minutes.”

Having a cell phone also makes more sense for her as a college student because with a landline she might have to set up a new number every time she moves in addition to it being obviously less portable, she said.

Many newer cell phone models are multimedia devices with “telephone” merely being one of the features. There are camera phones and various videogames and ring tones one can use on a cell. There is also the Nokia “N-Gage,” a gadget that is primarily a handheld videogame system that doubles as a cell phone and can be used to play multiplayer games across a cell network.

“I like having the games on my cell phone a lot because I commute too,” Baxter said, peering up from her match of cell phone Backgammon. “When I’m on the T it’s nice to have a mindless game to play.”

Health Concerns
The radiation emitted from everyday cell phones in extended exposure has been proven to cause an increase in lymphocytes in mice through lab experiments, according to a study done in Radiation Research – a monthly journal published by the Radiation Research Society. Yet there is still no definitive answer on what the long-term health risks for humans may be.

“There have been several studies that examined this issue and reported that there was no significant difference in the incidence of brain tumors in cell phone users and non-users,” said Professor Robert Cersosimo of the Bouvé College of Health Sciences at Northeastern University. “However, there is more work to be done is this area and more studies are currently underway.”

While some students do consider these health risks and remain leery of them, others do not give them a second thought and spend literally thousands of minutes on their handheld phones every month.

“I sometimes worry about the risks of developing some kind of tumor from using my cell phone too much,” said Northeastern sophomore pharmacy major Jack Soohoo. “But it doesn’t stop me from using it.”

Soohoo estimates he uses his phone an average of 15 minutes each day – almost 500 minutes a month. That amount may be enough to do damage, but considering it as only a mere 15 minutes out of the day might be enough to create a false sense of security for users looking to rationalize the use of their phones in some way.
“I think the amount of time I spend using my cell phone is still insignificant and won’t be sufficient [enough] to cause cancer,” said Soohoo.

Baxter has similar feelings, saying she thinks “common sense says it has the probably could cause cancer, but everything does” and that she’s not overly worried about it.

For those who do worry about the risks of radiation waves being transmitted close to their heads, protection devices exist that are intended to cut down on this potentially harmful radiation.
The “No-Wave – Anti Wave Antenna” technology by RF Safe incorporates “a simple natural process of nullifying energy around the user through an Interferometric Array or interference pattern that sends in-phase and out-of-phase energy to cancel each other out at point of intersection,” according to the company’s website.

The safeguard system was invented to prevent possible health effects and as a solution for an FCC mandate of the Americans with Disabilities Act to create a device that would let hearing impaired individuals to use cellular phones without having to remove their hearing aid.

According to the company’s website, radiation emitted from a cellular device penetrates into the skull of the user’s head while remaining at high levels, above that of the federally imposed Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) guidelines (Fig. 1). The image, which was created using electromagnetic imaging software, shows a reddened region surrounding the ear representing the reach of the most intense rays.

RF Safe claims their RF blocking device can significantly reduce this reddened region. When a phone is placed next to a handheld RF meter during a connected call, the radiation levels spike toward the highest readings. After the company’s protective device is equipped, the reading is significantly lower (Fig. 2). Whether or not these images are skewed to assist the company’s image, the radiation levels of an unprotected phone are still elevated.

Greta Merrick, a sophomore graphics design major at Northeastern who is opposed to owning a cell phone, said that while such data is frightening, the health risks are not a determining factor and something she “honestly wouldn’t consider that much.”

“I don’t know much about the health concerns,” she said. “I’ve only heard hearsay.”

For alternative methods of reducing exposure to radiation from a cell phone, the National Cancer Institute suggests reserving usage for only shorter conversations and in situations where a landline is not available, switching to a type of portable phone with a headset to keep the antenna away from the head, and for use in a car, switching to a kind of mobile phone with the antenna mounted outside the vehicle.

With the added portability cell phones offer, they can assist a businessman in getting added work done while on the run. They can be the charm a commuter student studying on the train needs as he makes arrangements for later that night, or they can serve as the liaison for a stock broker trying to get some extra buying and selling done while driving to lunch.

While this handiness can certainly increase the efficiency of and be a benefit for many people, the distraction that comes with this convenience can be dangerous.

“Studies have confirmed that people who use a cell phone while driving run the same risk of having an accident as a moderately intoxicated person,” said Professor of Northeastern University’s Sociology and Anthropology department Danny Faber. “In other words, holding onto a cell phone (with one hand) while driving with another dramatically increases your chance of having an accident.”

Driving while talking on a hand-held cell phone doesn’t just slightly increase one’s chances of getting in an accident, it increases those chances four-fold, according to a study done by the New England Journal of Medicine. That statistic is comparable to the one found regarding the increased occurrence of accidents among those driving while under the influence of alcohol.

As much of a potential hazard as this can be, 56 percent of college students surveyed at Northeastern University said they talk on their cell phones in the car all the time. On top of that, only six percent said they have never taken this liberty.

Professor in the Sociology and Anthropology department and Acting Chair at Northeastern Thomas Koenig said he thinks this shift in public phone conversations is, if nothing else, strange.

“I think it is interesting that people used to go into full booths (to talk on the phone in public),” said Koenig, mentioning where Superman changed in the old TV show as a reference. “Privacy and not bothering others was very important. Now people think little of blabbing their personal business to everyone passing nearby.”

With all this multitasking has come people taking their conversations into public places, often bothering those around them.

"Cell phones are still a pretty new technology," said Dr. Jack Levin, Professor and Director of the Brudnick Center on Conflict and Violence and Professor of Sociology at Northeastern. "We haven't yet developed norms for use. Some think it's okay to use in work, some think it's safe to drive (with one), some think it's okay to talk loudly in a crowded elevator."

Not as intimate
Merrick said that the main factors keeping her from using a cell phone are less about health and more about the cost and, chiefly, the lack of intimacy in conversing with someone on the go.

“They might be walking down the street or be at a party or in a hurry,” she said. “If they don’t tell you, you could start pouring out the story of your day and they can’t pay attention but they try to anyway.”

Merrick said she prefers the comfort and familiarity of using a home phone.

“If someone’s on a landline, you know they’re in their home – in their personal space, talking to you and listening to you,” she said. “The first question I usually ask someone if I’m calling their cell phone and actually want to talk to them is ‘Where are you’ or ‘What are you doing’ because otherwise I can’t relate to them and how can you talk to someone you’re not relating to?”

Professor Faber also prefers to remain living as he did before the inception of cell phones into society. While he said he believes one may certainly be risking one’s health when using one of the handheld devices, he mostly wants to be reached when he is in position to be reached – at home or in the office.

“I value my privacy, and don't want to be so accessible all of the time,” he said.

Yetter said he often feels the same way when he hears the beginning of the digital Canon in D, and resents the expectations of being available all the time to concentrate on a phone conversation.

“Anyone can track you down at any time, and when they are unable to, they get cross with you because they believe that, since you do have a cell, they are entitled to talk to you whenever they wish,” he said.

Yetter, like Merrick, says he also doesn’t consider the potential adverse health effects as one of the main deterrents.

“For me personally, I am unafraid of the health risks because I use my phone so little,” he said. “But as research developments continue and further evidence proves that these gadgets can be cancer-causing, it does make me worry for friends, family, and, well, everyone who uses one basically.”

Over 70 percent of college students who own a cell phone do not pay for their own bill, according to the survey conducted at Northeastern University.

Of those surveyed, only two of the 18 respondents said they actually pay for their entire bill, while another three either pay some of the bill each month or only in situations where they incur overage charges.

Most cell phone companies offer plans upon which customers pay a fixed rate per month and are given a set amount of minutes to use within certain time constraints. The most common plan cost of students surveyed is $39.99, yet one-third of students said they do not even know how much their cellular phone costs per month. T-Mobile and Verizon were both the most popular and highest rated services on a scale of one to 10, each garnering an average rating of just under 8. If the user goes over his or her allotted minutes, the user will have to pay overage charges, which typically range around 40 cents per minute.

In some cases, these excess charges for using more minutes than agreed upon in a contract can run up a steep bill. Sophomore journalism and marketing major Bessie King said one month she received her bill in the mail and was surprised upon opening it up to find a bill of $300.

All she could say to describe the situation was, “Ouch.”

In addition to the monthly expenses that come with the territory of owning a cell phone, buying a phone itself can be expensive too. While most wireless carriers offer free phones for signing up, the upper echelon sets, like the Samsung “i600 Smartphone” from Verizon Wireless that costs $549, can still strike a hit to the wallet.

While phones like this incorporate many added features like Microsoft Windows Mobile and can surf the internet, the result of owning one is carrying around a valuable piece of equipment at all times if one wants to make use of it. In situations like this, picking up an insurance plan can Giúp to ease the tension of handling such a high-priced device.

“Having insurance on my cell phone has been awesome because once my phone fell in the toilet bowl and stopped working, and a second time it was stolen,” said Northeastern sociology major Tara Doran. “With the insurance (each time) I was able to get replacement phones of the same model.”

In addition for use when on-the-run, another main reason people want to own a cell phone is in case of an emergency, according to a Nov. 1, 2004 Washington Post article.

“I am quite the scatterbrained fellow, and often lose my keys, etc. so when something along those lines happens, it is good to be able to call someone without the use of change, which one doesn't always have,” Yetter said.

Having a mobile phone when in a pinch or even when just simply going out can be a comforting aid, Yetter said. “What it all boils down to,” he said, is that as much as he doesn’t want to subscribe to a service he believes is a problem with America, he has to acknowledge that in many cases it is necessary to own one.

In today’s society, especially in the setting of a college campus, the need for each individual to own a cell phone has come to the point of it being personal information so closely identified with a person that it can be found as a separate field on various applications forms and profiles on internet sites. It is just simply necessary to have one these days as the pros will always outweigh the cons, said Baxter.

“You can get in touch with group members (for school projects) at anytime or call a friend when you’re just hanging around campus,” she said. “Having a cell phone is just plain very convenient."

Levin said that they just make sense the world today.

"Ten years ago, before cell phones and iPods, you would've thought someone was psychotic (for being) alone, muttering something under their breath or singing a tune," he said. "(They) just fit so well with our fast paced life and our inability to wait."

Rồng Thần Ra
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Hoàng Hạnh Nguyễn
30 tháng 12 2017 lúc 20:33

VI. Rewrite the sentences as directed in the brackets. ( 0.5pt)

1. Nam / be / interested in / computer games. (Viết câu với từ gợi ý)

-> Nam is interested in playing computer games.

2. I / my math homework/ at the moment./ am doing (Sắp xếp từ xáo trộn thành câu)

-> I am doing my math homework at the moment.

VII. Rewrite the following sentences with the words given.(1 pt)

1. The dress is very beautiful.

=> What a beautiful dress!

2. I have a vacation. It lasts about three months.

=> I have a three-month vacation.

Hoàng Hạnh Nguyễn
30 tháng 12 2017 lúc 20:38

V. Read the passage carefully:

Minh goes to Hung Vuong School. He is in class 7A1 and he enjoys his school very much. His favorite subject is painting. In this class, he learns to paint drawings. Now Minh can paint the animals, the houses and the mountains. He is good at painting things.

In his free time, Minh learns to play piano. He also goes to his sport club after school. He plays volleyball well. His teacher says, “Minh, you’ll be a famous volleyball player one day”.

1. Answer True or False ( 1pt ):

1. Minh doesn’t enjoy his school. (False).

2. He is good at painting. (True).

3. Minh goes to his sport club after school. (True).

4. He plays football well. (False).

2. Answer the questions: (1pt)

1. Which subject does Minh like best?

=> He likes painting best.

1. What can he paint now?

=> He can paint the animals, the houses and the mountains now.

1. What does he do in his free time?

=> In his free time, he learns to play piano.

1. Does he play volleyball well?

=> Yes, he does.

21 tháng 1 2018 lúc 20:30

II. Choose A,B,C or D to complete the sentences: (2pts)

1. We will …………..cakes and sweets.

2. ……………………. is your family name ?


3. ………… it from your house to the bank?

C.How far

4.…………… amazing kitchen!

D. what

5 . ……you have any brothers ? - Yes ,I do

6. How old ………. you be on your next birthday?


7. Can I speak ………….. Hung , please?

8. Mai is the…………….student in her class.

D. best

III. Use the correct verb forms: (2 pts)

1. Nam(play) ……is playing………………… the piano at present.

2. He (visit) ………will visit……………….….. his grandparents next week.

3. Minh's mother never (drink) ………drinks…………………. coffee.

4. It is not easy (find) ……to find………………. an interesting place here.

Jenny Phạm
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nguyễn thị thảo ngân
27 tháng 1 2018 lúc 21:53

Last year, my parents took me to Dalat to reward me to pass the exams, good students in the district. We have visited many attractions there such as Than Tho lake, Pren waterfall, Truc Lam monastery and flower garden. We also take a boat ride on Xuan Huong Lake and take a city tour by horse carriage. What impressed me the most was that one morning I walked with my father along the path through a forest. After 2 hours of walking and climbing, we reached the summit of Langbiang Mountain. From there I can see the panorama of Da Lat city and beautiful scenery far below. It was cold and windy. I felt like I was flying in the air. Our trip to Da Lat lasted for 5 days.

It was the most memorable vacation I could not forget in my life.

(mik chi lm dc nhu vay neu sai thi bn bo qua cho mik nhe)

Bích Ngọc Huỳnh
28 tháng 1 2018 lúc 17:02

Last year, my parents took me to Dalat to reward me to pass the exams, good students in the district. We have visited many attractions there such as Than Tho lake, Pren waterfall, Truc Lam monastery and flower garden. We also take a boat ride on Xuan Huong Lake and take a city tour by horse carriage. What impressed me the most was that one morning I walked with my father along the path through a forest. After 2 hours of walking and climbing, we reached the summit of Langbiang Mountain. From there I can see the panorama of Da Lat city and beautiful scenery far below. It was cold and windy. I felt like I was flying in the air. Our trip to Da Lat lasted for 5 days.

It was the most memorable vacation I could not forget in my life.

Huong San
18 tháng 2 2018 lúc 18:43

In May, my parents took me to Dalat to reward me for passing the exam, good pupils district. We have visited many attractions such as Than Tho lake, Pren waterfall, Truc Lam monastery and flower garden. Xuan Huong Lake and I expected 1 visit in the city with carriage. The following subject is the most in a fresh morning, I am just passing through the forest. After 2 hours of walking and climbing, we reached the summit of Langbiang Mountain. From your full sight to the Da Lat and the room of the end of the scene. Sunny is cold and windy. I felt like flying in the air. Our trip to Da Lat lasted for 5 days.

It is a 1 week are far away that i can not forget in their life.

Quỳnh Thư
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19 tháng 3 2018 lúc 11:30
startted awards made acted different money

Ewan McGregor was born in Scotland in 1971. At the age of 21, he (1) made his first film. So far in his carreer, he has appeared in many (2) different types of film, including comedies, musicals, dramas and the Star Wars movies. His uncle, Denis Lawson, was in the original Star War in 1997 and McGregor(3) acted in his first Star Wars movies 22 years later. It is said that his film has won lots of(4) awards

Trần Tùng
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lưu khánh huyền
19 tháng 12 2019 lúc 12:01

à mk gõ nhầm là" been" nha

Khách vãng lai đã xóa
lưu khánh huyền
19 tháng 12 2019 lúc 12:00

Điền "be" nha bạn

Khách vãng lai đã xóa