tống bảo ngọc

VI.Read the text and decide if sentences 1–12 are True, False or Doesn’t say. Put a cross (X) in the correct place in the table.

The World’s Most Difficult Weather

Humans now live in most places around the world. We are good at using our intelligence to survive in some very difficult places. But there are some places on Earth which are impossible to live in. Here’s one of them.

It’s hard to say exactly where the hottest place in the world is because this can change from year to year. At the moment, though, this record belongs to the Loot Desert in Iran. This part of the Asian country beat America’s Death Valley and Africa’s El Azizia in Libya by quite a few degrees. The maximum at El Azizia was 58°C, slightly more than Death Valley’s 57 °C in the west of the USA, but well below the temperature of 70.7°C recorded in the east of Iran in 2005.

We often think that deserts have no water in them, but there is water here in the spring, as snow melts in the nearby mountains and flows in rivers through the area. But this soon dries up and there is little or no water there for the rest of the year. The maximum rainfall is only 100 mm per year compared to 50 mm in much of the Sahara.

In a seven-year study from 2003 to 2010, American scientists found that Loot was the hottest place on Earth for five of those seven years. They used satellites in space to measure this because it’s too hot for scientists to live there!

So, when you’re booking your next holiday, it’s probably best to choose somewhere different to the Loot Desert!

the Loot Desert!





Doesn’t say


Humans now live on every continent on Earth.





Humans can’t live in some parts of the world.





We know where the hottest place in the world is.





Iran is in Asia.





Libya is in the West of Africa.





Death Valley is the second hottest place on Earth.





It was over 70°C in Death Valley.





The Loot Desert is in the east of Iran.





There are very long rivers in the Loot Desert in spring.





There’s more rain in the Loot Desert than in most of the Sahara Desert.





The Loot Desert was the hottest place on Earth in every year from 2003 to 2010.





Scientists can’t visit the Loot Desert in the summer because it’s too hot.





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