Vietnam is a multi-ethnic country with 54 ethnic groups living together. Kinh people account for 85.4% of Vietnam's population, with 78.32 million people. The remaining 53 ethnic minorities (ethnic minorities) account for only 14.6% of the national population (See Table 1) . Although Vietnam supports the Declaration of Indigenous Peoples' Rights (UNDRIP), the Government does not identify the concept of indigenous peoples. Instead, the Government uses the term "ethnic minorities" to refer to those who are not Kinh people, expressing the "unified in diversity" policy of the Government. There are also many differences among ethnic minorities. Among them, Chinese people (Han ethnicity) have many cultural characteriss similar to Vietnamese culture, and they also play an important role in the Vietnamese economy. Therefore, Chinese people are often not recorded. recognize as a "minority" in Vietnam. Other ethnic groups, such as the H'Mong and Nung ethnic groups, mainly depend on cultivation and maintain the cultural life associated with the areas Forest. Ethnic minority groups are also divided into languages. The languages of Vietnamese ethnic groups are divided into 8 groups: Viet - Muong, Tay - Thai, Mon - Khmer, Mong - Dao, Ka Belt, Nam Dao, Han and Tibetan.6 96% of ethnic minorities speak their mother