7,429 has 4 digits
it: 7, 4, 2, 9
264 has 3 digits
it: 2, 6, 4
7,429 has 4 digits
it: 7, 4, 2, 9
264 has 3 digits
it: 2, 6, 4
How many digits are there in the number 7,429?
Name the digits of the number 7,429?
Is the number 7,429 odd or even? Why?
How many digits are there in the number 264?
Name the digits of the number 264?
Is the number 264 odd or even? Why?
In some of the numbers the sum of the digits is 2013. How many digits does the smallest such number have?
SOS cíu vời cô anh ra đề này
We use 8 digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 to form all 5-digit natural numbers consisting of distinct digits. Find the sum of all numbers that can be formed.
cô bảo hồi cô giỏi toán nhưng đam mê anh
hãy làm bài kiểm tra tiếng anh sau(dịch nghĩa các từ tiếng anh sau(dành cho học sinh giỏi tiếng anh lơp 6 và 7)
2.chili sauce
4.Please do the following in English:Let's say there are all 5 digit numbers that fix the end of it is 4
and those number are divisible by 3 (solving in 3 ways)
5.Introduce yourself in English
6.How many ethnic groups are there in our country?
7.Vietnam is located in the time zone on the imaginary axis
*You can not use google translate
III. Read the article about the Mandarin Chinese language and complete the notes below. Use a maximum of TWO words or a number in each gap.
The World’s Most Spoken Language
There are about 6,900 languages spoken in the world. The number of speakers of these languages goes from tiny to very large. One of those languages which have a very large number of speakers is Mandarin Chinese with nearly 1 billion speakers! It’s only one of 297 languages that people speak in China, but it’s by far the biggest. About 70% of the population speak it, compared to the 6.5% that speak the next biggest language, Wu.
Language experts think that it spread to so many people in China because it’s a language from the north of the country. There aren’t as many mountains in the north so it was easier for people to travel and for the language to travel too.
The Chinese government uses Mandarin in most of the country, especially in the capital city, Beijing. In Hong Kong and Macau, however, government officials can also use Cantonese. No other languages are used by the government.
The Mandarin vocabulary is quite large. It has more words than French, for example (370,000 words compared to around 350,000), but fewer than English, which has around 470,000 words.
Many students of Mandarin find the grammar quite easy, but the pronunciation is more of a problem.
The Mandarin Language
Almost 1________________ people have Mandarin as a native language.
There are 2________________ languages spoken in China.
Around 3________________% of Chinese people speak Mandarin Chinese.
Geography of China: The south of China has more 4________________ than the north.
The Government uses 5________________ official languages.
The vocabulary of Mandarin contains around 6________________ words
My name is Nam. I’m twelve years old . There are four people inmy family . We are in the lining room now. There is a table , a couch, a television , a bookshelf , and there are twoarmchair, there stools in the living room.
1What’s his name?
2.How is is he?
3.How many people arethere in Nam’s family?
4. where are they now?
5.How many televisions are there in the livingroom?
6.How many stools are there in the living room
III,Read about Da Nang City and answer the question : Da Nang has a population of nearly 800,000 people.The Han River flows through the city.The city part on the east bank is newer and more spacious.The city part on the west bank is more crowed.There are five bridges across the river.The Han River Bridge is the newest one now. The cost of living in Da Nang is the lowest in Central Viet Nam.Da Nang has many beaches.Among them,Non Nuoc beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.But walking in the street on a summer afternoon is not a good idea in Da Nang.There are not many trees so there are not many shadows.It is often very hot at noon . •1. Is Da Nang a big city ? •
2. Are there many people live in Da Nang ?
3.Name the famous places in your country or in the world you know.
Tom wants to be an engineer _ _ _ _ _ he leaves school
There are many d_ _ _ _ activities in the sport club
the number of _ _ _ _ in a day is twenty four
sắp sếp :on Monday?/Do you / uniforms/have to / wear
Read the following passage and answer the questions
My name is Nam. I’m twelve years old. There are 5 rooms in my house: a living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms, and a bathroom. I’m in the living room now. There is a table, a couch, a television, a stereo, a telephone, a bookshelf and a lamp. And there are two windows, two armchairs, and three stools in the living room.
How many televisions are there in the living room?