In 172.641,which digit is in the thousandths place
In 436,718,which digit is in the hundreds place?
In 12,36, Which digit is in the hundredths place?
In 348.256, which digit is in the hundredths place?
Answer: .......
In 348.256, which digit is in the tenths place?
Answer: .......
In 348.256, which digit is in the hundredths place?
In 348.256, which digit is in the hundredths place?
in12,36 which digit is in the tens place?
In 348.256, which digit is in the tens place?
In 348.256, which digit is in the tenths place?
I have two digits in the decimal part. I am greater than 75 but less than 80. What least possible number am I
Write as a decimal number in the simplest form
Fill in the missing number to complete the pattern
2.6, 2.7, 2.8,...... , 3.0
Compare: 0.3 ...... 0.300
Compare: 0.20 ...... 0.02