Exercise 1: Complete each sentence using the collocation from the exercise in the appropriate form.
1. He was furious, and ___________ to continue with the programme.
2. For about two weeks afterward, the patient experiences extremely sensitive skin, as their new grafts toughen up to ___________.
3. People feel educational ___________when the government cuts finances.
4. Most of the ___________ have already been discussed at length.
5. The explosion also caused a massive plume of ___________ to ___________ from the building.
6. The scientific ___________ that human beings first emerged in Africa.
7. The ___________ as she settled against the far wall to wait out the storm.
8. Tuberculosis is a highly infectious bacterial ___________ by coughing.
9. It was so cold that I couldn't stop my ___________from ___________.
10. An excellent career ___________ has now ___________ with a leading recruitment agency.