Complete the story :
A long time ago, two brothers received a fortune from their parents. The elder brother was greedy, but the younger brother was very kind.
A long time ago, two brothers received a fortune from their parents. The elder brother was greedy, but the younger brother was very kind. The younger brother has a starfruit tree in his land. One day, huge bird stopped on the tree and ate the fruits, then it said "I will pay gold for the fruit. Bring a big bag for the gold". The younger brother did as the bird said, he put gold in the bag and climbed to the back of the bird to fly home. The greedy elder brother knew about the starfruit tree. He waited for the bird and brought a very big bag to put gold in. He got in the bird's back to fly home but the bag was so heavy that he fell into the sea.
viet mot doan van (tu 7 den 10 dong) ta canh dau mua he