13. lalways up late so I don't have breakfast beforeschool. a.Gets b.Got c. Didget d.Get 14. Last night, LanandHoa at my new friend'shouse. a.Did b. Were c. Was d.Do 15. did you go on your brother's holiday?- He went to hisfriend. a. What b.How c. Where d.Which 16. Doyouusually_ TV afterdinner? a.watch b.watches c. watchs d. watched 17. What was your trip like?- a.Bybus b. I visited mygrandparents c. Yes,Iwas d. It was soboring 18. On my family's last summerholiday,we_ Sam Sonbeach. a.goto b. went c. didgoto d. went to 19. ?- No, Iwasn't. a. Were you at homelastnight? b. Was you at home lastnight? c. Where did you golastnight? d. Did you at home lastnight? 20. Did Tom andJannelike a.thetrip b.trip c.holiday d. lastsummer 21. Quan: I went to the zooyesterday. Mai: Quan: With myfather. a. How did youget here b. When did you go?
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