09-Gia Hân 8A5

1.      The Dao in the Sapa area is famous ________ its “love market.”

A. for                          B. in                            C. with                        D. to

2.      Tom’s good at studying. ________ addition, he’s a good child at home.

A. In                            B. On                          C. At                           D. With

3.      There are a few _______ in the beginning but you’ll solve them soon.

A. ways                       B. diversities               C difficulties               D. specialities

4.      My sister enjoys _______. She usually walks around the mall, but not buying anything.

A. going shopping       B. hanging out            C. window shopping   D. doing DIY

      7. There are 54 ___________ in Vietnam.

A. personalities           B. persons                   C. people                     D. peoples

8.      ‘Children in my village often fly their kites in dry rice fields.’ ‘_______’

A. It’s right up my street!                               B That’s awesome.

      C. Exactly what I want.                                  D. How interesting!

9.      ‘Let’s go to the local open-air market’ ‘_________’

A. Good idea.             B. I’d love to.             C. Not at all.               D. Yes, of course.

10.  ‘I find it hard to build a toy car.’ ‘But ________’

A. my pleasure                                                B. it’s my fault.

      C. it sounds great!                                           D. it’s right up your street!

Jane ____________ to watch TV at night.

A. adores               B. hates                       C. fancies                    D. dislikes

I enjoy _____________with my dog. He’s so cute.

A. play                  B. to play                    C. playing                    D. played

He doesn’t mind __________ the window for his father.

opened            B. to open                   C. opening                   D. open

Sam regrets _____________that film in cinema.

to watch          B. watches                  C. watch                      D. watching

Minh always answers questions   ___________ than the other students.

A. weller               B. good                       C. better                      D. goodly

My mother talked ____________ than the others guests.

more loudly     B. loudier                    C more loudier            D. loudy

Of course, a rabbit runs ___________ than a turtle.

more fast         B. faster                      C. slower                     D. more slow

A man in ______________ police uniform came across the street.

the                   B. an                            C. a                              D. x

Ben is sick. He has ___________ terrible cold.

A. the                    B. an                            C. a                              D. x

Where ‘s ____________ girl I sent you last week.

the                   B. an                            C. a                              D. x

What do you usually have for ____________ breakfast.

the                   B. an                            C. a                              D. x

They live a _______________ life.

A. abnormally                   B. normally                 C. nomad        D. nomadic

That song gives me a ______________feeling.

A. peace                B. peaceful                  C. peacefulness           D. peacefully

The new drug has great _____________ for the treatment of this disease.

significance     B. significant               C significantly             D. insignificant

This time yesterday, I ______________ the story of Saint Giong.

was reading     B. read                        C. am reading              D. has read

____________ the Hue festival on TV at 9 p.m. yesterday?

Did you watch                B. Were you watching                    C. Had you watched   D. You were watching

When we arrived, Cinderella __________ with the prince.

will be dancing            B. is dancing               C. was dancing           D. danced

I _________ Thailand this summer. There must be many interesting festivals.

visit                 B. am visiting              C. visited                     D. have visited

When he passes his driving test, he ____________ a car.

buys                 B. is buying                 C. will buy                  D. would buy

We decided ____________ public transportation to the beach.

take                 B. took                                    C. taking                     D. to take

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