Đề kiểm tra học kì

Van Nghia
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Ngố ngây ngô
10 tháng 12 2017 lúc 17:16

1. A.achievement B. audience C. performance D. recording

2. A. allery B. sleepiness C. additive D. papaya

3. A. acupuncture B. benefit C. breadwiner D. contribute

4. A. alternative B. acupunture C. original D. respiratory

5. A. stimulate B. skeleton C. pyramid D. digestive

6. A. routine B. laundry C. household D. finance

7. A. contest B. talent C. ablum D. debate

8. A. contest B. award C. release D. compose

Công Toàn
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12 tháng 12 2017 lúc 10:47

The Internet is one of the greatest creations and gives everyone in the world with Internet access instant access to an endless supply of knowledge and entertainment. Below is a complete list of all of the advantages of the Internet.

As mentioned earlier, the Internet contains an endless supply of knowledge and information that allows you to learn about almost any topic or question you may have. Using a search engine like Google, you can ask virtually any question and find a web page with an answer to that question. There are also millions of videos on sites likeYouTube that help explain various topics and even online courses that can be taken to help teach you about many different subjects.

In the past, it would take days and sometimes even months to receive a letter from someone else. Today, with the Internet, you can send an e-mail to anyone in the world and often have it delivered in less than a minute. Other forms of communication, such as chat and VOIP, also allow you to have instant communication with anyone in the world.

Online forums are also places where people who share common interests can connect with each other and talk about what they enjoy or ask other experts in the field questions.

With the help of GPS technology, the Internet can help map and direct you to almost every place in the world. You can quickly route to your location or find businesses in your area that may sell or provide you with a service you need. Today's search engines are also smart enough to know your location and help give you the most relevant searches for your area. For example, if you needed a plumber and did a search for "plumber", you would be given local plumbers in your area.

The Internet gives you access to your bank account to view your balance, make transactions, and send money. Also, many services enable you to view and pay your bills electronically.

Online shopping is another huge advantage of the Internet, giving anyone with Internet access the ability to find products that interest them and buy them without having to visit a store. The Internet gives everyone easy access to compare prices between companies and even see what others think about a product through online reviews to help make better purchasing decisions.

If you are a business or want to sell anything, the Internet is a perfect place to sell most goods. Because anyone in the world with Internet access can find your website, you have access to more people than you ever could with a local retail store. The Internet is always on and always available, which means you have the potential of selling goods 24/7. The Internet also gives all businesses the ability to advertise their product or service to everyone in the world or specify an exact demographic they want to reach.

There are other ways someone can make money online by performing other online services.

The Internet is the perfect place to work with other people from around the world. There are dozens of online services that allow you to work with other people and, with the ability to have instant communication, it can even make producing new products and services faster.

An Internet connection provides many people with the ability to work from home or have a virtual office. Today, many businesses allow their employees to work from home using their computers and Internet connection. Working from home can help save people money by not having to pay for child care and save them money and time by eliminating the daily commute to and from work every day.

If you are a business that needs employees, many services online can give you access to people looking for a job all around the world. Having the ability to hire someone from another part of the country or world allows you to get access to a much wider talent pool and may also allow you to hire someone at a much cheaper rate.With access to a much wider audience, anyone with an Internet connection can quickly make a donation to their favorite charity or help fund projects and ideas that interest them. Also, those looking for charity can find many online services that help make it easier to help donate or support their causes.

The Internet gives everyone access to an endless supply of entertainment, with access to watch videos, watch movies, listen to music, and even play games online.

The Internet helps make devices in your home connected and smarter by giving them access to the Internet. For example, the Nest thermostat can be connected to the Internet to help control the heating and cooling in your home. Also, once these devices are connected, they can be controlled remotely using your computer or smartphone. By connecting IoT (Internet of Things) devices to your home, it can become smarter and more efficient and help save energy, money, and time.

The Internet connects your computers and Internet-enabled devices to cloud services, like cloud computing and cloud storage. With cloud computing, a device can have access to more powerful computers and even supercomputers to perform complex tasks while you or your business works on other tasks.

Cloud storage allows all of your Internet-connected devices to have access to an endless supply of storage and also makes backing up information easier and safer by automatically making backups to another location. So, if you are using a cloud storage backup service and your home or office burned down, you would not lose all your valuable data.

12 tháng 12 2017 lúc 10:48

It is true that more and more inventions are being made which have made life more comfortable than what it was before. Internet is one of the greatest inventions in 20 th century. The Internet is like a network of networks where any computer can link up to information stored within it. I strongly believe that internet is an integral part of the development of society.

There are many advantages to using the internet. First of all, Internet is a great mean of communication. Distance is no longer a matter of concern when we can send mails within a few seconds or make cheap internet phone call. We can also update ourselves with the latest news in the world with some simple mouse clicks. Internet can be used to send messages, also known as emails, to friends and family anywhere on the Earth. It can be used to keep in contact with friends or family who are currently overseas as there are many messenger services available on the internet. Another biggest advantage of the internet would be information. The internet is full of information about any topic we can think about, ranging from news to services or even movies. There are several search tools like google or yahoo that we can use for research about any topic that we want to find data on. Nowadays, even schools are making use of the internet by asking the students to do research or collect data from the internet. Entertainment is also one of the many advantages of the internet. With the internet, we will not feel bored anymore as there are countless games that can be free downloaded from the web. We can also use the internet to surf the web, enter chat rooms or even watch movies for free on the internet. Chat rooms have also helped people to find their lifelong partners.
Besides that, many services are also provided on the internet ranging from purchasing and booking tickets for movies, hotel reservations and restaurant booking in case you want to eat in a very crowded restaurant. Even with all these advantages, many people believe that someone who pays too much attention to online activities may become passive, sluggish in real life because of their lacks of communication, and physical activities. However, all of us also cannot doubt of their benefits.

In short, I completely believe that the internet is good for our life today and in the future. However, we should use it for right purposes in order to take advantages effectively.

12 tháng 12 2017 lúc 10:49

Firstly, the internet can let a person to communicate with people in virtually any parts of the world through the internet or e-mail, without having to leave his room. E-mail allowed peoples to communicate with minimum of times. It is now possibles to send a message to any parts of the world through a simple e-mail address and the message is delivered in matter of seconds. Every companies is using e-mail in business. The convenience of e-mail has allowed businesses to expand and communicates with their vendors and customers located all over the world in records times. Personal communication has also become more easier thanks to e-mail. Chat rooms, video conferencing are some of the latest additions in this technology and these have allowed peoples to chat in real time. Besides, there are a lot of messengers services in offering. With the help of such services, it has become very easy to establish a kind of global friendship where you can share your thoughts and explore other cultures. The internet also allows people within an organization to easily communicate and share informations.

Second, information is probably the biggest advantages that internet offers. Internet is a virtual treasures trove of information. Any kinds of information on any topic under the sun is available on the internet. The search engines like Google, Yahoo are at your service through the internet. There is a huge amount of information available on the internet for just about every subjects known to man, ranging from government law and services, trade fairs and conferences, market information, new ideas and technical support, the lists is simply endless. We can uses these search engines, websites dedicated to different subjects and large amount of articles and papers are available for perusal in a matter of a few seconds.

Forums on a number of sites allow peoples to discuss and share their thoughts and informations with others located at different places all over the world. Whether this information is the latest news happenings in the world or information about your favourite celebrity, everything is available at your finger tips. A huge cache of data is available on the internet on every single subjects. With this storehouse of information people can not only increases their knowledge bank but can do so without wasting their time through traditional means such as visiting libraries and conducting exhaustive research. With internet, students can save their times to search for information and using their time to do other works.

This is particularly relevant for students who can use this wealth of information for their school projects and also learn new things about the subjects they are interested in. In fact this internet is for many schools and universities that are now able to assigns projects and work to the students and follows their progress which can be easily posted on the school or university internal websites. Online education has grown at a very fast pace since internet allow the development and uses of innovative tools for imparting educations. University’s students and lecturers can communicate through internet. Besides, some universities are also offerings far distances courses to make study become more inefficient and convenience. Internet become a gateway for those who wants to learn but cannot afford the living fees at foreign countries.

Thirdly, entertainments is another popular reasons why many people prefer to surf the internet. In fact, the internet has becomes quite successful in trapping the multifaceted entertainment industry. Downloading games or just surfing the celebrity websites are some of the uses people have discovered. Even celebrities are using the internet effectively for promotional campaigns. Besides that, there are numerous games that can be downloaded for free. The industry of online gaming has tasted dramatic and phenomenal attentions by game lovers. The internet has also revolutionized the entertainments industry. People nowadays no need to go to a cinema hall to watch your favourite movie. Instead of watching movies at cinema now have companies offering their services where you just can downloads or order your favourite movie and watch it with a fast internet connection. Besides that, you also can download other important software or your favourite music in a matter of few minutes. There are a number of shareware programs that allow you to share and download your favourite music and videos. The internet also allows people from different cultures and background to connect with each other. Internet gaming is a huge business and allow enthusiastic gamers to compete against each other in games even when they are located far apart. Likewise dating has also allowed people to find their prospective soul mates.

Through the internet, shopping has also got a complete makeover thanks to the contributions of the internet. You have many website selling a varieties of products online and one just need to select or bid for the desired product and entire financial transactions can be conducts through the internet. E commerce has got a facilities because of the internet and entire global business deals can be conducted over the internet. Transfer of money is also no longer a times consuming job and with just a click of a button you can easily transfers funds to any place you wish. Some of these services of courses come at a price. The internet has made life very convenient. With numerous online services you can now performs all your transaction online. You can books tickets for a movie, transfer funds, pay utility bills, taxes etc, and right from your home. Some travel websites even plans an itinerary as per your preferences and take care of airline tickets, hotel reservation etc. by using internet, consumers can compare the prices of product before making decisions to purchase.

People who believes that impacts of internet on students is positives said that internet help students by providing them the handy material and resources for their studies. It is a big reality that now students takes a lots of help from internet. Students have any problem regarding their studies or their daily life they can finds lots of solutions of that problem from internet. There they can find out articles of scholar and other professional people which would be helpful for them. They can take lectures from different academics on different topics.

One of the most important benefits of internet is that students can earn from internet through bloggers. Students can take interest on earning through internet. It would be a great source of income for them and also it would provide them a big experience of writing. The students who are interested in media and wanted to be a writer in the future must do this work. This would increase their professional skills which would lead them towards great future.

Students can also use internet for the social connectivity and there are lots of social media websites which mostly students use for social networking. Such as Facebook, Twitter, Weibo etc are the famous social networking site. Students can contact themselves with the foreign students and discuss them on different issue to enhance their skills and knowledge. By using internet wisely, students can get many information to enrich their knowledge.

Đài Võ
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Minh Hiếu
25 tháng 10 2017 lúc 21:31

And then ???

Sương"x Trần"x
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27 tháng 7 2017 lúc 20:42

The scientific name for the study of body parts and their structures is anatomy

Mặt Như Mông
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Nguyễn Thị Nguyệt
10 tháng 1 2017 lúc 17:13

bạn hỏi j vậy???????????????

Lê Thị Phương Hoa
18 tháng 1 2017 lúc 20:20

You should search GG

Trần Hiền
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Huyền Anh
26 tháng 2 2017 lúc 16:17

câu này chia HTHT vì có dấu hiệu ever mà bạn

Nguyễn Phan Thanh Thủy
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Brown Dan
26 tháng 9 2021 lúc 22:01

cái này không có dịch nguyên câu đâu mà là dịch theo từng dòng. Từ EXTRA ở đây theo ngữ cảnh này có nghĩa là tự trả