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Người theo dõi (7)

Jackson Williams
Mr 9323
Đặng Quốc Huy

Đang theo dõi (6)

Phương Uyên
Linh Diệu

As a strategy to contain potentially infected people and prevent the virus from spreading further, businesses and schools will heavily rely on the internet to keep business running. From online learning to telecommuting, many aspects of our daily lives that used to involve face to face contact will be moved to cyberspace. This shift to internet-based work presents both advantages, challenges, and potentially a detriment to the education and business communities.

For some businesses, telecommuting can be a boon for their bottom line. Imagine a company that can run its entire operation staffed by workers who work from home. No need to lease large office spaces. No need for long commutes. Flexible hours and working in your pajamas (or anything you want to wear). With telecommuting, you can hire a geographically diverse group of employees without worrying about where to house them or relocate them.

In terms of education, online learning also comes with some advantages. For a long time, schools and colleges have resisted online instruction, and institutions that do have been regarded as inferior. However, with a rapidly spreading virus and a campus full of people in close contact, schools have no choice but to turn to online classes as an alternative, albeit temporary, solution. By letting students learn from home, colleges can allow more students to take the same class simultaneously, while students who missed lectures for any reason can make up with video streaming.

On the other hand, not everything can be solved by moving online. Businesses in personal services, retail, and food and beverage businesses will suffer under this crisis, as personal interaction is still an essential part of those industries. Although, I suspect delivery platforms such as Amazon and UberEats are likely to see a boom in business as people are confined to their homes.

Meanwhile, although some classes can be successfully taught online, specific disciplines are impossible to instruct through the internet. From lab work for chemistry to the arts, these classes must be conducted in person. The closing of campuses would also negatively impact students, who paid thousands of dollars to colleges for room and board. Worse, for many international scholars, campus closures might mean they have nowhere to go. 

1.The word "hire" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to

A. talk B.employ C.lend D.refuse

2.According to paragraph 2, what benefits can a company receive if all the staff works from home? 
A. The workers may have more time to work instead of travelling miles to reach the office.

B. The employees may not suffer from the work's pressure at the office.

C. The company may find it easy to control the time and the effectiveness of its employees work.

D. The company can take on employees from any place in the world without the anxiety for their accommodation. 

3.The phrase "make up" in paragraph 3 most probably means

A.exchange the lessons

B. prepare for the next lessons

C. do the exercises

D. study the lessons later

4. The author predicted that delivery platforms such as Amazon and UberEats

A.will experience a rapid growth in the pandemic

B.will witness a sharp downward trend in business.

C.will have many packages returned or rented.

D.will go bust when the COVID-19 spreads quickly.

5. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A.Before the appearance of the COVID-19, many schools and colleges have opposed to distance learning

B.Internet-based work may negatively impact some businesses because of the shortage of personal interaction.

C.Students can learn any skill and lesson with the help of teachers through the internet

D.The number of students taking the same online class is not limited.

6.The word "they" in the last paragraph refers to

A.campus closures  B.international scholars   C.colleges   D.Students

7.What does the article mainly discuss?

A.The shift from face-to-face contact to internet-based contact

B.The benefits and drawbacks of internet-based work to education and business.

C.How business and schools continue to work in the pandemic.

D.The differences in the impact of the pandemic on education and business.


Through our student work experience program, the education authority provides over 9000 work experience placements for young people each year. Our program is designed to offer employment opportunities for students that will enrich their academic studies and help them gain valuable work-related skills thereby improving their chance of finding a good job after graduation. A placement does not need to be related to a particular field of study and so participants may even discover areas of work they have never considered before.All secondary and post-secondary school students in full-time education are eligible to apply for the program. Individual case managers will determine the minimum level of academic achievement required for each job. During an academic term, a student may work part-time. During the summer holidays a student may work full-time or part-time. The education authority is responsible for the recruitment of all students under the work experience program. Applicants apply in person to our office and we refer candidates to the appropriate department.Our internship program is designed specifically for post-secondary students, whether part-time or full-time. Students on the internship program are given an assignment related to their research area offering them the chance to use their academic knowledge in an actual work setting. The academic institution plays an important role in the placement of students under this program and they will determine the duration of a work assignment. These traditionally last four months but internship assignments may vary from 4 to 18 months. Students in this program normally work full-time.

1.According to the passage, candidates can only join the internship program ........

A. if they have finished their secondary education in full-time education.

B. if they have high academic results from their educational institution.

C. if they have ever registered for this the program.

D. when they have graduated from university.

2.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Work experience and internship programs.

B. Part-time or full-time programs.

C. Employment opportunities for post-secondary school students.

D. Valuable work-related skills and internship

3.The word "them" in paragraph 1 refers to

A.students B.academic studies C.opportunities D.experience placements

4.According to the passage, through the program, participants are

A.valuable relations

B. educational studies

C. job opportunities means

D.employable skills

5.The word "eligible" in paragraph 2 mostly means

A.allowed B.required C.supposed D.obliged

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Lịch sử thế giới cận đại

Câu hỏi:

Đọc đoạn tư liệu sau đây và điền đúng sai "Minh Mạng (hay Minh Mệnh), là vị hoàng đế thứ hai của nhà Nguyễn, trị vì từ năm 1820 đến năm 1841. Ông là vị vua có nhiều công trạng nhất của triều Nguyễn, là người năng nổ, cương nghị, tỉnh thông Nho học, uyên bác, học vấn cao và một nhà chính trị, nhà quân sự tài ba. Đây được coi là thời kỳ hùng mạnh cuối cùng của chế độ phong kiến trong lịch sử Việt Nam. Cuộc cải cách hành chính của vua Minh Mạng có ý nghĩa to lớn, thể hiện sự thống nhất đất nước về mặt nhà nước; củng cố quyền lực trong tay nhà vua, tổ chức chặt chẽ chính quyền từ trung ương đến địa phương, củng cố chế độ chuyên quyền; Cách chia tỉnh của vua Minh Mạng là có cơ sở khoa học, phù hợp với phạm vi quản lý của một tỉnh... Đây là cơ sở để thành lập và chia tỉnh như ngày nay".

a). Cuộc cải cách Minh Mạng tập trung chủ yếu vào cải cách hành chính về mặt hành chính. và đã thống nhất đất nước

b) Thống nhất hệ thống đơn vị hành chính trong cả nước, làm cơ sở cho sự phân chia tỉnh huyện ngày nay.

c) Tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho việc quản lí nhà nước từ trung ương đến địa phương xuống tận các cấp thôn, xóm.

d) Để lại những bài học kinh nghiệm bổ ích và giải quyết được khủng hoảng toàn diện của xã hội phong kiến