The general opinion abroad is that London has fog or rain or both every day of the.
year, but on the day I arrived it was fine and warm, there was a bright sun and a cloudless sky.The next day it was just as beautiful, there was a slight wind that.
gently moved the leaves on the trees ,and you could smell the spring in the air.
''Life is grand'' I thought as I walked in Kensington gardens .It was a straight road
and I fond the way quite easily. When I got my first sight of the gardens the beauty of it nearby took my breath away. The trees were just bursting into leaf, fresh and green and lovely, and were beds of spring flowers, red and yellow and blue, in the beautiful, smooth grass under the trees.
People in light spring clothes were walking about, and to my surprise, they walked not only along to the paths but also across the grass, and no one said a work to them about it. I had never seen such a thing before.
1.What is the weather like in London according to the general opinion abroad.
2.What was the weather like on the day the writer arrived in London
3.Was it in summer.
4.How were the trees in the gardens
5.Did the people walk across the grass
1. The general opinion abroad is that London has fog or rain or both every day of the year.
2. It was fine and warm
3. No, it doesn't
4. The trees just bursting into leaf
5. Yes, they did