Luyện tập tổng hợp

Bạn chưa đăng nhập. Vui lòng đăng nhập để hỏi bài
Nguyễn Trang
1. Choose the correct item.

1. While we were travelling in France we passed…….. some beautiful little villages.

A via С en-route

В by D through

2. In the 16th century, many……. set out to discover unknown lands.

A sightseers С backpackers

В explorers D pilgrims

3. With the weekend free, we decided to take a two-day…….to the nearest island.

A travel В trip

С journey D flight

4. Don't worry, your father will……… you up at the airport.

A pick В take

C get D set

5. Due to a(n) in the postal service, we got the flight tickets at the very last minute.

A postponement С interruption

В delay D break

6. The organizers of the cycling race decided to choose an alternative…… order to avoid a busy tourist area.

A route С way

В road D direction

7. Having spent the last twenty years visiting every corner of the world, I can say that travel certainly……… the mind.

A widens С extends

В expands D broadens

8. As the train pulled into the………, the passengers got ready to board it.

A platform В station

С dock D port

9. It is becoming quite common for older people to take a traveling…… with them on holiday.

A colleague С companion

В partner D associate

10. There will always be some tourists who prefer more unusual holiday destinations off the beaten …… .

A track В way

С path D course

11. I got a good deal on a round-…… ticket for only £199.

A journey В trip

С route D way

12. As they arrived …… Paris, the weather changed for the worse.

A to В at

С on D in

13. We sent a letter to the travel company requesting a……on winter destinations.

A prospectus С brochure

В pamphlet D leaflet

14. She's the type who can't sit still on holiday and is always……..the move.

A on В in

С at D by

15. The main attraction for most tourists is the ancient……in the southern part of the island.

A ruins С wrecks

В remnants D remains

16. She had never been to Prague before, and she …….. in love with it straight away.

A fell С tripped

В dropped D crashed

17. They couldn't wait to go for a swim in the crystal-……. water of the small bay.

A pure В clean

С fresh D clear

18. The from our hotel room over the tiny mountain village was out of this world.

A outlook В sight

С view D scene

19. The sea was so …….that day that many passengers became quite ill as the ship rolled from side to side.

A calm В rough

С open D dark

20. Having worked non-stop for almost six months, he decided to take a(n)…… break and return on Monday morning.

A day С flying

В extended D weekend

2. Fill in the missing word.

1. As my bike had a flat tyre, I had no choice but to finish the journey on…….................

2. I'm sorry I'm late. I was held .……................. in traffic.

3. They had a feeling the car was going to break…….…… it had been making strange noises all morning.

4. She went to Moscow……................. plane.

5. John is always……................. a rush.

6. Do you …… play the radio so loud in the car?

7. It's time to…….…….................going if we don't want to miss the plane.

8. She'll have to set …….................early in the morning in order to get there on time.

9. Joe had to …….................his way down the hill very carefully because of the fog.

10. After we reach Manchester, we’ll head…………..................Liverpool.

3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Use between two and five words.

1. A visa is not required when you travel within Europe.

need You …….................when you travel within Europe.

2. Booking online means it isn't necessary to actually have plane tickets anymore.

worry Booking online means you…… …….................about actually having plane tickets anymore.

3. An air hostess is obliged to check a number of things before take-off.

has An airhostess……................. a number of things before take-off.

4. It wasn't easy for me to find the holiday I wanted. difficulty I ………………….the holiday I wanted.

5. If I were you, I wouldn't stay at that guesthouse because the service is dreadful.

worth In my opinion, …… that guesthouse because the service is dreadful.

4. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold

1. The sea looked so…………................. that we dived straight in. INVITE

2. He's got a nice cottage in the ……............... . COUNTRY

3. The village is …….................….up in the mountains. SITUATE

4. You need to drive…….................….. or else you'll cause an accident. CARE

5. Our journey across the desert was amazing and the photos we took

will make it totally………......................... . FORGET

5. Find the unnecessary word for each sentence.

1. While sightseeing, we were told we shouldn't to wander off without the rest of the group. …….................

2. They can't have been arrived already; they only left an hour ago! …….................

3. Does she must have to have her passport with her to travel within Europe? …….................

4. I really need to ought get the travel agent's e-mail address before we leave. …….................

5. They said we could have join next month if we wanted. …….................

6. Circle the correct response.

1. A: I'm really fed up with the noise!

B: a. I'm ever so sorry!

b. Thanks for saying so.

2. A: I'd like a seat near the front, please.

B: a. Single or return?

b. Aisle or window?

3. A: How do you like the view?

B: a. It's fantastic!

b. What a great idea!

4. A: I'm sorry to say that I am very disappointed with the service.

B: a. Gosh you're right. I forgot all about it.

b. Oh dear! I don't know what to say.

5. A: This luggage is so heavy!

B: a. Is that to take away?

b. Do you need a hand?

Mai Hà Trang
31 tháng 7 2019 lúc 22:41

đăng ít thôi

Trịnh Quỳnh
1 tháng 8 2019 lúc 8:21
1. Choose the correct item.

1. While we were travelling in France we passed…….. some beautiful little villages.

A via С en-route

В by D through

2. In the 16th century, many……. set out to discover unknown lands.

A sightseers С backpackers

В explorers D pilgrims

3. With the weekend free, we decided to take a two-day…….to the nearest island.

A travel В trip

С journey D flight

4. Don't worry, your father will……… you up at the airport.

A pick В take

C get D set

5. Due to a(n) in the postal service, we got the flight tickets at the very last minute.

A postponement С interruption

В delay D break

6. The organizers of the cycling race decided to choose an alternative…… order to avoid a busy tourist area.

A route С way

В road D direction

7. Having spent the last twenty years visiting every corner of the world, I can say that travel certainly……… the mind.

A widens С extends

В expands D broadens

8. As the train pulled into the………, the passengers got ready to board it.

A platform В station

С dock D port

9. It is becoming quite common for older people to take a traveling…… with them on holiday.

A colleague С companion

В partner D associate

10. There will always be some tourists who prefer more unusual holiday destinations off the beaten …… .

A track В way

С path D course

11. I got a good deal on a round-…… ticket for only £199.

A journey В trip

С route D way

12. As they arrived …… Paris, the weather changed for the worse.

A to В at

С on D in

13. We sent a letter to the travel company requesting a……on winter destinations.

A prospectus С brochure

В pamphlet D leaflet

14. She's the type who can't sit still on holiday and is always……..the move.

A on В in

С at D by

15. The main attraction for most tourists is the ancient……in the southern part of the island.

A ruins С wrecks

В remnants D remains

16. She had never been to Prague before, and she …….. in love with it straight away.

A fell С tripped

В dropped D crashed

17. They couldn't wait to go for a swim in the crystal-……. water of the small bay.

A pure В clean

С fresh D clear

18. The from our hotel room over the tiny mountain village was out of this world.

A outlook В sight

С view D scene

19. The sea was so …….that day that many passengers became quite ill as the ship rolled from side to side.

A calm В rough

С open D dark

20. Having worked non-stop for almost six months, he decided to take a(n)…… break and return on Monday morning.

A day С flying

В extended D weekend

2. Fill in the missing word.

1. As my bike had a flat tyre, I had no choice but to finish the journey on time.

2. I'm sorry I'm late. I was held up in traffic.

3. They had a feeling the car was going to break down as it had been making strange noises all morning.

4. She went to Moscow by plane.

5. John is always in a rush.

6. Do you prefer to play the radio so loud in the car?

7. It's time to start going if we don't want to miss the plane.

8. She'll have to set off early in the morning in order to get there on time.

9. Joe had to on his way down the hill very carefully because of the fog.

10. After we reach Manchester, we’ll head for Liverpool.

3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Use between two and five words.

1. A visa is not required when you travel within Europe.

need You don't need to have a visa when you travel within Europe.

2. Booking online means it isn't necessary to actually have plane tickets anymore.

worry Booking online means you don't need to worry about actually having plane tickets anymore.

3. An air hostess is obliged to check a number of things before take-off.

has An airhostess has to check a number of things before take-off.

4. It wasn't easy for me to find the holiday I wanted.

difficulty I had difficulty in finding the holiday I wanted.

5. If I were you, I wouldn't stay at that guesthouse because the service is dreadful.

worth In my opinion, it not worth staying at that guesthouse because the service is dreadful.

4. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold

1. The sea looked so inviting that we dived straight in. INVITE

2. He's got a nice cottage in the countryside COUNTRY

3. The village is situated up in the mountains. SITUATE

4. You need to drive carefully or else you'll cause an accident. CARE

5. Our journey across the desert was amazing and the photos we took

will make it totally unforgettable . FORGET

6. Circle the correct response.

1. A: I'm really fed up with the noise!

B: a. I'm ever so sorry!

b. Thanks for saying so.

2. A: I'd like a seat near the front, please.

B: a. Single or return?

b. Aisle or window?

3. A: How do you like the view?

B: a. It's fantastic!

b. What a great idea!

4. A: I'm sorry to say that I am very disappointed with the service.

B: a. Gosh you're right. I forgot all about it.

b. Oh dear! I don't know what to say.

5. A: This luggage is so heavy!

B: a. Is that to take away?

b. Do you need a hand?

1 tháng 8 2019 lúc 8:42
5. Find the unnecessary word for each sentence.

1. While sightseeing, we were told we shouldn't to wander off without the rest of the group.

2. They can't have been arrived already; they only left an hour ago!

3. Does she must have to have her passport with her to travel within Europe?

4. I really need to ought get the travel agent's e-mail address before we leave.

5. They said we could have join next month if we wanted.

1 tháng 8 2019 lúc 9:05
1. Choose the correct item.

1. While we were travelling in France we passed…….. some beautiful little villages.

A via С en-route

В by D through

2. In the 16th century, many……. set out to discover unknown lands.

A sightseers С backpackers

В explorers D pilgrims

3. With the weekend free, we decided to take a two-day…….to the nearest island.

A travel В trip

С journey D flight

4. Don't worry, your father will……… you up at the airport.

A pick В take

C get D set

5. Due to a(n) in the postal service, we got the flight tickets at the very last minute.

A postponement С interruption

В delay D break

6. The organizers of the cycling race decided to choose an alternative…… order to avoid a busy tourist area.

A route С way

В road D direction

7. Having spent the last twenty years visiting every corner of the world, I can say that travel certainly……… the mind.

A widens С extends

В expands D broadens

8. As the train pulled into the………, the passengers got ready to board it.

A platformВ station

С dock D p ort

9. It is becoming quite common for older people to take a traveling…… with them on holiday.

A colleague С companion

В partner D associate

10. There will always be some tourists who prefer more unusual holiday destinations off the beaten …… .

A track В way

С path D course

off the beaten track : nơi hẻo lánh

11. I got a good deal on a round-…… ticket for only £199.

A journey В trip

С route D way

12. As they arrived …… Paris, the weather changed for the worse.

A to В at

С on D in

13. We sent a letter to the travel company requesting a……on winter destinations.

A prospectus С brochure

В pamphlet D leaflet

14. She's the type who can't sit still on holiday and is always……..the move.

A on В in

С at D by

15. The main attraction for most tourists is the ancient……in the southern part of the island.

A ruins С wrecks

В remnants D remains

16. She had never been to Prague before, and she …….. in love with it straight away.

A fell С tripped

В dropped D crashed

17. They couldn't wait to go for a swim in the crystal-……. water of the small bay.

A pure В clean

С fresh D clear

18. The from our hotel room over the tiny mountain village was out of this world.

A outlook В sight

С view D scene

19. The sea was so …….that day that many passengers became quite ill as the ship rolled from side to side.

A calm В rough

С open D dark

20. Having worked non-stop for almost six months, he decided to take a(n)…… break and return on Monday morning.

A day С flying

В extended D weekend

1 tháng 8 2019 lúc 9:25

2. Fill in the missing word.

1. As my bike had a flat tyre, I had no choice but to finish the journey on……...time..............

2. I'm sorry I'm late. I was held .……......up........... in traffic.

3. They had a feeling the car was going to break…….…… it had been making strange noises all morning.

4. She went to Moscow…… plane.

5. John is always…… a rush.

6. Do you …….....want play the radio so loud in the car?

7. It's time to…….……start.................going if we don't want to miss the plane.

8. She'll have to set …… in the morning in order to get there on time.

9. Joe had to ……...on..............his way down the hill very carefully because of the fog.

10. After we reach Manchester, we’ll heave………….for.................Liverpool.

3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Use between two and five words.

1. A visa is not required when you travel within Europe.

need You ……....don't need a visa.............when you travel within Europe.

2. Booking online means it isn't necessary to actually have plane tickets anymore.

worry Booking online means you…… …….....don't need to worry ............about actually having plane tickets anymore.

3. An air hostess is obliged to check a number of things before take-off.

has An airhostess…….....has to check............ a number of things before take-off.

4. It wasn't easy for me to find the holiday I wanted. difficulty I …………had difficulty in finding……….the holiday I wanted.

5. If I were you, I wouldn't stay at that guesthouse because the service is dreadful.

worth In my opinion, …… is not worth that guesthouse because the service is dreadful.

4. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold

1. The sea looked so…………inviting................. that we dived straight in. INVITE

2. He's got a nice cottage in the ……..countryside............. . COUNTRY

3. The village is ……........situated.........….up in the mountains. SITUATE

4. You need to drive……......carefully ...........….. or else you'll cause an accident. CARE

5. Our journey across the desert was amazing and the photos we took

will make it totally………........unforgettable................. . FORGET

6. Circle the correct response.

1. A: I'm really fed up with the noise!

B: a. I'm ever so sorry!

b. Thanks for saying so.

2. A: I'd like a seat near the front, please.

B: a. Single or return?

b. Aisle or window?

3. A: How do you like the view?

B: a. It's fantastic!

b. What a great idea!

4. A: I'm sorry to say that I am very disappointed with the service.

B: a. Gosh you're right. I forgot all about it.

b. Oh dear! I don't know what to say.

5. A: This luggage is so heavy!

B: a. Is that to take away?

b. Do you need a hand?

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