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Đến từ Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 149
Số lượng câu trả lời 150
Điểm GP 16
Điểm SP 91

Người theo dõi (33)

Diễm Ngọc
Minz Ank
Tống Nhật Minh

Đang theo dõi (17)

Câu trả lời:

Marine pollution is a growing problem in today’s world. Our ocean is being flooded with two main types of pollution: chemicals and trash.

Chemical contamination, or nutrient pollution, is concerning for health, environmental, and economic reasons. This type of pollution occurs when human activities, notably the use of fertilizer on farms, lead to the runoff of chemicals into waterways that ultimately flow into the ocean. The increased concentration of chemicals, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, in the coastal ocean promotes the growth of algal blooms, which can be toxic to wildlife and harmful to humans. The negative effects on health and the environment caused by algal blooms  hurt local fishing and tourism industries.

Marine trash encompasses all manufactured products—most of the plastic—that end up in the ocean.  Littering, storm winds, and poor waste management all contribute to the accumulation of this debris, 80 percent of which comes from sources on land. Common types of marine debris include various plastic items like shopping bags and beverage bottles, along with cigarette butts, bottle caps, food wrappers, and fishing gear. Plastic waste is particularly problematic as a pollutant because it is so long-lasting. Plastic items can take hundreds of years to decompose.

This trash poses dangers to both humans and animals. Fish become tangled and injured in the debris, and some animals mistake items like plastic bags for food and eat them. Small organisms feed on tiny bits of broken-down plastic, called microplastic, and absorb the chemicals from the plastic into their tissues. Microplastics are less than five millimeters (0.2 inches) in diameter and have been detected in a range of marine species, including plankton and whales. When small organisms that consume microplastics are eaten by larger animals, the toxic chemicals then become part of their tissues. In this way, the microplastic pollution migrates up the food chain, eventually becoming part of the food that humans eat.

Solutions for marine pollution include prevention and cleanup. Disposable and single-use plastic is abundantly used in today’s society, from shopping bags to shipping packaging to plastic bottles. Changing society’s approach to plastic use will be a long and economically challenging process. Cleanup, in contrast, may be impossible for some items. 

Nonetheless, many countries are taking action. According to a 2018 report from the United Nations, more than sixty countries have enacted regulations to limit or ban the use of disposable plastic items.


Câu trả lời:

I, Passive voice

1, Tom delivers the mail every day.

→→ The mail is delivered by Tom every day.

2, Mr.John manages the export division.

→→ The export division is managed by Mr.John

3, The students attended the lecture.

→→ The lecture was attended by the students.

4, The movie disappointed us very much.

→→ We were disappointed by the movie

5, The police easily captured the thief.

→→ The thief was easily captured by the police

6, John is calling the other members.

→→ The other members are being called by John

7, The company is developing a new procedure.

→→ A new procedure is being developed by the company.

8, My father is washing the car.

→→ The car is being washed by my father.

9, Martha was delivering the documents to the department.

→→ The documents were being delivered to the department by Martha.

10, A French architect was designing the place.

→→ The palace was being designed by a French architect

11, Beth has finished the report.

→→ The report has been finished by Beth

12, Somebody has taken my briefcase.

→→ My briefcase has been taken.

13, She has finished the report at noon.

→→ The report has been finished by noon

14, John will receive the papers tomorrow.

→→ The papers will be received by John tomorrow.

15, Somebody will call Mr. Brown tonight.

→→ Mr. Brown will be called tonight.

16, They will build a new bridge near my house next year.

→→ A new bridge will be built near my house next year.

17, They will widen the road to our village.

→→ The road will be widened to our village

18, The company is going to develop a new procedure.

→→ A new procedure is going to be developed by the company

19, The students are going to plant trees here.

→→ The trees are going to be planted by the students here.

20, My mother is going to sell this house.

→→ This house is going to be sold by my mother.

21, They may discuss the programs again.

→→ The programs might be discussed again

22, They should place matches out of reach of children.

→→ The matches should be placed out of reach of children.

23, They can gain nothing without effort.

→→ Nothing can be gained without effort.

24, People must conserve natural resources.

→→ Natural resources must be conserved.

25, People thought that she is a robber.

→→ She is thought to be a robber.