Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Đà Nẵng , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 240
Số lượng câu trả lời 159
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 28

Người theo dõi (3)

Thu Thảo Tran
chi nguyễn

Đang theo dõi (8)

Cho dạng đúng của từ cho sẵn để hoàn thành câu.

1. They were brought up to behave in a____________way in public.(CIVILIZATION)

2. Many people limit their  ____________   to the sun because their skin burns very easily.(EXPOSE)

3. Helen was worried about her test, and she didn’t sleep well. She was very tired after a_____________ night.(SLEEP)

4. The price of the book is 10 dollar, including________________ and packing.(POST)

5. How are you getting on with your ________________ course in French(CORRESPOND)

6. It is__________________ for beginning students to make mistakes in English.

7. The__________ of the trains and buses causes frustration and annoyance.(FREQUENT)

8. This issue is very__________. Don’t discuss it outside the group.(CONFIDENCE)

9. Do you know what the  ____________  of the river is?

10. He was born blind, but despite this ____________________he still managed to become one of the top pop singers of his generation.(ABLE)

11. Nowadays young people want to leave home as soon as they reach_____________ .(ADULT)

12. A good night’s sleep will improve your ____________ .(CONCENTRATE)

13. Teens should learn to be ____________ when making a presentation.(CONFIDENCE)

14. Going away to college has made me much more________________ .(DEPEND)

15. A lot of people eat too much when they’re _____________ .(DEPRESS)

16. I have a bad habit of taking on more____________ than I can handle.(RESPONSIBLE)

17. Students have spoken of their growing ____________  with school administrators.(FRUSTRATE)

18. Ann suffered from depression and a number of other     ___________problems.(EMOTION)

19. Have you thought of talking to a marriage guidance ___________?(COUNSEL)

20. Her networking and ____________skills came in handy for a charity boxing event she hosted.(ORGANIZE)