I, Fill in the blank with : although, and, because, but, or, since, so, unless, until, when, however.
1.Thing were different ................ I was young.
2. I do it ........... I like it.
3. Let us wait here.........the rain stops.
4. You cannot be a lawyer.................you have a law degree.
5. She has not called ........... she left last week.
6. I saw him leaving one..............two hour ago.
7. This is an expensive ............. very useful book.
8. We were getting tired ..........
Đọc tiếp
I, Fill in the blank with : although, and, because, but, or, since, so, unless, until, when, however.
1.Thing were different ................ I was young.
2. I do it ........... I like it.
3. Let us wait here.........the rain stops.
4. You cannot be a lawyer.................you have a law degree.
5. She has not called ........... she left last week.
6. I saw him leaving one..............two hour ago.
7. This is an expensive ............. very useful book.
8. We were getting tired ............. we stopped for a rest.
9. He was angry...........he heard what happened.
10. Walk quickly...............you will be late.
11. He had to retire..............of ill health. a coffe
12. We will go swimming next Sunday..........it is raining.
13. I heard a noise...........I turned the light on.
14. Would you like a coffee..........tea?
15. ..............it was rainning, my brothers went on playing football.
16. Minh is very tired. ........, he tries to finish all the work before going to bed.