Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 22
Số lượng câu trả lời 10
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 1

Người theo dõi (3)

Phạm Trí Tùng
Ny Na Nguyen

Đang theo dõi (2)

Nhật Linh
Linh Phương

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Chuyển Đổi Câu Gián Tiếp

1. "I'm sorry I gave you the wrong number," said Paul to Susan.

- Paul apologized.....................................................................................

2. "When is the first day of your holiday, Peter?" Martha asked.

- Martha asked Peter when.....................................................................

3. "Can I have a new bicycle?" said Anna to her mother.

- Anna asked............................................................................................

4.. "Don't leave the house until I get back, William", his mother said.

- William's mother told..........................................................................

5. "Don't bite your nails," said Mrs. Rogers to her son.

- Mrs. Rogers told....... .............................................................................

6. "I've seen the film three times, Mary" said George.

- George said............................................................................................

7. "I'm sorry, Angela," said Martin, "I'm afraid I've damaged your car.

- Martin apologized..................................................................................

8. "Have you had enough for lunch?" the landlady asked us.

- The landlady asked................................................................................

9. " John, please don't tell anyone my new address," said Mary.

- Mary asked............................................................................................

10. "Breakfast will not be served after 9. 30" said the notice.

- The notice said that..............................................................................

11. "Where is the best place to buy souvenirs?"

- I asked..................................................................................................

12. "Don't forget to bring your passport with you tomorrow"

- She reminded me ................................................................................