Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Hà Nội , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 57
Số lượng câu trả lời 15
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 7

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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

11. Ben ________ a lot in his job but now, since his promotion, he doesn’t.

            A. is used to traveling             B. used to travel          C. used to traveling                 D. used travel

12. Peter used to drive a taxi. This means ________.

            A. he doesn't drive anymore                           B. he is used to driving

            C. he doesn't driving anymore                        D. he didn't drive anymore

13. I am sorry l am not ________ fast.

            A. use to driving                                             B. used to drive

            C. use to drive                                                 D. used to driving

14. Really?" is used to express ________.

            A. an appreciation       B. an agreement          C. a wish                     D. a surprise

15. When I see the kids playing football, I almost wish I ________ their age again.

A. was             B. could be                  C. would be                 D. am

16. We all ________ it were the weekend tomorrow.

            A. wish                        B. want                       C. think                       D. hope

17. The children were acting ________ the story of the birth of Jesus.

            A. down                      B. out                          C. at                            D. on  

18. Minh says he can't bear Lan's ________ any longer. 

            A. behave                    B. behaved                  C. well-behaved          D. behaviour

19. People who are ________ lack the basic reading and writing skills.

            A. literate                    B. illiterate                  C. literacy                    D. literature

20. Overeating is surely the main cause of ________ . 

            A. obese                      B. obesity                    C. obesities                  D. obesely

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

III. Circle A, B, C or D to indicate the best answer to fill in the blank.

1. Minh wishes he ________ English perfectly well.

            A. spoke                      B. has spoken  C. speaks                     D. is speaking

2. Where ________ before you moved here?

            A. did you use to live                          B. used you to live

            C. did you used to live                        D. do you use to live

3. I ________ a toady bear, but I don’t have one now.

            A. was use to having               B. used to having        C. was used to have    D. used to have

4. They ________ go on holiday when they lived in the countryside.

            A. weren't use to                     B. didn't use to            C. not use to                D. hadn't used to

5. The manager told me to pass ________ the message I had just read.

            A. on                           B. in                            C. to                            D. for 

6. I ________ a long hair, but I have short one now.

            A. was use to having               B. was used to have                C. used to have            D. used to having

7. They ________ go on holiday when they lived in the countryside.

            A. weren’t use to                    B. didn’t use to           C. hadn’t used to                     D. not use to

8. Many children in our village are still ________. They can’t read or write.

            A. creative                   B. illiterate                  C. traditional               D. unhealthy

9. Tuberculosis ________ incurable before.

            A. used to think           B. used to be thought  C. use to think D. use to be thought

10. I wish I ________ find the time to do more reading.

            A. may            B. can                          C. could                      D. will

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

IV/ Combine each sentences into a new one,using “adj + enough + for + n/pro + to.v”:

1.      The story is short. We can read it in one hour.


2.      The film was very good. We saw it through.


3.      The pkay was very amusing. They enjoyed it.


4.      This song is very simple. Everybody can sing it.


5.      This book is very interesting. You should read it.


6.      Some of the books are important. I must read them.


7.      He was kind. Everybody liked him.


8.      The programme on TV was interesting. We followed it through.


9.      This exercise is very easy. The pupils can finish it in five minutes.


10.   The weather is very fine. We can go out for a walk.

