Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
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Câu hỏi:

I wish I …… money to help the homeless and poor people.
A. have much             B. had much             C. had any                   D. don’t have

Stormy weather prevented the ferry……..the crossing.
A. from making           B. to make             C. with making           D. by making

It isn’t necessary for students……uniforms today.
A. wearing                  B. worn                       C. to be wearing          D. to wear

My sister studied hard, …….she completed her examination successfully.
A. although                B. so                            C. because                   D. therefore

When she lived in the countryside, she…….in the river.
A. used swim                             B. used to swimming
C. used to swim                         D. use to swim

Is that the man………….?
A. you lent the money to             B. you lend the money
C. whom did you lend the money D. whom you lent the money

Tet is a festival……..occurs in late January or early February.
A. who                     B. whom                     C. which                      D. what

My teacher suggests….. … lessons to poor children.
A. gave                    B. giving                    C. having given           D. given

I don’t know how you can put up…….such bad working conditions.
A.to                          B. on                           C. with                        D. in

I felt very happy………my trip to Huê
A. with                     B. about                      C. of                            D. at