Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Bắc Giang , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 4
Số lượng câu trả lời 58
Điểm GP 21
Điểm SP 66

Người theo dõi (39)

blauceky swift
You Are Mine
Ran Mouri

Đang theo dõi (36)

Chiken Thao
Kiên NT
Nhật Linh

Câu trả lời:

61.”Will you visit the Taj Mahal ?”He asked me.

He asked me if I would visit the Taj Mahal.

62.Peter usually played soccer but now he doesn’t play anymore.

Peter used to play soccer.

71. I'm sure you didn't lock the front door. Here is the key
→You can't lock the front door without having key.
72. You don't need to talk so loudly
There is no need for you to talk so loudly.
73.The train couldn't run because of the snow.

The snow prevented the train from running.
74.He learned to drive when he was 10 years old.
He has learned to drive since he was 10 years old.
75. He failed to win the race.
He didn't win the race.
76. A train leaves at eight o'clock every morning.
There is a train that leaves at eight o'clock every morning.
77. My suit needs to be cleaned before the meeting.
I must have my suit to be cleaned before the meeting.

63.I don’t have free time, so I can’t help you.

If I had free time, I could help you.

64.They built that house 100 years ago.

That house was built 100 years ago.

65.I lent your book. It was written by a friend of mine. She lives in France.

That book I lent you was written by a friend of mine who lives in France.

66.He intended to make a long journey with her.
\(\rightarrow\) He had intention of making a long journey with her.

68. He decided to buy his house 2 years ago.
He made up his mind to buy his house 2 years ago.

69. He has no intention of leaving the city.
He doesn't intended to leave the city.

70. In stratford-on-Avon, we saw Shakespare's birthplace.
We saw the house in which Shakespare's birthplace was born in stratford- on- Avon.
54.I’m sorry, I can't speak English fluently.

I wish I could speak English fluently.

55.It’s a pity that you aren’t here now.

I wish you were here now.

56.This problem seems diffficult for her.

She wishes this problem seemed easy.

57.Water these flowers or they will die.

Unless you water these flowers, they will die.

58.You practise your English regularly, and your English will improve.

If you practise your English regulary, your English will improve.

59.The students don’t study hard.

I wish the students studied hard.

60.He spent 2 hours writing the letter.

It took him 2 hours to write the letter.

48.John usually walks to school, because he has enough time.

If John has enough time, he usually walks to school.

49.Unless it rains, we will go to the movies.

If it doesn’t rain, we will go to the movies.

50.I’m not rich, so I can’t buy that house.

If I were rich, I could buy that house.

51.She doesn’t go to China with us.

We wish she went to Chine with us.

52.He can’t buy this bike because he doesn’t have enough money.

If he has enough money, he can buy this bike.

53.Study hard or you will fail the final exam.

If you study hard, you will pass the final exam.

78. "You stole my best cassette, Amanda".
William accused Amanda of stealing his best cassette.
79. The train journey from London to Bristol takes two hours.
It is a two- hour train journey from London to Bristol.
80. It was careless of you to leave the window open lastnight.
You shouldn't have left the window open.
81. Alice finds it easy to make friends.
Alice has no difficulty in making friends.
82. The man injured in the accident was taken to the hospital.
The man who was injured in the aciden.
83. Nam and his family went on a trip to their home village for two days.
Nam and his family went on a two- day trip to their village.