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Người theo dõi (4)

anh ha
Han Jennis

Đang theo dõi (26)

Khinh Yên
Thu Hồng
Hà Anh

anh ha

Ex3. Find the word which has different stress pattern from the others.

1.         A. picture                     B. actor                       C. enjoy                       D. laptop

2.         A. attend                      B. address                   C. finish                       D. dinner

3.         A. people                     B. harmful                   C. energy                    D. pollute

4          A. prefer                      B. finish                       C. complete                D. begin

5.         A. dangerous               B. important                C. enormous               D. convenient 

6.         A. machine                  B. result                      C. christmas                D. alone

7.         A. copy                        B. receive                    C. listen                       D. study

8.         A. different                  B. serious                    C. effective                 D. regular

9.         A. dangerous               B. countryside             C. energy                    D. volunteer

10.       A. answer                   B. listen                        C. enter                      D. obey

11.       A. station                    B. healthy                     C. safety                    D. alone

12..      A. tidy                         B. complete                 C. extend                    D. mistake

13.       A. dangerous              B. plentiful                    C. another                   D. limited

14.       A. easily                     B. energy                     C. consumption           D. negative

15        A. convenient             B. abundant                 C. different                 D. expensive

16.       A. petroleum              B. advantage               C. tendency                D. enormous

17.       A. attention                 B. pollution                   C. holiday                    D. effective

anh ha

Ex2 Find the word with the different underlined sound.

1.A. washed                                        B. needed                    C. danced                   D. matched

2.A. obey                                             B. key                          C. grey                        D. survey

3.A. ways                                            B. days                        C. says                        D. stays

4.A. diverse                                         B. drive                        C. invention                 D. crime

5.A. nature                                          B. poverty                   C. question                  D. future

6.A. convenient                                   B. social                      C. ocean                     D. special

7.A. designs                                        B. sails                         C. pedals                     D. pollutes

8.A. measure                                      B. breakfast                C. appear                    D. spread

9. A. biogas                                         B. character                C. abundant                D. traveling

10. A. illegal                                         B. pedal                       C. energy                    D. recommend

11. A. decided                                     B. hated                      C. designed                 D. polluted

12. A. matched                                   B.danced                    C. washed                   D. needed

13. A. embarrassed                            B. crowded                 C. excited                   D. divided

14. A. left                                             B. center                     C. enter                       D. frighten

15. A. convenient                                B. social                      C. ocean                     D. special

16. A. diverse                                      B. drive                       C. invention                 D. crime

17. A. truck                                         B. abundant                C. nuclear                   D. drum

18. A. obey                                          B. key                          C. grey                        D. survey

anh ha

VI. Choose the correct responses to these situation

1. Jenny: “How about seeing a movie this weekend?” – Peter: “…..”

          A. Great ideal!      B. You’re welcome         C. Thanks   D. Not at all

2. Jim: “It’s a nice picture!” – Anna: “….”

          A. Thanks!           B. Yes, I’d love to           C. Here you are     D. Sorry, I’m late

VII. Read the passage and choose the best answer

The sun is our nearest star, and all of our energy comes from it. The sun sends out very large amounts of energy every day. We call this energy solar energy or radiant energy. Without the sun, life on earth would not exist because our planet would be totally frozen. We use this solar energy in many different ways. The sunlight lets us see and warms us.

                   Plants use the light from the sun to grow. They store it as chemical energy. The energy is stored in their roots, fruits, and leaves. This energy feeds every living thing on the earth. When humans and animals eat plants, and the food made from plants, we store the energy in our bodies, in our muscles and in our brain cells.


 1. Which does all of our energy come from?

A. the sun             B. the wind           C. the water          D. nuclear power

2. If we didn’t have the sun, what would happen?

A. life would not exist    B. we live happily          C. life would exist D. life is hotter

3. Why do plants use the light from the sun?

A. to grow            B. to store             C. to make food    D. to run

4. Where do we store the energy?

A. in the shops      B. in our bodies    C. in the roots       D. in the leaves

VIII. Read the passage and choose the best answer

Running of The Bulls - Pamplona, Spain

          The Running of the Bulls is a (61)      of the famous San Fermin festival - a practice that involves running in front of a small group of bulls (typically a dozen) that have been let loose on a course of a town’s streets. A first firework is set off at 8 a.m. to alert the runners that the corral gate is (62)                   . A second firework signals that all six bulls have (63)                   released. The third and fourth fireworks are signals that all of the herd has entered the bullring, marking the end of the event. Every year between 200 and 300 people (64)                      injured during the run (65)                most injuries are due to falls and are not serious. So you think you support it?

61.     A. part                  B. whole               C. section              D. piece

62.     A. to close             B. closed               C. open                 D. opening

63.     A. be                    B. been                  C. being                D. to be

64.     A. are                    B. were                 C. have been         D. had been

65.     A. because            B. so            C. although                    D. but

anh ha

11. It is dangerous to ride a motorbike without a ..................     

          A. helmet              B. triangle             C. tricycle             D. circle

12. Do you know the .................. in the UK is to keep to the left?

          A. traffic light       B. traffic rule        C. traffic jam         D. speed limit

13. What I like about festivals is that they show the ............ values of different communities.

          A. Carnival           B. culture              C. cultural             D. parade

14. Turkey is one of the ..................foods at Thanksgiving in the US.

          A. Easter               B. serious              C. culture              D. traditional

15. Everyone has gone to the               festival.

          A. music               B. musical            C. musicians         D. musician

16. Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Light, is the                   holiday of the year in India.

          A. more important B. most important C. importance       D. most importance

17. It is                   to see elephants racing in the Elephant Race Festival in Dak Lak.

          A. amaze               B. amazing            C. amazed             D. amazement

18. La Tomatina is a                  festival to celebrate the tomato harvest.

          A. season              B. seasonal            C. year                  D. annually

19. Remember to              the lights before going to bed.

          A. turn                  B. turn off              C. turn on              D. stop

20. Biogas is                    and cheap for cooking and heating.

          A. plenty               B. abundant           C. serious              D. expensive

21. At this time next week, we             a wind turbine in our garden.

          A. install               B. installed            C. will installed    D. will be installing

22. Alternative sources of energy                   developed in the near future.

          A. is                     B. was                   C. has been            D. will be

23. Fossil fuels are very common in our society but they             the environment.

          A. renew               B. provide             C. waste                D. pollute

24. The wind, the sun, and the wave are some types of                sources of energy.

          A. changeable       B. alternative        C. cheap                D. costly

25. We will use more                 energy in the future.

          A. solar                 B. sunny               C. sun                    D. sunlight

26. A jet pack doesn’t                a lot of space.

          A. have                 B. bring                 C. take                  D. occur

27. We are looking for types of vehicles that help us to avoid              .

          A. traffic               B. traffic jam         C. rush hours        D. walking

28. Which     of transport do you think will be used in the future?

          A. mean                B. meaning            C. meanings           D. means

29. The white cat is Helen’s, and the black cat is              .                                                    

          A. my                    B. I                       C. mine                 D. of mine