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Số lượng câu hỏi 154
Số lượng câu trả lời 24
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 5

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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Read the text and answer the question, then do the following tasks.


The people living in Milton Keynes, a town about 70 kilometres northwest of London, have been introduced to a new transport experience when they use'pods' to travel on certain routes. 

The pods are a kind of driverless cars which travel at 19km/h and are able to transport two people and their luggage. There is a touchscreen in the windshield of the pods where passengers select their terminal. During the trip they can also read the news, check e-mails or play video games on the screen. Powered by electric motors, the pods have ultrasonic sensors and a GPS system that help themselves know where they are go?ng and how to avoid obstacles along the way. People can use a smartphone app to hail a pod in :ne street.

Do you think this way of transport will appear in cities in Viet Nam soon?
a. Decide if the staments are true (T) or false (F).Open parenthsis




1. Pods are a type of robot car



2. You can use pods to travel to any place you want.



3. Pods are eco-friendly.




b. Questions

1. Where is the project introduced?


2. What can passengers do with the touchscreen?


3. What enables pods to   -tere they are going and how to avoid obstacles?


4. Why should you need the smartphone app for pods?


Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Read the text and answer the question, then do the following tasks.


The people living in Milton Keynes, a town about 70 kilometres northwest of London, have been introduced to a new transport experience when they use'pods' to travel on certain routes. 

The pods are a kind of driverless cars which travel at 19km/h and are able to transport two people and their luggage. There is a touchscreen in the windshield of the pods where passengers select their terminal. During the trip they can also read the news, check e-mails or play video games on the screen. Powered by electric motors, the pods have ultrasonic sensors and a GPS system that help themselves know where they are go?ng and how to avoid obstacles along the way. People can use a smartphone app to hail a pod in :ne street.

Do you think this way of transport will appear in cities in Viet Nam soon?
a. Decide if the staments are true (T) or false (F).




1. Pods are a type of robot car



2. You can use pods to travel to any place you want.



3. Pods are eco-friendly.




b. Questions

1. Where is the project introduced?


2. What can passengers do with the touchscreen?


3. What enables pods to   -tere they are going and how to avoid obstacles?


4. Why should you need the smartphone app for pods?
