Work with a partner. Look at the chart below. Circle the correct answers.
Critical thinking.Talk with a partner. Do you have a bike-share system in your city? Do you think it is a good idea?
Cities on the move
Who are we?
At Fun Bike-Share, we provide bike-share services for the whole city.
Why bike sharing?
Cities are usually full of people and traffic. Sometimes, traffic makes it difficult for people to get around. However, bike-share systems give you a different way to commute. In a bike-share systems, you pay to use a bike for a short time. It’s convienient because you can get a bike from any bike station in the city. Then, return it at another bike station. Biking is a cheap and fun way of exploring the city. It’s environmentally friendly, too.
Getting around
Our system is easy to use. You can use a smartphone application to look for bikes and to pay for them, You can also see where the bike stations are and the number of parking spaces available.
Fun fact
Bike sharing is not new. It started in Europe in about 1965. In 2013, there were more than 500 bike-share systems in 49 different countries. There are now almost a million bikes in bike-share system worldwide.
Pricing Contact us
Membership: $18/month Email:
Single ride: $2 trip Website:
Look at the tittle. What do you think Fun-Bike-Share is?
Answer the questions about Fun Bike-Share system. (Trả lời các câu hỏi về hệ thống Fun Bike-Share)