he solidarity of our people has been demonstrated by its development through the abolition and the preservation of our father's country. From the King Hung Vuong's people have known how to stand up fighting against foreign invaders from Ba Trưng, Ba Trieu .... To Nguyen Hue, Dinh Tien Hoang these unyielding heroes are victorious not only thanks to their strategy or victory, but also thanks to the support for the spirit of solidarity against the enemy. our people. It is also the motivation to help our people overcome all barriers to foreign invasion and increasingly asserted the territorial rights of the country by the collective force. This spirit is increasingly raised when his country through two wars against France and the United States. With rudimentary weapons, a small country can win two mighty empires with weapons of the belt, all thanks to the solidarity of our people. The victory in history has won. Once again confirm the correctness of the folk song: "One tree made should not be three-tree bunched up high mountains" of our father. easy to implement.
The spirit of solidarity is very necessary and in a collective, the role of the spirit of unity becomes more important as if everyone together build a collective solidarity, the relationship between people becomes more and more. To show the spirit of solidarity is also the manifestation of people with culture, knowledge.However, in the collective still have "Trống beat back trumpet. They always find ways to divide sects that lead to disunity, which in turn creates contradictions, is not desirable. That capital and action should be criticized.
Unity is a necessary virtue in building and forming the human personality. To build up the spirit of solidarity, I will be together with my classmates, the school tightening solidarity to create relationships. I would like to motivate you in a class together to play together rather than split up into groups so that this person is not good about the other cause misunderstanding. Not only that, I also create a good relationship. with friends around the world about friendly people in Vietnam to tighten solidarity.
Solidarity is always a precious tradition of people are appreciated and promoted. Today, the spirit of solidarity is also an important factor for successful success of each person. Perform good spirit. Unity is what we do well the third of the five teachings