Luyện tập tổng hợp

Ngọc Anh Nguyễn

I. Rewrite the sentences using both...and,nether...nor,either..or,not only...but also.

1. Karen will pick you up from the station or else Miles will.


2. John hasn't been to Germany and his brother hasn't either.


3. Jo and Jim speak French.


4. Paul doesn't like going to the cinema. Tim doesn't either.


5. James likes going fishing, so does Kate.


6. This winter Liz is going skiing, so are her parents.


7.Tim will fix your car or else John will


8. Pete and Nicki prepared the dinner.


9. Jane is going on a picnic this Sunday and so are her schoolmates.


II. Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words.

1. Danny can speak Chinese aand so can his brother. ( But )

- can speak Chinese.

2. Gordon is a journalist: his wife is too. ( are )

- Both....................................................journalists.

3. The exihibition will be opened by tthe mayormor the Queen. ( or )

- Either the............................................opened the exhibition.

4.Not only Patricia but also her husband want to emigrate. ( and ) emigrate.

5. She doesn't enjoy sleeping in a tent and nor does her sister.( nor )

- Neither......................................................................sleeping in a tent.

6. Bob is about to leave; Helen is about to leave too. ( also )

- Not only........................................................about to leave.

7. My father didn't go to university and neither did my mother.( Nor )

-Neither university.

8. You can ask John or Tom to help you prune the trees.( either )

- You help you prune the trees.

III. Fill in : a lot ( of ), much or many.

1. Ther can't be ............people who haven't seen Jurassic Park.

2.She doesn't have..............time to hersefl these days.

3.Why haven't you washed the dishes ? You didn't have............else to do.

4. He's very popular. He always has ..................people at his house.

5. We don't get on very well as we haven't common.

6. Will there be ..............guests at the wedding ?

7. You need .......................courage to be a firefighter.

8. people joined the club this year ?

9. There are too...............mistakes in your composition.

10. There's still ....................... food left over from the party last night.

11. I hope we didn't make .................noise when we came in late last night.

12. She's eaten too......sweets so she doesn't feel well.

13. There's ..........................poverty in some African countries.

14. She must have to afford such expensive clothes.

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