Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 43
Số lượng câu trả lời 2
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 3

Người theo dõi (1)

Đang theo dõi (0)


I.          Complete the sentences with prepositions of time: in, at, on, before, between, after.

1.      I’ll see you __________the evening.

2.      Mozart was born __________Salzburg__________1756.

3.      What do you usually do __________Sunday? We often go for long walks in the country __________weekends.

4.      They got married __________21st April 2002.

5.      I’m usually free __________ 8pm and 10pm.

6.      The course begins __________12May and ends sometime __________August.

7.      She doesn’t like travelling __________night.

8.      I’ll leave __________ 7 o’clock, so you should call me __________7.

9.      My English class finishes __________7.30. let’s meet __________ 7.30.

10.  Do you give each other presents __________Christmas?

11.  There are usually a lot of parties __________ New Year’s Eve.

II.        Word form:

1.      The _______________ of the photographic studio was expensive. (equip)

2.      I was so _______________about the football match last night. (excitement)

3.      Ao dai is a kind of _______________costume of  Vietnam. (tradition)

4.      He is very proud of his _______________. (wise)

5.      His father soon died because of a _______________heart. (break)

6.      Don’t be foolish and _______________ (greed)

7.      _______________, I lost all my money on the way home. (fortune)

8.      It is always _______________to write down important points. (wisdom)

9.      Every student was very _______________ about the holiday. (excite)

10.  A fairy appeared and _______________changed Little Pea’s rags into beautiful clothes. (magic)

11.  When the _______________ failed, he struck the match to find the candles. (electric)

12.  She was _______________enough to believe him. (fool)

13.  All the dancers wore_______________ costumes. (tradition)

14.  My uncle is an _______________engineer. (electrify)

15.  You made a wise _______________ when you choose to study Spanish. (decide) III. Rewrite these sentences with “used to” :

1. There was a big tree in this field, but now there isn’t any tree.

ð    ______________________________________________________________ 2. I often went swimming , but now I don’t go any more.

ð    ______________________________________________________________ 3. My father gave up smoking two years ago, but now he doesn’t any longer. ð ______________________________________________________________

4. There was a movie theater here but now it closes.

ð ______________________________________________________________

5. My sister often played tennis a lot, but she doesn’t play very often now. ð ______________________________________________________________ 6. When I was a child, I studied hard, but now don’t any more.

ð ______________________________________________________________

7. I lived on a farm once, but I don’t any more.

ð    ______________________________________________________________ 8. John lived in Scotland, but now he lives in London.

ð    ______________________________________________________________ IV. Choose the correct answer:

1. _______________is a story passed on in spoken form from one generation to the next.

a. Novel                             b. Fiction                     c. Folktale                   d. Legend

2. I _______________tennis a lot, but I don’t play very often now.

a. used to play                   b. use to play               c. am used to play       d. play

3. My grandma _______________us when my parents were away from home.

a. looked after                   b. looked for                c. looked at                  d. looked up

4. Oh, that’s nice! Where _______________ it?

a. do you buy                    b. will you buy            c. did you buy             d. you buy

5. She feels _______________that we didn’t tell her the truth.

a. cruel                              b. greedy                     c. upset                        d. happy

6. The office will be closed _______________Christmas and New Year.

a. at                                    b. between                   c. before                      d. after

7. His wife _______________ five years ago.

a. die                                  b. died                         c. dies                          d. was dying

8. We usually open our present _______________ midnight.

a. in                                   b. at                             c. on                            d. when

9. The committee decided _______________the offer.

a. to accept                        b. for accepting           c. accepting                 d. accept

10. He died _______________ a heart attack.

a. with                               b. of                             c. because                   d. by