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1 how much is the T-shirt ?
2 how much are the jeans ?
3 what's your phone number?
4 They are going to play football ?
I will have a family outing in April, so I have a perfect spot, which is Co To "island. We will go to Co To island in 3 days by car and boat. when we arrive we will have 3 days 2 nights to have fun. The first day, we will get up very early to see the sunrise, at noon we will rent a car to visit the nature there and the lighthouse. On the second day, we will take a bath in the cool sea and take beautiful pictures. On the last day, we will go to the market in the morning to buy local specialties. It is very special to me because it is not only an outing but it is also a trip full of discovery, learning and fun.
Chỗ tiếp nối hai đầu thanh ray đường tàu hoả có để một khe hở giữa hai thanh vì khi trời nóng hay bị tàu hỏa nhiều lần ma sát, các thanh ray nở dài ra do đó nếu không để khe hở, sự nở vì nhiệt của đường ray sẽ bị ngăn cản, gây ra lực rất lớn làm cong đường ray.