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List of Headingsi. Where the harmful particles come fromii. The problem of fire ironed outiii. Carbonex is idea for factoriesiv. Carbonex works with more than one fossil fuel v. Problems with fossil fuelvi. Alternative energyvii. It is a two-way processviii. Iron is the bestix. Engine power vs. clean emissionsx. Greenhouse effect and global warmingxi. The side- effect of one solutionxii Increase engine efficiency - how it works.The problem of fire Ironed OutIt has been quite a while since man discovered fire. But it is only recently that he has learnt enough chemistry to think of improving it. Take fossil fuels, suchas coal and oil, for example. They give off plenty of heat when they burn ;unfortunately, they give off plenty of other things as well, including the particlesthat make up smog and soot, the carbon dioxide responsible for the greenhouseeffect and the oxides of nitrogen and sculpture that help to made acid rain. A newfuel additive called Carbonex seems drastically to reduce emissions of particles andof nitrogen oxides. It may thus help to solve half the problems.To understand the solution, take a closer look at the problem. Fossil fuelsare mostly made of carbon, which reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide (inthe case of coal) or carbon dioxide and water (on the case of petrol, diesel fuel andother refined oils). The combustion of fossil fuels is8never quite complete. Small, unburnt particles of fuel always escape, often as blacksmoke. These particles contain cancer- causing chemicals and are ever moreunpopular.There is a standard fix for this. To reduce the problem of incompleteburning, combustion chambers are routinely flooded with about 25% more air thanthey need to burn their fuel. The idea is to give the flame more oxygen and hence,increase the efficiency of burning. But there is a snag. Dry air is 21% oxygen and78% nitrogen. Nitrogen, like carbon, reacts with oxygen at high temperature—in this case producing the nitrogen oxides (NOX) that help cause aid rain. Whenextra air is added to a combustion chamber, emissions of soot and smog go downbut NOX emissions go up. Carbonex, invented by an academic chemist, Dr. DavidFarrar. At the university of Toronto, and developed by Velino Ventures of Toronto,tries to alleviate this. The active ingredient is a hydrocarbon molecule to which aniron atom is bound. The molecule acts as a carrier for the iron, letting it dissolve in. Paragraph A 2. Paragraph B Paragraph C 3. Paragraph D 4. Paragraph E 5. Paragraph F Paragraph G Paragraph H………………………….………………………….…………xi………….… ………………………….………………………….………………………….…………iv……….…… …………iii..………….