Look at the photo. Circle tow words you think you will hear to describe the monkeys.
Look at the photo. Circle tow words you think you will hear to describe the monkeys.
Check your answers to the Before You Watch question.
Look at the photo. Circle tow words you think you will hear to describe the monkeys.
Thảo luận (1)Hướng dẫn giải
Watch the video again. Circle T for True or F for False.
Thảo luận (1)Hướng dẫn giải
Talk with a partner. Do you want to go to this festival? Do you know any other animal festivals?
Thảo luận (2)Hướng dẫn giải- Festival Vegetarian food
- Rules: Bring one homemade vegetarian food
- It takes places in a big Pagoda
- People join in making vegetarian food
- Try the food and guess the name, find out the most delicious homemade vegetarian food.
(Trả lời bởi Hà Quang Minh)