Language Focus 1

Task 1 (SGK Friends Plus - Trang 41)

Hướng dẫn giải

1. many

2. a lot of / a few

3. enough

4. much

5. many

6. much

(Trả lời bởi Sunn)
Thảo luận (1)

Task 2 (SGK Friends Plus - Trang 41)

Hướng dẫn giải

1. many, a few, a lot of, enough

2. enough, much, a little, a lot of

3. a few, a little

4. a lot of, much, many

5. enough

(Trả lời bởi Sunn)
Thảo luận (1)

Task 3 (SGK Friends Plus - Trang 41)

Hướng dẫn giải

1 – much

2 – A lot of

3 – not enough

4 – how many

5 – too many

6 – a few

7 – a little

(Trả lời bởi Sunn)
Thảo luận (1)

Task 4 (SGK Friends Plus - Trang 41)

Hướng dẫn giải

1. much

2. lot

3. too

4. enough

5. few

6. not

(Trả lời bởi ☞Tᖇì ᑎGâᗰ ☜)
Thảo luận (1)

Task 5 (SGK Friends Plus - Trang 41)

Hướng dẫn giải

A: Do you eat a lot of chocolate?

B: I think so. I eat a few pieces of chocolate everyday.

A: Do you drink a lot of milk?

B: I think so. I drink two glasses of milk everyday.

A: How much rubbish does your family recycle each week?

B: We recycle a little rubbish every day.

A: How much water does your family waste each week?

B: Not too much. Actually, we always try to save water

(Trả lời bởi Sunn)
Thảo luận (1)

Finished? (SGK Friends Plus - Trang 41)

Hướng dẫn giải

Tham khảo:

Here are some rules for my class on how everyone can help reduce waste:

1. Bring a refillable water bottle to class instead of disposable ones. This will reduce a lot of plastic waste.


2. Use reusable bags instead of single-use plastic bags when bringing things to class. A few reusable bags in your backpack or locker can make a big difference.

3. Turn off classroom lights and electronics when not in use or when leaving the room for a long period of time. This can save a lot of energy.

4. Use a pencil until it is too short to write with, instead of throwing it away when there is still enough lead left. This will reduce the amount of pencil waste.

(Trả lời bởi ☞Tᖇì ᑎGâᗰ ☜)
Thảo luận (2)