Taking steps to conserve and reuse is easier than you might think. You can do your part just by changing your daily habits. To help save the environment, try decreasing energy and water consumption, changing your eating and transportation habits to conserve natural resources, and adapting your home and yard to be more environmentally friendly. Once you've made your own lifestyle more environmentally conscious, you can also engage in activism to help educate others on doing the same.
Switch off anything that uses electricity when not in use. If you're not using it, turn it off. This goes for lights, televisions, computers, printers, and so on.
Put timers on lamps and use them to turn off lamps at the same time each day. Timers like these can be found in hardware stores and they can be plugged into outlets, then control the power to your lamp. You can also find heaters and fans that have timers on them. So if it's cold or hot during the night it will switch off for you. Most of the timers go for an hour and then automatically switch off. 2 Unplug devices when possible. Leaving devices plugged in, such as laptop chargers or toasters, can use "phantom" energy. Even when an appliance is turned off, it may still use power because the applications on the electronics will constantly use electricity.[1] It is best to unplug anything that you do not anticipate using in the next 36 hours (or more). Use a power strip to turn lots of things off with the flip of a single switch. You can plug all your devices in one area—say, your computer—into a power strip. When you're done, simply turn the power strip off with the switch. Measure the energy your devices use or look up typical energy use. To measure usage yourself, use a Kill-a-Watt. You plug an appliance in through the Kill-A-Watt, and it measures the power use. This tool can also tell you whether a particular appliance or device draws power when it is turned off. 3 Trade in your dryer for a good old-fashioned clothesline. Air drying leaves your clothes smelling fresh and is environmentally friendly. Tumble dryers are among the biggest energy users in most households, after the refrigerator and air conditioner. If you do use a dryer, make sure to keep the vent clear, for safety as well as efficiency. Also, when using a washing machine, make sure you have a full load of dirty clothes. Do not just put a couple of dirty clothes into the washing machine as that wastes water. Instead make sure you have a full load of dirty clothing to conserve the water and electricity. If you want, you can also hand wash clothes in a sink or buy a energy efficiency washing machine that doesn't use a lot of waterRun your air conditioner sparingly or not at all. Air conditioners use a great deal of electricity. Use natural ventilation or a fan to keep cool, as much as possible. If you do use an air conditioner, set it to a slightly lower temperature than outside. Remember that setting the temperature lower uses more electricity, and it won't cool things off any faster.Close the heating and air conditioning vents in your home. If you are not using certain rooms in your house, close the vents in these rooms, and close the doors. Doing this consistently will reduce the amount of energy squandered by heating or cooling seldom occupied spaces.Don't use electronic exercise machines. Instead of using exercise equipment, use a real bicycle (or a unicycle), or walk to get to nearby destinations or for pleasure. Calisthenics, push-ups, and other bodyweight exercises work, as well. Use a warm blanket or sweater in winter. Bundle yourself up and lower your thermostat by a few degrees. Aim to set your thermostat at 68°F (20 °C) in the winter, perhaps even lower at night. Every degree above this will generate about 6-8% additional energy output. Chúc bạn học tốt