Luyện tập tổng hợp

Trịnh Thanh Lâm

III. Correct the fllowing senteces. Write the correct sentences under the wrong one.

1,Yesterday I have seen a really good film 


2,I work in this officc in 1992


3,When this lesson begins?


4,What was the matter?-I were seeing a road accident


5,Water is boiiing  at 100 degrees by Celsius


6,Joe plays in the garden at the moment


7,I have met that man a week ago


8,He broke his arm while he played football.


9,He knows her when he was at university


10,My father going fishing last weekend


11,We did bought a new sofa last month


12,I am not agree with you


13,She don't speak German


14,Did you packing your suitcase now ?


15,How long it takes to drive to Tallinn?


16,Was you listening to music when I reached home?


17,The Earth is moving round the Sun


18,The plane will leave at 5 pm yesterday


19,I didn't wanted to go to the cinema because I had seen the film already


20,What will you doing this time yesterday


21,It is raining when I got home last night


22,My sister is anything today, but usually she is nice


23,I have not eat anything last night


24,If I am a child, I would play outside


25,Everyone have seen that movie


26,If we will be late, they will be angry


27,My father is thinking that I should stop smoking


28,Look! It is snow


29,I fell asleep while i watched TV


30,I lived in Canada this time last year


IV.Rearrage these given words so that they are in right orders.





















V.Read the text carefully and answer the questions below

Last night Mr. and Mrs. Rojas stayed home. It was cold and rainy and they didn’t want to go out inthe bad weather. Mrs. Rojas made some popcorn and iced tea. At 8:00, Mr. and Mrs. Rojas went into the living room, sat on the sofa and began the movie and ate and drank. At 8:15, Mr. and Mrs. Rojas
realized they already watched the movie last year and they didn’t want to watch it again. “Now what?” asked Mr. Rojas. “Let’s play cards!” answered Mrs. Rojas. At 8:30 Mr. and Mrs. Rojas started to play cards. They were playing for about 10 minutes when Mr. Rojas looked out the window. The rain changed to snow and the trees were covered in beautiful white snowflakes. “I’m happy we stayed home tonight. It looks beautiful outside, but this weather is very dangerous to drive in.” said Mr. Rojas. “You’re right,” said Mrs. Rojas, “but I’m bored. Let’s play some music and dance.”Mr. Rojas was surprised. “Dance? But I really don’t ….” “Oh, come on!” Mrs. Rojas insisted. She put on a romantic CD and they both started to dance. They were dancing for about 1 minute when suddenly the music stopped, and the lights went out. Mrs. Rojas laughed. “We’re just not very lucky tonight, are we?” she said. Mr. Rojas said, “Of course we’re lucky! We are together!” He kissed her and continued to dance with her, in the dark and withoutmusic.
1. Why did Mr. and Mrs. Rojas stay home last night?
2. What did Mrs. Rojas make?
3. What were Mr. and Mrs. Rojas doing when it started to snow?
4. Why was Mr. Rojas happy they stayed home?
5. What were Mr. and Mrs. Rojas doing when the lights went out?

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